What does the band do while the stage is being set up

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Most, if not all of the flying out the of country after shows for tax reasons, was done on the first leg. They did not stay in L.A. other than for 1 night on the first leg, yet stayed here many nights on the third leg., so I suspect that they did indeed stay in Miami, New York and the other cities mentioned on the third leg.

Back in early April I found it real odd that after both nights at Anaheim, they left immedietely in their vehicles with police escort, as well as after the second night at Staples. A good friend of mine has a friend who works for Warner Brothers Records. This guy was told by the Kings of Leon tour manager that U2 was staying in Mexico after almost every show and on the days between shows for tax reasons. This was the first I time I had heard of it, so I believe it makes sense. On the third leg, I don't think there was much of it done. I do recall after New York night 8 on November 22nd that supposedly the band left immediately and flew to Canada. This supposedly was the reason that the start time of that show was moved up by 1/2 hour, to allow them this time to be out of the US prior to midnight. What strwar718
paosted above makes a lot of sense.

One point I was making earlier was that while the other 3 guys were staying in Mexico on the first leg, Edge was staying at home in Malibu, even though he would then have to pay a higer amount of taxes to the US government than the other 3. I beleive he did this out of his concern for his daughter's medical well being, rightfully placing family before saving some money.

On December 2, 2001 I was in Miami for the final Elevation show. After the show ended, I walked over to try to meet band members by the loading dock, only to hear from the crew the band left immediately after the show because they had to be out of the U.S. prior to midnight for some type of legal reasons, which i assumed had to do with their work visas, but maybe it was for tax reasons also. This explains why the Elevation end of tour party was held after the Atlanta show and before Tampa and Miami.
I'm amazed, U2 are worth brazillions and they still are trying to minimise their income tax??? :eyebrow:

When they tour Australia/NZ next March, where they gonna stay? Antarctica?? :huh:
I find these tax reasons statements to be strange and far-fetched, I don't believe it. As for the band staying in Mexico, I don't believe that either, altho they apparently did have compounds in Mexico and the Bahamas where they would jet off to for R&R for during breaks in the tour. That is not unusual. Personally I don't understand why some seem to make such a big deal out of where the band stays in each city, or whether they leave immediately after the shows or not....I just want to enjoy the shows and the music!
you may find it far fetched.. but people are wealthy because they manage their money well (look what happened to mike tyson, mc hammer, etc, etc)... they could lose thousands (and i have heard numbers such as $25,000) a day in taxes.
Carek1230 said:
I find these tax reasons statements to be strange and far-fetched, I don't believe it. As for the band staying in Mexico, I don't believe that either, altho they apparently did have compounds in Mexico and the Bahamas where they would jet off to for R&R for during breaks in the tour. That is not unusual. Personally I don't understand why some seem to make such a big deal out of where the band stays in each city, or whether they leave immediately after the shows or not....I just want to enjoy the shows and the music!

The reason why myself and others care is that a lot of fans, myself included, wait after the shows to meet U2 members who may come out and pose for photos or sign items. I live in Los Angeles which usually serves as a hub city for U2 when they are playing in the Western U.S. When after 3 out of the 4 nights that they played in the Los Angeles area on the first leg they immediately left the shows with police escort (extremely unusual for U2 Los Angeles area shows) I was curious as to why.

I don't really care that much about the financials behind U2 unless it has some affect on me personally. That is why when my friend told me the info that the Kings of Leon tour manager had said about their flying out after shows to Mexico for tax reasons, it all made sense to me.

Do you really think when U2 was playing in Anaheim on April 1-2 that they would fly to Mexico between shows unless there was some real financial reason or something to do with their work permits? To do this is a lot more hassle and expensive than just staying overnight, expecially in a city they normally do this in.
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I would put U2 in a particular category of their own when it comes to wealth. They probably earn more, and have MORE CONTROL over their earnings, than any other artist out there at the moment.

Does the US have peculiar work visa situations/tax laws for mega-rich rock stars than other countries in the world? Were U2 doing this while in Europe, ie flying home to Dublin in between shows in Europe?

No wonder they took so long coming to Australia/NZ then. They're only worried about the tax hits. Once they're here in Oz, they're stuck. Where can they go between shows, Singapore, Jakarta? :huh:
I am not a tax expert but I do understand that if you spend 6 months of the year or more, then the US tax law deems you to be a full time American citizen and you are therefore taxed on your worldwide income. U2 needs to make sure they are not "resident" in the US for more than 183 days. This explains why they need to spend time in Canada and Mexico.

If you look at the calendar they would be in the US more than 6 months if they stayed in the US between every US date.

We are talking very big dollars saved by not having all of their worldwide income taxed by Uncle Sam (especially in a tour year)..I hope this explains the "taxr easons" a little better.
vicyboy is right about the tax laws.

My brother is a dual citizen between the USA and New Zealand. He deals with many of these same issues with taxes here in the states when it comes time to pay up at the end of the year.

I'm sure that they make sure they are only here a certain amount of days, cuz I can't even begin to imagine the taxes they would have to pay if they were considered full citizens by our goverment.
blueeyedgirl said:

No wonder they took so long coming to Australia/NZ then. They're only worried about the tax hits. Once they're here in Oz, they're stuck. Where can they go between shows, Singapore, Jakarta? :huh:

please please come to Singapore, Adam!!! PLEASE!!! We have a great airport here!

ok, sillyness from me aside, I thought this $23, 000 per person per day tax thing only applied to USA and not Aust?

Bush should make U2 honarary US citizens. That ought to score him some points with his people, since America loves U2.
do ya think they will base in sydney while in australia/nz, or hopscotch around?
Jeef690 said:
I am pretty sure they stayed in Miami when they came down here...

They definitely stayed in Miami. I know that Bono, at least, arrived in Miami on Nov. 10 and didn't leave until Nov. 16, the date of the Tampa show. I think a lot of it has to do with weather and it's nice they are able to choose between hot (Mexico) and freezing (Canada) on this third leg. Miami, of course, fits into the hot, although it was actually just warm while they were here.
I have heard that Larry's family lives in Rockland County, NY. Rockland county is 5 minutes away from my county. It is approximately 45 minutes north of NYC (barring traffic).
The tax stuff is accurate; it's been that way for at least thirty years and probably longer. If you spend more than six months living in the US, you are deemed a resident and subject to a higher rate of taxation.
They also may be a little more sensitive to tax issues now than in the past; the Irish government abolished the tax break afforded to artists in Ireland a week or so ago. Previously Irish artists did not have to pay any tax in Ireland. Now, they are required to pay just like everyone else. They also can't put the bulk of their money into tax-free investments anymore, so it'll be harder to avoid the up to 60% the Irish are often charged!
Halup said:

Larry has a place in New York state a little bit outside of NYC. Reports filtered out on the Elevation tour that he had bought a home there.

rumor has it he also owns a piece of a very appropriately named bar in the town in which he bought said house...
DubbalinGirl said:
They also may be a little more sensitive to tax issues now than in the past; the Irish government abolished the tax break afforded to artists in Ireland a week or so ago. Previously Irish artists did not have to pay any tax in Ireland. Now, they are required to pay just like everyone else. They also can't put the bulk of their money into tax-free investments anymore, so it'll be harder to avoid the up to 60% the Irish are often charged!

There is also a international tax concept called the "Perpetual Traveler" (you can do a google search on this term). Under this arrangement, you are a resident of no one country and therefore owe no income tax to anyone. I'm not sure what Ireland's requirements are, but it seems like U2 split their time between 4 or 5 countries.

edit: here's an article on this concept:
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Wow this kind of sucks for the guys, Ireland making these tax changes, altho they are already financially set for life as well as their entire families set for life. Sure they want to minimize taxes paid to optimize earnings and they therefore employ staff certified to do just that for them and to advise them accordingly. I doubt any of them would give up their Irish citizenship for tax reasons or benefits, but it's got to be confusing taking out all the necessary work permits and visas for all the countries they will visit and specifically work in around the globe.

A crew member advised us in the GA line up at the Vegas1 show that the band had not been attending sound check and would not be attending that afternoon, that the band was flying in from LA and were expected around 6:30pm for the show. The crew are all well informed and it really is interesting to get to know some of them--they are so open and honest with information and details!
Call me Scrooge (it is the day after all :wink: ) but I'm not all that sorry for U2 if Ireland's tax laws now affect them more seriously in their collective pockets. If I were to sit down and work out what I've spent on this band over 24 years I might need an ambulance, not just an accountant! :madspit:
Pop Artist said:
These last dates since Buffalo have been the exception to the rule though, likely because they have been hopscotching about a bit. Although they apparently did stay in Chicago between Charlotte and St. Louis, they actually have been overnighting in the cities they've been playing - they stayed in Cleveland, Charlotte and Omaha.

they had not planned on staying in cleveland the night before the show but weather concerns changed their plans--they did a runner back to chicago after that show. After Charlotte they also did a runner back to Chicago, and after Omaha they went to LA...
So, now that they are going to Monterrey and Mexico City...do you think they would spend a few days in each city...or is it more likely that they are going to base in Mexico City and fly to Monterrey only for the show?

I guess they would spend a few days in Monterrey considering it would be their first time there.
I talked to a crew member and he said when they're playing in the Northeast, the usually choose to stay in Vancover, and when they're in the South they like Cancun. And whenever they're somewhat close to NYC, Bono likes to go back to his apartment.

However, I met a woman who got Bono's autograph outside his hotel in Boston, which is only a couple of hours from NYC... so I really don't know. I'm sure the crew member was just giving the simplified version, but the point is, they do tend to stay out of the country for tax reasons.
alainn-la said:
I talked to a crew member and he said when they're playing in the Northeast, the usually choose to stay in Vancover, and when they're in the South they like Cancun. And whenever they're somewhat close to NYC, Bono likes to go back to his apartment.

However, I met a woman who got Bono's autograph outside his hotel in Boston, which is only a couple of hours from NYC... so I really don't know. I'm sure the crew member was just giving the simplified version, but the point is, they do tend to stay out of the country for tax reasons.

the band has multiple hotels in each city they stay in, one for the band, one for the crew... they had a hotel in new york city even though bono stayed in his apartment.
My guess for base city for the Mexico shows would be Acapulco since they vacationed there. Cancun is still recovering from the hurricane I believe.
ntalwar said:
My guess for base city for the Mexico shows would be Acapulco since they vacationed there. Cancun is still recovering from the hurricane I believe.

From what I heard Acapulco is a shadow of its former self with the local government battling crime syndicates. And Mexico city is one of THE places in the world to be kidnapped for money. With only Colombia being more risky. If the objective is a place to stay for the night Cancun will still suffice IMHO. Its not like it suffered New Orleans like amounts of damage.
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