What do you want to be reincarnated as?

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War Child
May 15, 2002
bono's leathers wouldnt be all bad :D

hmm maybe a butterfly though i think, although id want to come in on the butterfly, not the caterpillar.

a bird...

i just want to be able to shit on people i dont like.

I'd like to come back as a pampered, spoiled house cat!!!

I always used to wish I was my kitty when I would be leaving the house for school or work or worrying about every damm thing in my life and she would just be lounging on a fluffy comforter, purring away, oblivious to the problems in the world!!
bono_man said:
a bird...

i just want to be able to shit on people i dont like.



I'd like to be reincarnated as Samantha Morton in the Electrical Storm video. :lol:

Okay if it has to be an animal or an object, maybe a bird, though not for the same reason as you bono_man. I've always wanted to fly (without taking the :censored: plane...i hate taking the plane), and I've had many dreams that I was able to fly...That would be absolutely wonderful and quite a sensation...
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mad1 said:
hmmmmm good question Cowgirl, though im not sure, but IF I could, right.....I'd love to be a wild black stallion, running freely and fast through fields somewhere.........just being a fiesty horse!!!!


yknow mad, i work in a stables, i could set ya up!:wave: :p :sexywink:


But if that doesn't work out, being a cat wouldn't be bad either. Just find a warm spot on the carpet and sleep away the day!
mad1 said:
A lemming?

Wtf is a lemming!

A vertical squirrel or something?

they are interesting little things which jump off cliffs and die
hmmm hard choice as always, but I have a song, by Jim Post

Once you were a rock, and you practiced patience for a million years.
Then you were a bird, and you flew away from anything that you might fear,
Then you were a tree, and you leant an ear to each and every tear..
Now you are a man, come and sit beside the fire and,
talk with me.
We'll talk about the rock, we'lll talk about the tree and we'll talk about the bird that flew so free.
We'll laugh about the dream inside of you,we'll laugh about the dream inside of me...

I just had to say that, I love old Jim, still can't find much reference to him. Colorado Exile I love that album, when the time is right.

If I had to choose,I'd be a better person I suppose.
If I had to choose an animal, maybe a Galapogas tortoise...but not George, George is the last of his species left on one particular island , no one to love him.

Oh........ of course!! a dolphin, that lives in a very safe part of the ocean, perferably tropical with a lagoon surrounded by coral and big family pod, that knows a good surf break, no humans to share it with...except nice ones.
Thanks Amanda I enjoyed that:)
talk of this mermaid is really getting me excited...ES!ES! ES!!

hmmm the answer before mine.

I had a friend that always had a new joke or two every time I saw him (he was my school friend's fiance) He is the close friend I mentioned that was killed in a motor bike accident. I so miss his humour and hearing him whistle a tune ( he liked Aussie bush music and was friends with the Bullamakanka's if you rememeber that band).A real Aussie wag. he called the bush block they were planning to build a house on Didyabringabeeralong...you know the sort of character, loved bikes, women, a tiler by trade,a real wag.
ANYway, the last 2 jokes he told me were about reincarnation of all things...they are a bit rude, but that answer before mine brings it to mind...there were these two priests...maybe you know it...and the tablecloth one...I often think of Jethro when I am laying the table. I miss him.
...as one of my friend Bonnie's cats. She is SUCH a wonderful "kitty mom" ...babies and coddles those kitties like crazy. I could come back 9 times for that! :D

Hmmm....but I really like kingofsorrow's answer too! :up::edge:
But Bono might be better....cos has has an entourage of people following him to pick up /clean up after all the little disasters he creates....oh, and he has Ali too. :heart:
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