What are your Valentine's Day plans?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 2, 2000
Lansdale, PA
For those of us fortunate enough to celebrate the holiday falling on February 14th that is NOT Singles Appreciation Day (though I respect all those who do celebrate SAD, I'm usually there), what are your plans?

I've already given Colleen a little "pre-Valentine" gift, it was a little stuffed Miaka doll (character from anime Fushigi Yuugi). The big present is a really nice edition of Lady Murasake's Tale of Genji a medieval Japanese book. She's read about half of it before, I'm not really sure how much she liked it. But she's got a huge interest in Japanese culture, (she did live there for four months and has been interested her whole life), so I think it suits her.

The actual Valentine's Day date is going to fall this Saturday, since we have play rehearsals on Monday and after that I'm on duty (Resident Assistant in my dorm). So Saturday we're going out to eat at this restaurant in my home town, and then out to Blackfriar's Playhouse (only replica, I believe globally, of Shakespeare's indoor playhouse) to see "the Tamer Tamed." It's a sequel to the Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew," so I figured it's a good choice because it's both lighthearted and has a feminist edge she's sure to enjoy. I did promise her last time we went to the theatre that this time we'd sit on the stage, so I bought stage seats. Guy who sold them to me told me I was a brave man. But I can handle the interaction with the actors if it makes her night that much more enjoyable.

After that, I guess we'll just come back to my room and chill. I do of course, plan on doing the standard showing-up-at-her-door-with-flowers-and-chocolate, mostly because I don't think either of us has really gotten to do that before. Then I guess the gifts and cards will be when she comes back here, so that we can sit and talk and you know, just have "us" time.

I've spent WAY too much money on this stuff for a broke-ass college student. Like 100 (thank god for sales, it would have been closer to 170) bucks on clothes (new shirt, black V-Day boxers, silk tie, and new pants). 38 for tickets (would have been 50, but I know the guy who sold me the tickets, he got me a little off), I'm estimating around 50 for the food where we're going, 10 for the doll, 40 for the book (would have been 60+ if not for Amazon), and whatever I spend in flowers and chocolate (can't go top dollar here, but I'm not going to get crap either.)

I just hope she has a good time. Valentine's Day is something i'm usually really cynical about. But being with someone you really care about does in fact give it some meaning.

For those curious, here's a preview of my outfit. You can't see here, but the pants, shoes, belt, and socks are black. The boxers are shiny black and red. :sexywink: She also likes me with a thin beard, so by Saturday it should be set. :)

ILuvLarryMullen said:


Since this will be my first Valentine's Day alone in five years, I'll be hanging out with my NEW boyfriend Jack Daniels. :|

Seriously UL, have a great time. Sounds like Colleen's a very lucky girl! :)
spiffy shirt, Unforgettable Lemon! it reminds me of the "I never say fabulous fabulous shirt" on Sex and the City.....

There is a basketball game at NU on Valentine's Day, so I will be going with a friend. Last year, they gave all the female students Valentines signed by the players....heehee. Then perhaps I'll be toasting my singleness with a pint of cider.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Same, only for Step 3 I'm penciling in a date with Marc. :sexywink:

Oh hell, I used a permanent marker, who are we kidding?
Here's hoping that Marc shows you a wonderful time and that your Valentine's Day will be energized! :up: Something about that symbol and this post ....:shifty:
UL I hope you all have a great time. Nice pic too ;)

I don't know what's in store for Valentines. I can't see why this day will be any different than any other.

Get Home From Work
Cook Dinner
Walk the Dog
Go to Bed
-Go to work
-Go home
-Throw the frisbee with my dog
-Eat dinner
-Watch movie OR Watch TV OR surf the net OR work on some recordings. Basically do whatever the hell I feel like doing.
-Go to bed, late

Ahh, life is good! :) (and I'm not being sarcastic!)
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I'm going to get the kids boxes of candy and a stuffed animal. My husband? Nothing, I have to ignore it because if I bring it up he will tell me I'm not his Valentine and he doesn't love me just to hurt me so I stopped giving him the chance:|
u2kitten, i know things are hard for you, and you have typed about this before...but its up to you to make changes in your life on whether you want to keep on living with someone who continues to hurt you. be safe.
My boyfriend doesn't believe in Valentine's Day, so we're not celebrating it. Besides, we live over an hour apart, and I don't get to see him this coming weekend anyway. I did get him a Valentine though...and I baked him cookies...and I put together a photo album of pictures I took of his dog...because I DO believe in Valentine's Day. :D I respect that he doesn't though, so I'm fine with no gift or plans. Everyone says that's a cop out just so he doesn't have to buy me anything, but...um...gee, how about all the damn money he spends on taking me out to dinner and all that stuff? He shows me he loves me all the damn time...I don't need him to be forced to go all out on things just because it's February 14th. Don't get me wrong...it would be nice! But...it's fine. :)
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same as every day, wake up, lie in bed until I finally convince myself I must go to class, go to class, come home, take a nap, read endless court cases.....:|
I'll likely be giving a presentation on Lev Trotsky.

And then I will come home, and my parents will have given me candy and a present and I will be happy. I will probably watch a movie with a hot guy in it.

Then that night, I will feel bad about myself because it's another year where I don't receive something from a guy who isn't my dad.
AvsGirl41 said:
I'll likely be giving a presentation on Lev Trotsky.

And then I will come home, and my parents will have given me candy and a present and I will be happy. I will probably watch a movie with a hot guy in it.

Then that night, I will feel bad about myself because it's another year where I don't receive something from a guy who isn't my dad.


I will be working all Valentine's Day weekend and on V-Day.

Although who knows what the crazy radio show producer who is quite intent on pursuing me might do :crack:
Head to airport. Fly to London.

Check in at hotel.

Shop on Oxford St/ Take tour bus


Go to theatre to see 'Blood brothers'


Back to hotel for some much needed shut eye

Bonochick said:
Everyone says that's a cop out just so he doesn't have to buy me anything, but...um...gee, how about all the damn money he spends on taking me out to dinner and all that stuff? He shows me he loves me all the damn time...I don't need him to be forced to go all out on things just because it's February 14th. Don't get me wrong...it would be nice! But...it's fine. :)

That is exactly how we look at it too. Yes, we might go out to dinner and we've given each other gifts in the past but there are absolutely NO expectations from either one of us. I will not drop hints or pout if I don't get flowers or a card and Rick expects nothing of me but my company.

I don't need gifts to tell me I'm loved...I'm shown on a daily basis :heart:

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