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Sep 26, 2001
to be self evident!

"...That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security..."
-The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

With support for representative government contact Dr. Heather Anne Harder at http://www.harder2000.com

Time to Rock n' Roll
I have to admit that I don't agree with absolutely everything she says, but it is incredibly well-written and appears sincere.

It's too bad many of the issues she expounded have been long ignored by the party machines. What's even more of a pity is that I never even heard of Dr. Harder until now, and she attempted to run for the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Which makes me realize this: the common man, due to the implicit hurdles in our legal system, will never be able to run for president. We will always be run by the wealthy, and they, inherently, do not represent the interests of the rest of the nation.


"He had lived through an age when men and women with energy and ruthlessness but without much ability or persistence excelled. And even though most of them had gone under, their ignorance had confused Roy, making him wonder whether the things he had striven to learn, and thought of as 'culture,' were irrelevant. Everything was supposed to be the same: commercials, Beethoven's late quartets, pop records, shopfronts, Freud, multi-coloured hair. Greatness, comparison, value, depth: gone, gone, gone. Anything could give some pleasure; he saw that. But not everything provided the sustenance of a deeper understanding." - Hanif Kureishi, Love in a Blue Time
If one is resigned to live under the brute force of elitist punks then one will surely wake up one day soon in 'camp' much like the Jews in Hitlers day, there is no difference between then and now, except now 'WE' are the target, the 'WE' that is found everywhere in the world. The United States Government as it is now is the New World Order and they are telling us about them all the time. They institute the Mind Crimes of Operations and expect us to just fall under their rule. The United States is only funded because the people here work hard to give the government the fuel to feed destruction. They have maintained the 'terrorists' of the world for years and now the fruits of their/our labors are paying off. This country was set up to be run by the common man, just because the wealthy built skyscrappers and the banking system is no reason to give them undue power to genocide our country and the world. And your points that the machine have not, do not, and never will have the interests of the people in mind is because they are black magicians and have no use for happiness of the masses, their main objective is death, fear, pain, sorrow, etc. that's what feeds their needs, the joy of watching the people suffer and die.
Originally posted by mariposa:
Let me guess, you are a fan of Queensryche's "Operation Mindcrime", right? The USA is NOT the new world order. The new world order will be a GROUP of nations, and if it started at this moment in time, the USA would not joining, as our government is very nationalistic, not globalistic. I, of course, consider that a good thing.
Originally posted by mariposa:
If one is resigned to live under the brute force of elitist punks then one will surely wake up one day soon in 'camp' much like the Jews in Hitlers day, there is no difference between then and now, except now 'WE' are the target, the 'WE' that is found everywhere in the world. The United States Government as it is now is the New World Order and they are telling us about them all the time. They institute the Mind Crimes of Operations and expect us to just fall under their rule. The United States is only funded because the people here work hard to give the government the fuel to feed destruction. They have maintained the 'terrorists' of the world for years and now the fruits of their/our labors are paying off. This country was set up to be run by the common man, just because the wealthy built skyscrappers and the banking system is no reason to give them undue power to genocide our country and the world. And your points that the machine have not, do not, and never will have the interests of the people in mind is because they are black magicians and have no use for happiness of the masses, their main objective is death, fear, pain, sorrow, etc. that's what feeds their needs, the joy of watching the people suffer and die.

Oh please.
More mindless, repetitive and unoriginal drivel being passed off as revolutionary. Oh yes, I'm sure the people running our government really do it because they enjoy watching people suffer and die. That's one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. Let me guess, you're probably still in high school or college and suddenly all this new knowledge is making you feel like you're in on some juicy secret?

Pardon my French, but get a fucking life.
Originally posted by mariposa:
If one is resigned to live under the brute force of elitist punks then one will surely wake up one day soon in 'camp' much like the Jews in Hitlers day, there is no difference between then and now, except now 'WE' are the target, the 'WE' that is found everywhere in the world. The United States Government as it is now is the New World Order and they are telling us about them all the time. They institute the Mind Crimes of Operations and expect us to just fall under their rule. The United States is only funded because the people here work hard to give the government the fuel to feed destruction. They have maintained the 'terrorists' of the world for years and now the fruits of their/our labors are paying off. This country was set up to be run by the common man, just because the wealthy built skyscrappers and the banking system is no reason to give them undue power to genocide our country and the world. And your points that the machine have not, do not, and never will have the interests of the people in mind is because they are black magicians and have no use for happiness of the masses, their main objective is death, fear, pain, sorrow, etc. that's what feeds their needs, the joy of watching the people suffer and die.

Dude, you gotta go get a beer or something

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for someone is to just tell them to fuck off. I am told to fuck off rather a lot by these three gentlemen.

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