Veruca Salt returns with Ghost Notes

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, California

First saw them back in the early 90s when they were slowly rising in the Chicago music scene, opened up for Liz Phair a couple times IIRC. I was very impressed by their catchy hooks, the harmonies of the two front women, and the legit shredding courtesy of Louise Post.

Their debut, American Thighs didn't come out until I had left for college in Boston, so I wasn't able to celebrate in the hometown, but I was damned impressed by the album. The popper sensibilities of Nina Gordon's songs were a great foil for Post's more aggressive tracks, and vice versa.

Anyway, they only managed to put out an EP and one more full-length before a feud between the two women ended the original line-up (rumor was that it was over Dave Grohl, who Post dated for a while). The heavier version of the band headed by Post wasn't as much to my liking, and they only put out 2 more albums before going on hiatus.

Somewhat miraculously, the girls patched things up a couple years ago, and their long-awaited new album is here. Basically, if you liked the old stuff, you're going to have a great time.

Streaming on NPR this weekend:

First Listen: Veruca Salt, 'Ghost Notes' : NPR

Will be back when I've had more time to digest this, but it's really nice to have them back and sounding on point, like 18 years just vanished.
No, not at all. I thought this had come up before, this band, but maybe not, or, maybe it has and who the fuck can remember every little conversation.

Regardless, excited for this.
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