useless trivia

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Almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at Woodstock '99

The Beatles have sold more records than anyone else with over a billion worldwide

The biggest disco ball in the world has a diameter of 2.41 meters and 137.89 kilograms. It also has 6,900 mirror squares on it.
Starfish have no brains.

The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses.

Bono is the only person in history to be nominated for an Academy Award, Golden Globe, Grammy, and Nobel Peace Prize :bono:
--Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.

--Armadillos have four babies at a time and they are always all the same sex.

--Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy.
It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy if your name is Mary.

You cannot cross Minesota state lines with a duck on your head.

Saturn is so dense that if you had a teaspoonfull, you would not be able to lift it off the ground, but the whole planet could float in your bathtub.
Elvis once said, I dont know anything about music. In my line you dont have to

Dolly Parton once lost a Dolly Parton look-alike contest :eyebrow:

Ireland has one the most Eurovision titles
--LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emmision of Radiation.

--Forest Gump is now the 3rd highest grossing film ever, it's just passed Star Wars.

--The Artist Formerly Known As Prince has often made public his contract problems with Warner Brothers. The cover of the Purple Medley has a hidden message saying Help Me.
--The bicycle was first introduced to British roads in 1888, but the rider had to ring a bell continuously to warn others of their approach.

--The first computer was built in 1823. The steam driven calculating machine, built by Charles Babbage, failed to work due to poor workmanship in the intricate parts. When rebuilt by the Science Museum of London in 1991 it worked.

--The worlds longest escalator is in Leningrad Metro, 120 metres long.
The 45 letter word PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is the longest word in English? The word refers to a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles

Before the year 1000, the word "she" did not exist in the English language :madspit:

The phrase "rule of thumb" comes from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb
Oprah Winfrey was the first African American woman to win the title Miss Fire Prevention in Nashville, 1971

Nicole Kidman is scared of butterflies

Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a bellybutton :eyebrow:
Walt Disney was afraid of mice

"60 Minutes," on CBS is the only television show that doesn't have a theme song

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere

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