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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
why do particular types of drug testing take weeks? what part of the process takes so long?
I dunno. I've never been tested for drugs. what's the deal there? wanna share something with us k?
no. i've just always wondered why they don't return toxicology results for weeks, stuff like that y'know.

kobe doesn't even get colds
kobe: part of it is that it takes a while to do. The other part is to create doubts in the heads of people who did drugs and think they may have been caught though they may have passed the test. The hope is that they would confess to it.
Now you sorta know.

"Why do you have to be such a smart ass?" -my mom
Originally posted by Lilly:
kobe: part of it is that it takes a while to do.

but why does it take a while to do? don't you just spin the stuff in the centrifuge, let the residue fall to the bottom and you have yay or a nay? j/k
i'm amazed that technology hasn't sped up this process yet.
low funding
they also have other tests to do first

He who stands atop the highest mountain can see the farthest

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