US Politics XXXIV: Biden Against the Manchine (Live at the Sinema)

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I think hiring a troll will only make the platform worse.

Elon complains about free speech, but Twitter is a private business. I do think there are some conversations and delicacies/nuances to be had over the platform.

I think it was worth banning Trump, and i think any sort of account or language that fosters hate and causes harm should not be allowed.

Rumor is Elon will allow those banned accounts back.

Other than MAGA!!!! Who thinks having Trump back online to spew who the fuck knows what is a good thing ?

He was banned for inciting a terrorist attack on our nations capital, can’t wait to see what he tells his insane followers to do next !! Covfefe
elon musk bought 10% of twitter and because of that purchase now controls one board seat.

he's not capable of bringing trump back to twitter on his own. full stop.

giving him a board seat actually prevents him from owning more than 15% of the company - which is likely why they did it. to prevent a hostile takeover.

all the talk of "ehrmagad elahn gunna choonge tweeter und breng beck drump" is, ironically, twitter's biggest problem - utter bullshit not based in any actual reality.
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It would be better if Trump were on Twitter.

His every utterance is so increasingly deranged, it needs more exposure to be more widely discredited.

Also, really telling that Republicans in Tennessee think the best way to protect children is to make it easier for much older men to marry them, Roy Moore-style.
Two men allegedly impersonated federal agents to get access to Secret Service

Two men have been arrested for allegedly impersonating federal agents over the course of several years. The FBI alleges that Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 35, have been pretending to be various officers and employees of the U.S. government, including members of federal law enforcement agencies, since February 2020.

...Taherzadeh, pretending to be a member of the Department of Homeland Security, provided U.S. Secret Service members and a DHS employee with rent-free apartments, "iPhones, surveillance systems, a drone, a flat screen television, a case for storing an assault rifle, a generator, and law enforcement paraphernalia," FBI Special Agent David Elias wrote in an affidavit.

In one instance, Taherzadeh allegedly offered to buy a gun for a Secret Service agent assigned to the first lady's protective detail. Four Secret Service agents have been placed on administrative leave amid the ongoing investigation.

The two were discovered on March 14, when the U.S. Postal Inspector responded to a D.C. apartment building for a report of an assault involving a U.S. Postal Service letter carrier. Taherzadeh and Ali told authorities they were members of a DHS police force, and that they were involved in undercover gang-related probes, and also investigating last year's riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Other residents in the building said the two — who held several apartments in the building that they said were "being paid for by DHS" — had access to residents' surveillance cameras, cell phones and other personal information. Authorities later learned that many of the buildings' residents were in the FBI, Secret Service and DHS. Others were members of the Department of Defense and the U.S. Navy.

...The fourth U.S. Secret Service agent in the affidavit, identified as "Witness 5," was assigned to protect the White House. The agent lived in an apartment, again provided by Taherzadeh, rent-free from February 2021 to January 2022 after Taherzadeh allegedly told Witness 5 the "HSI had approved extra rooms as part of his operations," which officials say was not true.

...Taherzadeh showed the agent a computer with "DHS information" on it, an HSI badge, special police officer credentials, a ballistic vest with DHS/HSI on it and firearms. Witness 5 also saw Taherzadeh fire a glock at a gun range, and the agent personally fired one of Taherzadeh's AR-15 style rifles at the range. The agent also reported Taherzadeh had two black SUVs and a Chevy Impala with police lights. Taherzadeh gifted the agent with a drone, a gun locker and a Pelican case, according to the FBI.

...The affidavit did not identify what the two men's ultimate goal may have been.

Like an episode of 'The Americans.' About the only thing missing here is Keri Russell :corn:

These text messages were found….

On Hunter’s laptop!!!! [emoji57]

Seriously tho, we’re gonna let Hunters laptop become (or is) the new Her Emails while actual criminals tried to overthrow the election

But this is why we’ve suddenly been hearing about Hunter’s laptop again. It’s all coordinated.
Biden won’t remove Iran’s Revolutionary Guard from terror list. He’s right.

The Biden administration plans to reject an Iranian demand that the United States lift its designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization as a condition for renewing the 2015 nuclear agreement — putting completion of the deal in jeopardy.

...The latest example of suspected Iranian-backed activity was an artillery attack early Thursday on a base in eastern Syria known as Green Village and used by U.S. troops there. The two rounds injured four U.S. servicemembers, who the Pentagon said are being treated for minor wounds and possible traumatic brain injuries. The Pentagon has not said whether the United States will retaliate.

Appearing Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reinforced the assessment of the IRGC. “In my personal opinion, I believe the IRGC Quds Force to be a terrorist organization, and I do not support them being de-listed,” Milley told the panel.

Proponents of removing the IRGC from the list argue that other sanctions against the group will remain, even if the FTO designation is withdrawn, and that it doesn’t make sense to describe as “terrorist” an organization so large that it touches many parts of Iran’s economy and government. Europeans have suggested a compromise in which Iran would pledge to de-escalate regional tensions and stop attacking Americans.

...The issue of the IRGC’s designation as a terrorist group has been closely watched by Israel and Arab Gulf nations such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They see it as a test of the Biden administration’s credibility and commitment in the Middle East. The Trump State Department formally designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization in 2019 despite arguments from some senior officials in the U.S. military that the step was unnecessary and potentially counterproductive. However, once the designation was imposed, congressional Republicans and Democrats alike have argued that it shouldn’t be removed without meaningful improvements in the IRGC’s behavior. Removing the designation and related sanctions would further strain relations with the Saudis and Emiratis, who have grumbled about the United States’ unreliability.
Fentanyl seizures in the US jump dramatically
A record 105,752 Americans died from overdoses in one year

D.E.A. Special agent Keith Martin of the Detroit field office says the amount of fentanyl they’re finding has jumped dramatically.
"Last year for example a seizure of 100 fentanyl pills would be a good seizure," Martin said. "Then we started seizing a thousand, then ten thousand.”
Illegally-made fentanyl mostly comes from Mexico. Drug cartels put fentanyl in counterfeit pills, often passing them off as Adderall, hydrocodone or Percocet. Even in small amounts, it can be deadly.
Law enforcement seizures of fentanyl nationwide have skyrocketed in the past few years.
A new National Institute on Drug Abuse study shows between January 2018 and December 2021, the number of fentanyl-laced pills seized by law enforcement increased nearly 50-fold.

NYU assistant professor Dr. Joseph Palamar led the research.
"A lot of people are illegally obtaining pills like Xanax and Vicodin off the street thinking that they are what they are said to be, like Xanax, but they could contain fentanyl," Palamar said.
Yearly drug deaths are the highest they have ever been.
More than 105,000 Americans died from a drug overdose from October 2020-October 2021.

We have an idea of the drugs being recovered by authorities. Imagine the amount of 'unseized' drugs slipping across our southern border now and in the coming months. It's getting worse.

Gonna have to define smart here. When is searching for the truth wherever it leads, and then following the law not a smart move ?

People assumed Hillary would beat Trump, so choices were made (Comey didn’t think his work would cost election, Obama held back on Russian interference to public)

Keep letting these bad actors stick around with no consequences and see if it’s smart when they take back control

Gonna have to define smart here. When is searching for the truth wherever it leads, and then following the law not a smart move ?

People assumed Hillary would beat Trump, so choices were made (Comey didn’t think his work would cost election, Obama held back on Russian interference to public)

Keep letting these bad actors stick around with no consequences and see if it’s smart when they take back control

The DOJ is already investigation Trump for Jan 6th, so I’m actually fine with the committee releasing their findings publicly. Taint his name. The MAGA cult will stick with him because they’re too far gone, but it’s the Republicans who don’t like him and try to act like they have morals that we’re continually trying to win over. If it’s absolutely evident that Trump planned what happened on Jan 6th, that’ll be too much for that group.
Are they ? They won’t confirm or deny.

You do what’s right. Make the referral. The MAGA world is going to complain about bias!! Rigged!!

But you don’t make the referral and they take the mindset, well if there were crimes why didn’t committee make referral??

Do what’s right. Not what’s political
He hasn’t spoken in years.

CT I mean.
I always thought he was kind of a dullard.

Even if it's true, what's the problem exactly?
You invaded my country, have destroyed vast property and killed thousands. But I can't fight back?
I think some heavier defensive weapons are being sent. But it better happen very soon!

Thanks, alot Sen Manchin. :|

fun fact - I used to live across the street from the building these two were based out of .

even the republicans know that marge is nuts.
I wonder when her term is up (rhetorical, I'll check) ?

Did you see the photo of her giving the white power sign.
I can't believe they stole a very ubiquitous, and often used hand sign I to a racist symbol! :|

Gonna have to define smart here. When is searching for the truth wherever it leads, and then following the law not a smart move ?

People assumed Hillary would beat Trump, so choices were made (Comey didn’t think his work would cost election, Obama held back on Russian interference to public)

Keep letting these bad actors stick around with no consequences and see if it’s smart when they take back control

Seriously tho they should throw the book at him
It is kinda comical in a very dark sense of humor way that this dude is still going to rallies and living a really weird life in FL....just grifting away.

And still the front runner for 2024
Sacramento shooting is latest struggle for downtown strip

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The mass shooting that police say was a gun battle between rival gangs that left six dead and 12 wounded earlier this month shook the downtown core of California’s capital — and created another challenge for a city trying to redefine itself as a destination for more than just government workers.

In recent years, downtown Sacramento has benefited from billions of dollars of development but has been rattled by rising crime, protests resulting in property damage and an economic drubbing caused by the pandemic. Now, the city is reeling from the aftermath of the April 3 shooting, when at least five gunmen fired 100 shots as people left bars and nightclubs.

The violence just blocks from the Capitol highlights the successes and challenges many U.S. urban centers are facing as struggles with crime and homelessness persist despite revitalization efforts

...Police have made two arrests connected to the shootings, but no one has been charged with homicide. The violence “came at a really pivotal moment for downtown,” said Sacramento City Councilwoman Katie Valenzuela, who represents the area.

“It’s causing me to sort of reflect on where we go from here — and as a city, not just as downtown,” she said..
All the guns bought during the pandemic are coming home to roost. Look at Brooklyn today.

Thank you for pointing these incidents out, BW. I join you in your concern about how more guns lead to more gun crime — we are all less safe due to the willful misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment that began in 1978.
i'm sure BW was going to get to this, BEAL. but i'll expand on it as we wait.

after all the posting about Hunter's laptop (and the right wing obsession with it), it's very important to realize that after not going after the Saudis for hacking up a WaPo journalist (Kashoggi), and after leaving the white house with tons of classified info, the Saudis gave Jared $2bn. i'm sure because he's so good with money.

if we're going to post speculation about Hunter's laptop, shouldn't we also post about actual, real, documented corruption involving presidential offspring who actually, you know, held positions of real power within their respective administrations?

Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.

A panel that screens investments for the main Saudi sovereign wealth fund cited concerns about the proposed deal with Mr. Kushner’s newly formed private equity firm, Affinity Partners, previously undisclosed documents show.

Those objections included: “the inexperience of the Affinity Fund management”; the possibility that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk”; due diligence on the fledgling firm’s operations that found them “unsatisfactory in all aspects”; a proposed asset management fee that “seems excessive”; and “public relations risks” from Mr. Kushner’s prior role as a senior adviser to his father-in-law, former President Donald J. Trump, according to minutes of the panel’s meeting last June 30.

But days later the full board of the $620 billion Public Investment Fund — led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler and a beneficiary of Mr. Kushner’s support when he worked as a White House adviser — overruled the panel.

Ethics experts say that such a deal creates the appearance of potential payback for Mr. Kushner’s actions in the White House — or of a bid for future favor if Mr. Trump seeks and wins another presidential term in 2024.

Mr. Kushner played a leading role inside the Trump administration defending Crown Prince Mohammed after U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that he had approved the 2018 killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi columnist for The Washington Post and resident of Virginia who had criticized the kingdom’s rulers.
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It's a ton of money. Imo let the U.S. Congress due its oversight, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, U.S. DOJ, etc, do their jobs. And let the chips fall where they may.

If we think the process might be crooked (it's D.C. after all), we're all free to aggressively criticize it.
If the DOJ is going to investigate Hunter Biden, they better damn well investigate all of Jared and Ivanka's dealings.

Hunter is a private citizen, and to my knowledge has committed no crimes. Is he the beneficiary of nepotism, absolutely. That's how the game is played, but again this is not a government position that Hunter did his business dealings.

Jared knows every single US State secret. The US government stated that both he and Ivanka should never be allowed clearance to any sensitive data, yet those warnings were overruled by his Father-in-Law.

It's corruption at it's highest level/form, and I'm not sure we've ever seen anything like it before.

Saying let the chips fall where they lie goes against every BENGHAZI, HER EMAILS, and now HIS LAPTOP!!! bullshit we've endured for the last six to eight years.

I do wish the Dems were a little more aggressive like the GQP. There is legit reasons to hold public hearings on

Trump Covid Response (also Jared's doing)
The Big Lie

But Dems seem to think it's not important
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