US Politics XXXIV: Biden Against the Manchine (Live at the Sinema)

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Guess that just depends if you’re a morning person.

I for one rail against our traditional 9-5 establishment workforce that commends “early birds” as hard workers who get in at 6 AM and condemns “overworking” people who work until 7 PM as disorganized or somehow less desirable.

The silver lining of Covid was that this mindset crumbled.

I'm also thinking about things like children waiting for the school bus in pitch black in December & January.
I'm also thinking about things like children waiting for the school bus in pitch black in December & January.

This already exists, so I’m not sure what point you’re making? Want to end it? I take you back to my point. Stop having a society centric around the early morning “hard worker.” Why does high school start at 7:30?
Citing crime concerns, Amazon pulls workers from office at former Macy’s in downtown Seattle

The office’s 1,800 employees have been working remotely during the pandemic; rather than returning to the desks they left over two years ago, workers will move to other locations in South Lake Union. Remote work is still an option for Amazon employees.

“Given recent incidents near 3rd and Pine, we’re providing employees currently at that location with alternative office space elsewhere,” the spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “We are hopeful that conditions will improve and that we will be able to bring employees back to this location when it is safe to do so.”

.....Addressing safety concerns is a “precondition” for many employers considering bringing workers back to the office, said Jon Scholes, president and CEO of the Downtown Seattle Association.

In a survey of 200 employers last December, 70% said they believed they would bring workers back to the office for the majority of the week — but the most important condition holding them to that decision was action to address homelessness and public safety, he said.

.....Seeing Amazon leave the area, if only temporarily, is demoralizing, Bisio said.

“It sends a very negative message to our clients and to the community on the state of affairs of downtown Seattle,” he said. “We pray that there will be a time in the future that people can bring their family downtown in the evening, feel safe to shop, walk the streets and go to restaurants. That is not the case today.”

A self-described eternal optimist, Bisio says Mario’s wants to “fight for the resilience of Seattle.”
This already exists, so I’m not sure what point you’re making? Want to end it? I take you back to my point. Stop having a society centric around the early morning “hard worker.” Why does high school start at 7:30?

Well I wasn't referring to high schoolers, I was referring to elementary school children, who currently do not leave for school in the dark (at least most places), but will be doing so if we go to permanent DST. But I'm sure you'll come back with a retort that a society that forces 6-11 year old's to get out of bed before noon is oppressive or something,.
Thanks for ignoring my point and choosing to be a giant dick about it.

Your kids don’t need to be up before sunrise, look in the mirror. CLeVeR rEtOrt. Fucking asshole.
Yeah that was a total joke written with all kinds of humor in it, and not someone doubling down on your self-perceived superiority.

But I'm sure you'll come back with a retort that a society that forces 6-11 year old's to get out of bed before noon is oppressive or something,.

As someone who struggles with insomnia with no real indication as to why and hasn’t woken up rested in years, fuck your superiority complex. Sorry, I mean “joke.”
How you get superiority out of that is way beyond me.
I was explaining my reasoning for thinking sticking with standard time is preferable to DST if we go to a single time.
I added the last sentence cause your previous replies all included a similar retort. If you don't find it humorous, my apologies, think of it as a preemptive strike then, but it was not intended with any malice.

I mean you can't just have a back and forth discussion. I never said anything demeaning or degrading towards you, never said or indicated that I had any "self-perceived superiority".

No idea where you got that idea from.
I'm trying to just discuss the topic form a differing viewpoint,
You on the other hand called me a "giant dick" and a "fucking asshole".

I'm done.
I added the last sentence cause your previous replies all included a similar retort.

The silver lining of Covid was that this mindset crumbled.

Why does high school start at 7:30?

But I'm sure you'll come back with a retort that a society that forces 6-11 year old's to get out of bed before noon is oppressive or something,.

This level of attempted gaslight is not like you. There’s no “similar retort” here at all. Your response is dismissive and disparaging of my point of view “because it’s me.” That is evident with how you start the sentence. My comments, on the other hand, were clearly inviting the conversation of why we enforce these early morning regimens in the first place.

I mean you can't just have a back and forth discussion. I never said anything demeaning or degrading towards you

You’re kidding, right? Here’s the thing, I’d love to say “but I’m sure you’ll come back with some gaslighting retort” but honestly this is way out of character for you. Of course what you said was offensive, precisely because of the way you worded it.
Call me a Luddite and resistant to progress, but I kind of like changing the clocks. It’s a sign of seasons changing, time moving forward, and a way to mark and understand different times of the year. Kind of how we have and celebrate holidays.

But if I had to choose, there’s something sexy and European about 8:30am sunsets, although our croissants generally aren’t as good. And I like the darkness of the Christmas season — it’s the whole reason Christians co-opted the pagan solstice holiday to begin with. 4:30pm sunsets are tolerable precisely because of all the lights.

January and February suck tho, and are generally irredeemable. And high school absolutely starts too early. As a night owl, I hated it, and it’s terrible for teenagers.

Let’s just be sure we avoid the Aussie roadmap on this issue. Madness in that country.
This level of attempted gaslight is not like you. There’s no “similar retort” here at all. Your response is dismissive and disparaging of my point of view “because it’s me.” That is evident with how you start the sentence. My comments, on the other hand, were clearly inviting the conversation of why we enforce these early morning regimens in the first place.

You’re kidding, right? Here’s the thing, I’d love to say “but I’m sure you’ll come back with some gaslighting retort” but honestly this is way out of character for you. Of course what you said was offensive, precisely because of the way you worded it.


Last reply from me even though I said I was done.
I put the last sentence in as a humorous rib (or so i thought) because you had made more than 1 comment about society needing to go away from early mornings, was not meant as malicious, I previously offered my apologies that it was taken that way. Typed words often obviously don't convey everything and had it been in person conversation, tone would have been clearer. However, I don't appreciate being called dick and fucking asshole which i have never done to you or anyone else on here (maybe an obvious troll some time in the past though I don't think so, but no regular community member).

So again, you have my apologies but as I stated above my intent was not to be malicious, I'm sorry you took it as such.

I'm out.
Appellate court orders Jussie Smollett released from jail pending appeal of 150-day sentence

CHICAGO — Convicted actor Jussie Smollett has been ordered released from jail pending appeal of his 150-day sentence imposed last week for staging a hoax hate crime on himself.

The one-page order issued by the Illinois Appellate Court on Wednesday afternoon stated that Smollett was to be released from the Cook County Jail after signing a $150,000 recognizance bond, which would not require him to post any money.

....Smollett was convicted of low-level felonies in December when a jury found that he had lied to police about being the victim of a hate crime attack. Prosecutors argued at sentencing that he denigrated real victims of hate crimes when he staged a phony assault on himself involving racial slurs, homophobic epithets and a noose.
Bad move by both of them. Hopefully the poem is better than the Hedgehog poem, but even if its a master work, having Nancy Pelosi read it is a misstep which I imagine will result in nothing but ridicule.

Oh well. I read it. It’s bad.

Why would either of them do this?
bono after hearing his limerick read to congress

BREAKING NEWS: Putin announces full immediate withdrawal from Ukraine and his immediate resignation as Pres; Vlad sobs during televised statement: "that fucking poem, bro..."
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