U2's Thirteenth Album: Aimless Uncertainty?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Yeah that's the same article. I checked the U2.com link and it is the entire issue uploaded there. This is the first page of that particular article, you might recognize it from previous posts here.

LOL...it's OK to be ignorant about music, but being so public about it is probably not a good idea.

If you don't think selling 40 million records, and having more consecutive gold and platinum records than any band after the Beatles and the Stones (including 24 gold, 14 platinum, and 3 multi-platinum albums) doing successful tour after successful tour, and being in both the Canadian and US Rock & Roll hall of fame doesn't constitute being "hugely popular"...well, see "LOL" above. :)

No one is saying Rush is bigger than, or comparing them to U2...most bands aren't as big as U2. So we can dispense with that strawman. Anyway, congrats...you can say you're a fan of the biggest rock band in the world. How tough that is!

Oh, and I live in Europe most of the year. There are plenty of Rush fans there. But you're right...it is a running gag.

Run along now. :)

Man, it must be tough being you.
The Rush thing was lame 2 years ago has gotten tedious, sure, but it's not like bringing Rush up is the only joke/meme that continues to be used waaaaay past its expiration date around here.

"Is Bono okay?"
"Coldplay sounds just like U2"
"U2 sounds just like Coldplay"
"Bono lies"
"We've got 60 songs ready to go, we just need to decide which ones are on the album"

Edge: "He (Bill Clinton) came round and we sat down with him and chatted about a few things and he struck me as pretty much what he appears to be." But after he was elected President the band had to decline an invitation to play at his Washington Inauguration. Edge: "It's very dodgy to become too closely associated with politicians. We've had approaches over the years from a few politicians. We can support issues but not the candidate."


LOL...it's OK to be ignorant about music, but being so public about it is probably not a good idea.

If you don't think selling 40 million records, and having more consecutive gold and platinum records than any band after the Beatles and the Stones (including 24 gold, 14 platinum, and 3 multi-platinum albums) doing successful tour after successful tour, and being in both the Canadian and US Rock & Roll hall of fame doesn't constitute being "hugely popular"...well, see "LOL" above. :)

No one is saying Rush is bigger than, or comparing them to U2...most bands aren't as big as U2. So we can dispense with that strawman. Anyway, congrats...you can say you're a fan of the biggest rock band in the world. How tough that is!

Oh, and I live in Europe most of the year. There are plenty of Rush fans there. But you're right...it is a running gag.

Run along now. :)

Oh, come on............ :doh:
The Rush thing was lame 2 years ago has gotten tedious, sure, but it's not like bringing Rush up is the only joke/meme that continues to be used waaaaay past its expiration date around here.

"Is Bono okay?"
"Coldplay sounds just like U2"
"U2 sounds just like Coldplay"
"Bono lies"
"We've got 60 songs ready to go, we just need to decide which ones are on the album"

While I think each one of these "jokes" is as bad as the other, the Rush one must be the only one kept alive by just one poster though.
Unfortunely with the other crap at least 2 people find it amusing.
All of this nonsense (both with the band and the forum) has gotten boring. We all desperately need some news.
The Rush thing was lame 2 years ago has gotten tedious, sure, but it's not like bringing Rush up is the only joke/meme that continues to be used waaaaay past its expiration date around here.

"Is Bono okay?"
"Coldplay sounds just like U2"
"U2 sounds just like Coldplay"
"Bono lies"
"We've got 60 songs ready to go, we just need to decide which ones are on the album"

How dare you question if U2 has 60 songs? You call yourself a fan? :tsk:

I hope Bono is O.K. from this onslaught. :sad:

Perhaps he'll have to listen to some Coldplay in order to write his next Coldplay inspired masterpiece. Of course, Coldplay sounds like U2, so is it really U2 sounding like U2? :shrug:

Either way, it's moot as clearly Bono lies about whom U2 sound like. :madwife:

Maybe it's best to listen to Rush. :applaud:
The Rush thing was lame 2 years ago has gotten tedious, sure, but it's not like bringing Rush up is the only joke/meme that continues to be used waaaaay past its expiration date around here.

"Is Bono okay?"
"Coldplay sounds just like U2"
"U2 sounds just like Coldplay"
"Bono lies"
"We've got 60 songs ready to go, we just need to decide which ones are on the album"

You forgot the worst one of all: Edge on fire, in any and all of its manifestations.
Rush is HUGE in Europe (especially The Netherlands).

Like many in the UK, although I am of advanced years (39), I had never heard a song by Rush, though their name vaguely rang a bell, but thanks to you and your persistent recommendations I gave them a go and now I am something of a fan!
So thanks Nick. i started as a sceptic but now I am a huge fan of your work and often look for your contributions!
Like many in the UK, although I am of advanced years (39), I had never heard a song by Rush, though their name vaguely rang a bell, but thanks to you and your persistent recommendations I gave them a go and now I am something of a fan!
So thanks Nick. i started as a sceptic but now I am a huge fan of your work and often look for your contributions!

Just re-read that and it sounds like I'm taking the piss, but I'm not.
Any man that loves TUF as much as Nick deserves ultimate respect.
For the record, Promenade is my fave from that album.
Have you seen this?


As for U2, he says he’s worked on their long-delayed 13th album as a late addition in a production capacity. He’s not writing with them. “Bono is without question the single-greatest modern-day lyricist out there,” he says. “I hear it on the new stuff too — just phenomenal. When I started OneRepublic, U2 were up there as a frame of reference. I use Bono’s lyrics as a how-to guide for being the lead singer in a band. I have the utmost respect for their fans and I would never in a million years try to capitulate to where modern radio is at.”
Super Yo brings it, once again.

encouraging comments. nice nod to the fans too.. it's almost as if he reads this board. maybe he's Senor Poop... :hmm:
Onerepublic's first album is called Dreaming Out Loud. It was pretty clear from the start that he was influenced by U2.
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