U2 To quit touring???

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sorry everyone for starting the lame rumour here :reject:

also, another example of Bono's stage addiction... when he comes home from a tour, he has to live in a hotel for a few days first.. Ali won't allow him in the house earlier.. otherwise he'd jump on the table each night and wonders where the 50,000 ppl are :lol: :lmao:
U2 are essentially saying good-bye to the "Vertigo" tour. Give them a couple of years to recoup, but they'll be back on the road. I can't imagine them not performing live. I bet they get just as much out of it as the fans. Thirty years from now, U2 will be on the "Hip Replacement Tour." Maybe I'll finally get to meet them. I'll think Bono's getting all fresh when he pinches my boob, but actually he steps on it.
Golightly Grrl said:
U2 are essentially saying good-bye to the "Vertigo" tour. Give them a couple of years to recoup, but they'll be back on the road. I can't imagine them not performing live. I bet they get just as much out of it as the fans. Thirty years from now, U2 will be on the "Hip Replacement Tour." Maybe I'll finally get to meet them. I'll think Bono's getting all fresh when he pinches my boob, but actually he steps on it.

Hip Replacement tour... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! It'd be funny if they called their next album that...
Well, I hafta admit that I for one would be lost without them...(is that sad?). I can't imagine not coming in here and having a giggle/moan/discussion about something..ack...:sad:

...ok going now...actually, I'm not gonna think about this...no...nuts!

Vertigo being their last tour? Nah...
I agree with the whole Bono thing--- he has too way too much charisma to stop touring now! I really can't see any pluses to stopping touring from now on. Even if they think that they can't top the Vertigo obviously fans will still go to the concerts...
Anyways i really hope that article was exaggerating what they said in rolling stone or else i will be really sad since i will never get to go to a concert:sad:
Dismantled said:
I took it as they are saying "bye bye" to the Vertigo tour:yes: not touring all together.....

that seems more like it. Aren't their rumors going around about them going back into the studio fairly soon also? Maybe just going away for a bit once the Vertigo tour is officially finished and dreaming it all up again...<---lol, sorry corny use of quote. :)

Anywho, that's my thought :)
u2_girlie_2002 said:
Aren't their rumors going around about them going back into the studio fairly soon also?

yes but those are Bono's words in Q magazine... and he said something like that at the end of the Elevation tour too... but who knows :D
Galeongirl said:
I just got this in my maill.. I know it's probably exaggarated, but still.... what if.... ?

Irish rock sensation U2 are reportedly planning to quit touring for good.

The CITY OF BLINDING LIGHTS megastars are nearing the end of their gruelling global VERTIGO tour, and they are convinced they have reached the pinnacle of their powers.

Guitarist THE EDGE says, "I'm ok to say bye-bye because I don't think we could top it.

"Bono has taken it to another level. I don't agree with everything, but I love that it's like a new paradigm, a different equation altogether."

http://contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/u2 to quit touring

Oh it figures that contactmusic.com has to take everything out of context. :huh: Stupid website.
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Geez. I was pretty startled when I first started to read this. :|

but yeah, they're probably talking about the Vertigo tour. I say they have another decade (or so, or two... maybe more) in them. :yes:
they would never quit touring. even when they're old and wheezy. Edge and Adam will just sit on stools and play their guitars while Bono makes his rounds around the perimeter in a wheelchair or something.
that's how amazing U2 is! :drool:
youtooellen said:
Geez. I was pretty startled when I first started to read this. :|

but yeah, they're probably talking about the Vertigo tour. I say they have another decade (or so, or two... maybe more) in them. :yes:
they would never quit touring. even when they're old and wheezy. Edge and Adam will just sit on stools and play their guitars while Bono makes his rounds around the perimeter in a wheelchair or something.
that's how amazing U2 is! :drool:

:lmao: About the wheelchair thing!!!
Re: Re: U2 To quit touring???

U2Girl1978 said:

Oh it figures that contactmusic.com has to take everything out of context. :huh: Stupid website.

Damn straight!
There is another thread going on about this(01-13-2006 U2 rule the world-Rollingstone.com) and the general concesus is that "the Edge" meant the end of the american leg of the tour! I was shock/horror too!!!!

Bt the way did you guys read Hey Bozo's little remark at the bottom of that pile of shit on the website of contact music, WTF:mad:
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in recent interviews Bono has already been talking about their next cd, even hinting to have another one coming out as early as the end of 2006 (we all know that won't happen of course), and whenever there is a new cd, it is always followed by a tour.
not to mention that Bono has told numerous fans that he will see them next tour :shifty:

same thing happen when there was a sound bite that the other members of hte band wanted to throw Bono out - this was probably taken out of context and plugged into the article
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youtooellen said:
Geez. I was pretty startled when I first started to read this. :|

but yeah, they're probably talking about the Vertigo tour. I say they have another decade (or so, or two... maybe more) in them. :yes:
they would never quit touring. even when they're old and wheezy. Edge and Adam will just sit on stools and play their guitars while Bono makes his rounds around the perimeter in a wheelchair or something.
that's how amazing U2 is! :drool:
LoL.. by then Bono will REALLY have a problem remembering lyrics :wink:
Nah, I think it is all a load of crap! I doubt they will stop touring any time soon! Being an Aussie though, I doubt we will ever see them here again after the Vertigo tour, so I am used to the fact that I will only ever see them once live!
I'm ok to say bye-bye because I don't think we could top it.

I'm guessing:

a) Contactmusic is full of shite and Rolling Stone didn't bother to do their homework

b) The quote is take out of context, most likey he's referring to the Vertigo tour

c) Edge means IF they decided (not, that they HAVE decided) not to tour anymore, he'd be satisfied b/c the Vertigo tour was so successful....they've always said they want to go out at the top.
Here's the thing - they WILL stop touring one day... but that's not news & we all know it. U2 has shown time and again that they care about their fans and respect them as intelligent human beings. When they finally make the decision to stop touring, I'm confident it will be in a very public manner, out in the open -- not through some off-hand comment in a magazine interview, that may or may not even be in context!

I'm not going to sweat this because #1) it's too horrible to think about :yikes: , and #2) some form of this rumor pops up as every tour winds down - why should this one be any exception? :shrug: :rolleyes: :wink:
BluRmGrl said:
Here's the thing - they WILL stop touring one day... but that's not news & we all know it. U2 has shown time and again that they care about their fans and respect them as intelligent human beings. When they finally make the decision to stop touring, I'm confident it will be in a very public manner, out in the open -- not through some off-hand comment in a magazine interview, that may or may not even be in context!

I'm not going to sweat this because #1) it's too horrible to think about :yikes: , and #2) some form of this rumor pops up as every tour winds down - why should this one be any exception? :shrug: :rolleyes: :wink:

You should be writing that story of yours, young lady! :tsk:


Actually, you're probably older than me. Most peoples are on this site. 'Cause I be 14. 15 on 14 May. FOUR DAYS AFTER BONO'S!!! OK, so that was just sorta... unneeded information.

Thank GOD for you guys. If you hadn't said all that and reassured me, I'd be tearing my hair out by now. According to my step dad, David Bowie (he's a Bowie obsessive) says he's quitting touring numerous times, but he always does another tour. He's going into the studio this year and he's recording a new album! YAY!!!
I read an article that was posted on @u2 where Edge said he didn't agree with everything was referring to Bono's political tactics - it had nothing to do with touring, and I can't believe they put that in this article. I definitely think this is contrived and put together. :huh:
They said in 1989 that they had to go away and dream it all up again and people thought they were quitting-but they're still here, right? Thank God, I've only seen them once and I'm only fourteen so I have a lot of time left before I'm ready to be deprived of U2--acutally, I will never be ready! :wink:
SimplyConfused said:
Actually, you're probably older than me. Most peoples are on this site. 'Cause I be 14. 15 on 14 May. FOUR DAYS AFTER BONO'S!!! OK, so that was just sorta... unneeded information.
Hah coïncidences!! my Bday is 2 days before Edges :D also the day Adam Clayton got arrested, my date of birth :rolleyes:
and I also thought about the lyrics thingy.. Bono would be hoorrriiibllle with that! oh well, then we all have to sing louder to make up for that...
and I forgot who said it, but she's damn right! Bono said he'd see miro next tour, and a promise is a promise :wink:
SimplyConfused said:
Yo me homie. OH FER FECK'S SAKE! I keep typin' like a gangster.

ok, how much guinness did you drink today??? :shifty:
... it's not wise to drink that much at your age... (did you know it's legal to drink alcohol <20% here at age 16?:D)
I do not drink! I actually don't. Most of me mates think I'm insane and my parents almost force it upon me. It's kinda funny. Well, I do drink Baileys. Mmm, Irish and goregous... I can think of some other things that you could use 'Irish' and 'gorgeous' to describe. WELL, they're more people than things...
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