U2 on SNL Season premiere?

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As cool as it was that they played "Ultraviolet", the reality is that very few people are still awake at 1 AM to see or hear it.

Hopefully NBC posts the whole song on their website this week.
As I said in the other thread... if anyone had told me a year ago that, in a year, U2 would have played Ultraviolet on SNL, I would have never believed them.

Tonight was truly amazing. Breathe + MOS + Ultraviolet... the last two are not television material, and they were brilliant. Tonight, they owned the show... they ripped it to shreds like they did when they played Please at the MTV VMAs twelve years ago.

I love this band.

This is such a nice comment, Digitize. And I agree with you. I love this band too.
Yeah that skit was almost awkward to watch because it was so unfunny. I kinda felt bad for the show.
um, that's what they are. that's what every band on SNL are. U2 were lucky to get 3 songs, most only get 2.

I know most other musical guests get only two songs, but my point is, why let them perform a third time if you're just going to cut them off halfway through the song? Why not make time for them to finish it? It just doesn't make sense. But then again, Your Mom Talks to Megan Fox While You're Getting Ready was chosen as one of the sketches that made the air, so I guess we shouldn't expect logical decisions from the show.
I know most other musical guests get only two songs, but my point is, why let them perform a third time if you're just going to cut them off halfway through the song? Why not make time for them to finish it? It just doesn't make sense. But then again, Your Mom Talks to Megan Fox While You're Getting Ready was chosen as one of the sketches that made the air, so I guess we shouldn't expect logical decisions from the show.

that's not how TV works. :shrug:

i agree, i'd rather see U2 3x than Megan Fox even once.
I wanted U2 to play for all hour and a half of the show. But that didn't happen. Let's just be grateful for what the band did this evening. Everything else related to the show can go burn in hell (except I'm On A Boat).
I practically slept through the last sketch and just prayed U2 would play the Crazy Remix after it was finished... turns out I was pleasantly surprised, and we got something even better than the Crazy Remix.
Yeah, that would be cool if nbc.com posted the full performance. But I'm not getting my hopes up.

By the way, in addition to just the fact that they're playing Ultraviolet, I love the lit steering wheel mic and laserjacket. Really cool. And I love the fact that they brought this stuff out on SNL.

Hopefully a year from now we'll be talking about their performance of Dirty Day or Lemon, and how a year ago no one would've believed it would happen.
Quite frankly, yes. You're an obsessed U2 fan and thus you're completely biased . . . it's SNL not a U2 concert. Obsessed Keenan Thompson fans are probably pissed that he only appeared in one skit tonight and obsessed Megan Fox fans are probably pissed she didnt show more skin!!! Bottom line, you can't please every biased fan. They give U2 more airtime then any other artist which is respect enough.

Is it too much to ask to cut literally two minutes out of the rest of the show (better yet, eliminate one the sketches altogether) so we can see U2 finish the song they started performing on the air?? Utterly ridiculous. Also, it's insulting to the band to roll the credits over them, as if they're a fucking house band.

I hate SNL, seriously. I watched the whole show tonight and laughed once, maybe twice. Overall this was probably the worst episode I've ever seen (and it was the season premiere, they had months to prepare!). I was actually surprised at how unfunny it was. I can honestly say that I will never watch this shitty show again (unless U2 is on again).

Also, like a couple other people mentioned, why the hell do they refuse to show the audience during the performances, especially when Bono's got them worked into a frenzy? Absolutely terrible camerawork.

Damn. Even though I figured they would perform at the end and get cut off, I'm still really pissed. Fuck this show.
Come on people, the whole fcking show was garbage but that doesn't mean you can just let U2 run riot and play a 90 minute set!!!! Its a "comedy" show for christ's sakes and we as diehard U2 fans are hardly the people to critique the non-U2 elements of a U2 SNL!!! Get your heads out your asses.

I agree with this comment 100%.
Come on people, the whole fcking show was garbage but that doesn't mean you can just let U2 run riot and play a 90 minute set!!!! Its a "comedy" show for christ's sakes and we as diehard U2 fans are hardly the people to critique the non-U2 elements of a U2 SNL!!! Get your heads out your asses.

You're probably right. I guess there are people who think these skits are funny.

Accidental f-word on TV. MAJOR AWKWARD MOMENT.

Not such a good debut.

I heard that! I was kinda watching/kinda dozing and I thought "did she just say fuckin'?" Then I dozed back off. Guess I really did hear it after all. :lol:
MOS was awesome. Not sure if this was mentioned but that girl dropped the F bomb twice. The second time was right at the end but much quieter than the first time.

Edit: Upon watching the clip again, I'm not sure if she did.
Am I the only one who thought they sounded like crap?

Sorry, love them to death and am more in love with them than ever after the NJ shows this week, but that was a bit of a let down. Bono sounds sick. Hope that's not the case. Always good to see them though, and UV was a nice surprise.
Just got back tried standby but to no avail..saw Bono on the way in asked why we weren't inside told him we didn't have tix lol said he'd be coming out! Didn't realized he meant 8hrs later when the show was over! He was so mauled by people he ran right back in his car :angry: did get up close and personal with the Edge but he too was mauled the people outside were animals :angry: got some good Edge photos will post tomorrow..
Just got home in time to see this :hyper: I thought they sounded awesome, I just thought Bono was going to spontaneously combust singing that first line of MOS. Love it.
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