U2 LP13 Discussion

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Here's the story.

They're tinkering with the artwork because they don't know how to represent Donkey Punch. Anton Corbijn hired a group of trannies he knows well, but they're not convinced if this turns out to be relevant enough still, graphically.
For all the June nay-sayers, isn't it possible they got themselves into another Pop situation? They made a deal with RED, or whoever, for a Super Bowl ad fully expecting they would have their act together and the album would be finished, only to now realize they need more time, but whoops, we're already committed to releasing Invisible in the Super Bowl ad. Viola, single released 4+ months before album drop. Sure, I hope this is dead wrong, and it's a smokescreen for a surprise release at the SB, or at least a March/April release, but I'm not optimistic.

For some reason I disagree with this whole heartedly..... I still believe we will see an single/album if not at SB at least a street date promoted then dropping in March/April. I believe we will see a tour starting mid-late May in the US in arena's and possibly late summer stadium tour in Europe. Southern end of Equator late this year. Not sure why but I think with the new management a POP-fiasco is extremely unlikely. I think U2 means a lot more to the music businesses than we give them credit for and I would think the ducks are in a row, arena's have been booked, rehearsals scheduled, stage design completed. My .02
Many of the things being tossed about are POSSIBLE. But if you look at all the things we know, what is the most LIKELY scenario?

Is it likely that they're going to work on an album without the producer who's done all of the work on the album to this point, as he is clearly not available for most of the time between now and June? Of course not.

So that only leaves two likely scenarios... It's done, other than perhaps the artwork and liner notes, or they're fucked and it's back to the drawing board.

Which do you believe?

Sent from my android cause iphones are for old people

I believe in love, I believe that God is not short of cash Mr, I believe in you!

Or that we are getting album #2 in June and interference will just freaking explode!
Back to being serious, I think 'Invisible' is 100% on the album.

Keep in mind, IF it's not a proper commercial single, I still think it is an appetizer of the project to come.
Or, Roger could have heard wrong. Tour June.

Just keep saying that every few pages. Eventually it'll cut through all the clatter.

nterference needs an enema
sure. that kinda feels good, no?
Best laugh in 35 fucking pages.

Many of the things being tossed about are POSSIBLE. But if you look at all the things we know, what is the most LIKELY scenario?

Is it likely that they're going to work on an album without the producer who's done all of the work on the album to this point, as he is clearly not available for most of the time between now and June? Of course not.

So that only leaves two likely scenarios... It's done, other than perhaps the artwork and liner notes, or they're fucked and it's back to the drawing board.

Which do you believe?
This logic shit will clearly get you nowhere. Surrender now.
I only agree with a june release if the album is a double one. Man, 5 and a half year after NLOTH... Most bands record an album in 3 months! The band is working for more than 3 years!!!! the expectations will grow beyond limits.
I only agree with a june release if the album is a double one. Man, 5 and a half year after NLOTH... Most bands record an album in 3 months! The band is working for more than 3 years!!!! the expectations will grow beyond limits.

5 years (and a few months) for an album? Really?
I rather have an album with only 9 great songs that are innovative * for the band's standards (or at least than the past 14 years), with a strong and cohesive message, with some winks to the political situation of today...
Than a double album full U2 of the combination of "U2 of old, but with the maturity, if you like, of the U2 of the last 10 years", with lots of "Always" vs "Miracle Drug" mashups and with lots of Coldplay-ish or One Republish instrumentals like that ordinary song, or Bono's crescent lack of lyrical inspiration and tendency to write random generic lines like "The sea wants to kiss the golden shore/The sunlight warms your skin/All the beauty that's been lost before/Wants to find us again", "magic markers" [seriously?], "baby's heads" or lyrical disasters like "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" and "Stand Up Comedy".

* "innovative" doesn't necessarily mean electronic-based (although it does in this forum), ok?
I haven't caught up yet, but I can guess what I'll be reading.

All I have to say is - June? Nahhhhhhh.

Also, aside from "Bono lies," "Bono is drunk," and "Bono is just messing with us," everyone is clearly missing the obvious explanation:

Bono was still reeling from having his mind blown by Amy Poehler. He thinks June is April now. :heart:
I haven't caught up yet, but I can guess what I'll be reading.

All I have to say is - June? Nahhhhhhh.

Also, aside from "Bono lies," "Bono is drunk," and "Bono is just messing with us," everyone is clearly missing the obvious explanation:

Bono was still reeling from having his mind blown by Amy Poehler. He thinks June is April now. :heart:

Fair point. Not sure who is the luckier one here but I'm starting to lean towards Bono. :lol:
Guys guys guys, we're missing the real question here. Has June been remastered by Amy Poehler or not?
Many of the things being tossed about are POSSIBLE. But if you look at all the things we know, what is the most LIKELY scenario?

Is it likely that they're going to work on an album without the producer who's done all of the work on the album to this point, as he is clearly not available for most of the time between now and June? Of course not.

So that only leaves two likely scenarios... It's done, other than perhaps the artwork and liner notes, or they're fucked and it's back to the drawing board.

Which do you believe?

Sent from my android cause iphones are for old people

Bono lied, the donkey made him do it
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Wow, reading through the last few hundred posts, you all need to calm the fuck down.

Headache is totally right, logic tells you what the most LIKELY scenario is.

U2 would be fully aware that we have low quality audio clips of Invisible - that's why they sent the U2.com message. They also know that we have plenty of info / ideas re Super Bowl.

I think there is only two possible reasons Bono said what he said:

- Divert attention to increase the surprise value
- The album IS coming out in June, but the Super Bowl ad is more than a single song.

Given the number of years we've had between albums, the number of projects started, finished etc, they would have more than enough material for 2 albums. I agree with those suggesting that the promotion / hype etc is too much just for one song, so perhaps there will be a U2 exclusive RED EP - Invisible as the single, and some other tracks left off the album (remember that Every Breaking Wave was on NLOTH until the eleventh hour) released immediately to promote the service, and then an album in June.

I don't know, I just think that there has been too much activity, effort for this stage in an album cycle for it not to be out in April. As Edge says, they are planning something special, and the overall impression has been of 'pain of death' for leaking any info. It doesn't seem to fit that Bono would go against that tide NOW and talk about June.

I hope I'm not just letting my wishes influence my perception of the evidence.
Would it be out of the realm of possibility that U2 drops an EP following the Super Bowl (featuring Invisible) as a bit of a teaser and then an album proper in June or later?

An EP ? From U2...? It is an interesting possibility :hmm:

Edge's comment about amazing things coming soon but not able to talk about it
sounds like we're gonna be up for a real treat far beyond a simple album release..
Is it beyond the realms of possibility that

'Invisible' is not the lead single for an album
It is solely being released to raise funds and awareness for RED
The $4m is being bankrolled by the TV companies to support the charity so no album promotion allowed
Therefore the album has too keep its distance, not be released until June and gives even more tinkering time if it is needed.
The tour is indoors,not reliant on Summer weather and has been pushed back also
I think the "amazing" was just in reference to whatever the team-up with Beats Music is for the Super Bowl ad.
given the band in question, I think people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they're expecting more than 12 songs, Invisible and OL included.
I think the "amazing" was just in reference to whatever the team-up with Beats Music is for the Super Bowl ad.

And whatever that is might continue in some form, ie the promo phase might be something a bit unusual, not just the usual award and late night show circuit. Could be kicking off some larger stunt.
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