
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 22, 2001
Live from Boston
Is anyone else sort of annoyed w/ this website or is it just me? Maybe i'm missing something...

I'm just assuming that if you get webmasters and PAY them to keep up on the site then they should do that. *I'd* do it if they paid me! (prob even for free but thats another issue lol)

For instance- they barely ever do "show details" anymore. It takes them a few days to update the setlist for each show. The fan reviews stopped wayyy back in April or something and only recently started up again. Tour Diaries have ended yet there are links for it everywhere. Tour pictures are barely updated, and they are never of the show they say there are.

Sure these maybe be trivial, and I know I'm only looking at it from an Elevation Tour Area point of view- but this is what I'm mainly interested in right now. I just find it a bit lacking. I haven't really looked at other band sites so I can't honestly compare, but these are my feelings on it based on what I look for on the web about the shows.

She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna make you whisper and moan

* U2TakeMeHigher *
it?s an official webpage, what do you expect. They are NOT fans!!!

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01

SHOW EVERY u2 VIDEO THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DO U HEAR ME?????????????????????????????

DOES ANYONE HEAR ME????????????????????????????????????????????

Originally posted by mad1:

SHOW EVERY u2 VIDEO THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wishing, wishing...... kinda gave up hoping

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Originally posted by AM:
it?s an official webpage, what do you expect. They are NOT fans!!!

According to the most recent issue of Propaganda, Sebastian Clayton (yes, bro of Adam) is the internet consultant to U2, and his computer company will take over management of U2.com "in the New Year."
Supposedly, many members of the website team from World Online International are fans.

Also from the article, I gathered that even Gavin Friday has also pitched in to offer comments and insight.

As someone who has worked on official websites for bands in the past - the bands are extremely involved in the process, and have a hand in picking the company who works on the website, and also get very involved in the site's overall appearance, site content and navigation capabilities.

[This message has been edited by HelloAngel (edited 11-06-2001).]
i remember all these damn promises before it ever went up. how it was going to contain things no other sites had and stuff like that.

The only cool things I saw were a few videos. Like the different BD vid and a behind the scenes video from the making of the video for All I Want Is You.

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
The reason the tour diary isn't going is because Willie Williams isn't with the show anymore. that's a damn good reason eh?
Originally posted by Winter Halcyon:
There is not an email address where we could send all our suggestions and what we want in u2.com

I?ve written to them a couple of times, but I?ve never got a response.

But I guess it must be really hard to run an official webpage. I suppose they have to get the guy?s permission for everything they want to put up.

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Originally posted by mad1:

SHOW EVERY u2 VIDEO THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DO U HEAR ME?????????????????????????????

DOES ANYONE HEAR ME????????????????????????????????????????????


And make them watchable in a format that actually works!!!!!!!

...a highway with no one on it, a treasure just to look upon it...

"She's hyperventilating." --my podiatrist (about me) 10-24-01
Originally posted by SkeeK:
The reason the tour diary isn't going is because Willie Williams isn't with the show anymore. that's a damn good reason eh?

any idea why he isn?t working for them anymore??? he?s been working for them for ages

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Olive, I completely agree....I hate the "loading" and the "ding" intro...and how the site is just so friggin hard to navigate, everything is SO SMALL and difficult to see and find...it's just rather poorly done, IMO. I know there is just SO much information on U2 that they can add to the site, but the way it's set up now just isn't very useful. I hope Sebbie and his crew can help to clean things up a bit.

anyone know what the name of Sebastian's web group is?

Originally posted by oliveu2cm:
Is anyone else sort of annoyed w/ this website or is it just me? Maybe i'm missing something...

I'm just assuming that if you get webmasters and PAY them to keep up on the site then they should do that. *I'd* do it if they paid me! (prob even for free but thats another issue lol)

For instance- they barely ever do "show details" anymore. It takes them a few days to update the setlist for each show. The fan reviews stopped wayyy back in April or something and only recently started up again. Tour Diaries have ended yet there are links for it everywhere. Tour pictures are barely updated, and they are never of the show they say there are.

Sure these maybe be trivial, and I know I'm only looking at it from an Elevation Tour Area point of view- but this is what I'm mainly interested in right now. I just find it a bit lacking. I haven't really looked at other band sites so I can't honestly compare, but these are my feelings on it based on what I look for on the web about the shows.

Originally posted by SkeeK:
The reason the tour diary isn't going is because Willie Williams isn't with the show anymore. that's a damn good reason eh?

yeah i knew this, and i think that if it's not going to be updated- which it obviously wont be by willie- then they should take away the 500 links for it that are everywhere on the surface.

it's good to know though that most official pages are less than what you'd expect.. would want to think it was just U2

"I'm addicted too... I'm just addicted to being up here on this stage.
Adam, Larry Mullen Jr., and Edge. They're my drug. Tonight I'm feeling high."
-Bono, Tempe, Arizona

"I just wanted to say that I'm really thrilled
to be spending my brithday with 18,000 of my closest friends!
Larry onstage, 10.31.01

* U2TakeMeHigher *
I think there are a couple of "issues" with the site (I wouldn't call them problems, because imo the site is pretty cool).

1. U2 is known for being very hands on. As someone mentioned, they probably can't do anything major to the site w/o the bands approval. That slows down the process.

2. U2 is v. guarded about their image. There is probably stuff that we as fans would love to have access to, but U2 as an organization won't put up for personal reasons.

3. U2 is really big into new technology. That website won't thrive until the majority of people have highspeed web access. When you want to view video's and listen to music, trying to do it on a 56k is mindbogglingly painful. Once we all have DSL or something better, and that site becomes a source for video's etc., it will be better.

I had an interesting discussion with a fan in the Providence GA line, and we were saying how once the technology becomes mainstream, how amazing would it be if you could log on to U2.com, and have access to all the soundboard recordings of all their shows, b-sides, outtakes etc., and for a nominal fee, be able to download them. Probably the same goes for video's, live footage. I think that is a real possibility, but it's still 10 years away at least.

The fact is, U2 aren't fans, they have no idea what fans want. The quality of the fan sites (such as interference.com) that currently exist is really good. U2tours.com for example has a far more comprehensive guide to live U2 than U2.com does. Why? Because the fans are passionate, and don't have their hands tied by the band. I am really surprised that U2.com didn't contact a lot of fan sites when they were in the development process and try to amalgamate some of them into the official site. The truth is, I don't think U2 fans go to U2.com for information, because the fan sites are quicker. Imagine if you combined Interference.com, youtwo.net, u2news.com, u2tours.com, atu2.com, and u2station.com with U2.com....now THAT would be a site to go and visit!

I can't change the world, but I can change the world in me.

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