truth or dare!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. silly people are supposed to ask and receive to each other.


do you think i have a lot of time like bathtime fun whore? she is such a loser. i'm busy with my new recording contract with lou pearlman.
*refers whortence to "the vagina monologues" :wink:

stories for boys, im not doing neither truth or dare.

im a poor sport... :Wink:
Flag Pole Pear said:
stories for boys, im not doing neither truth or dare.

im a poor sport... :Wink:


and i did my job...well, at least i'm in the process right now...

i have a feeling i'm not welcome there...
ok, i dare you to start 5 threads in pleba with radiohead pictures, each of them for every band member.


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