Time for all musicians to brag about their setups!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I can't resist the temptation:

'77 Gibson Explorer
'96 Standard Strat (awaiting a sustainiac pick-up for its infinite guitar conversion. A good alternative - better imo - to the Fernandes system www.sustainiac.com)
'70's reissue Strat
'01 Hamer Archtop
'53 Gibson J-45 acoustic

MXR Dynacomp
EH Big Muff (NYC)
Ibanez TS-9
Boss SD-1
Boss OD-2
T.C. Electronic Parametric EQ (found this for only $99)
DOD Bi-fet
GCX Ground Control (to control all this stuff)

In the rack:
Furman PL-8
Korg A3
Korg SDD-2000
Digitech DHP-55 (pitchshifter for *shimmer*)

Currently, all this noise comes out of a Vox Cambridge 30 Reverb twin. I can get a good Voxy sound out of the gain channel, but it's no AC30. As soon as I lose neighbors, I'll get an AC30.
Well as a new member here I will brag a lot!!!
Custom Audio Electronics Effects Switching System built by Bob Bradshaw and housed in Kriz Kraft shock mount racks filled with:
1. Klon Centaur (for CLean boost)
2. Klon Centaur (for Overdrive)
3. Pro Analog Top Boost for AC-30 treble boost simulation and grit
4. Axis Skrambler (Ampeg Scrambler clone used on Kite)
5. Fulltone 1996 Silver box '69 Deluxe fuzz face clone
6. MXR '77 script logo Dyna Comp
7. Lovetone Meatball
8. Lovetone Doppelganger
9. Electro-Harmonix '77 Memory Man
10. Lexicon LXP-5 (used for "Shimmer" preset)
11. Custom Audio Electronics Super Tremolo
12. Korg SDD-3000 (loaded w/ Edge presets)
13. Korg SDD-3000 (programmed by Bradshaw)
14. Electro-Harmonix '78 Queen Triggered Wah
15. Matchless GPR Preamp
16. VHT 2/50/2 Tube Power Amp
17. (2) Custom Audio Electronics 1x12" Celestion Vintage 30 loaded and ported speaker cabinets

1979 Fender Stratocaster(black w/ large headstock and w/ Rolph custom wound '74 pickups)
2003 Fender Masterbuilt 1960 Strat Relic(Sunburst)
2003 Fender Custom Shop '59 Custom Strat
1967 Gretsch Country Gentleman w/ Bigsby
2003 Rickenbacker 370-VP 6 string w/ vibrato Jetglo
2003 Rickenbacker 370/12-VP 12 string Mapleglo
2001 Gibson Custom Shop Betts Ultra-aged Les Paul Goldtop(1957 spec)
2003 Gibson Custom Shop/Historic 1954 Les Paul Custom Black Beauty
1999 Gibson Yoakam Y2K Signature J-185 Acoustic

Herdim Blue picks
GHS, Gibson, Fender and DR strings

email me to discuss or for more info: trlaw88@hotmail.com
Damn, I have nothing compared to you guys.

Squire Affinity Strat
Takamine Acoustic
Epiphone Les Paul 100 - (out of commission; signed by B.B King)
Epiphone Les Paul Custom Plus

Fender Dyna-Touch Champion
Boss DD3 Delay
Ibanez TS-9 Tubescreamer

Herdim picks (among others)
Gibson Vintage Re-issue strings
well since i haven't been playing long and am young and broke i only have one guitar which is a squire strat, unless you want to count the acoustic i borrowed from a friend when i started and just haven't bothered to give back. me and a couple of my friends are also trying to create a band you can check out our website at http://schizo-elephant.tripod.com

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