Things I hate part 360

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^ apparently some of the fb links are loaded with malware etc . . . my :twocents:? if you're morbidly curious enough to click on one of those sicko pics you kinda have it coming to ya! :yuck:
eggsactly! the couple of times i have been curious enough to look, i regret it immediately. that stuff gives me the creeps.

I hate that my work are all going out for dinner tonight to celebrate our hard work, but not me. They decided to tell me yesterday afternoon that it's tonight, when I already had plans. It's being held at a place I can't go, a couple of girls that work there vandalised my car, they also threatened my life amongst other lovely threats. . . . so yeah, I'm not so comfortable there. The manager seemed a little ticked that I was ruining their company bonding time but didn't offer to change the date or place....until today when some chump from head office said it was a crap place to eat, they changed it in under a minute!!!!

I'm looking for a new job.
what asses! i worked for a place like that once, we were all going to meet up for dinner and they picked a place that was in the opposite direction of where i lived, and coupled with it being on a worknight, it felt like they just didn't want me to be there.
I hate not having enough hours in a day to accomplish everything I have planned, having to stay up late each night and get only four or five hours of sleep.
Luckily, I seem to have fit in well so far at the office, in spite of my poorly-timed "I can't have any cake I'm watching my weight" joke in the first week
I hate not having enough hours in a day to accomplish everything I have planned, having to stay up late each night and get only four or five hours of sleep.

I know that so well, I have that all the time. Most of the time it's working fine because I live off my adrenaline, but sometimes it just gets too much and I'm "crashing". Just take care and don't forget to take a deep breath and do one thing after the other. I know the feeling of trying to do everything at the same time and my day is NEVER long enough for anything :)
I hate that my work are all going out for dinner tonight to celebrate our hard work, but not me. They decided to tell me yesterday afternoon that it's tonight, when I already had plans. It's being held at a place I can't go, a couple of girls that work there vandalised my car, they also threatened my life amongst other lovely threats. . . . so yeah, I'm not so comfortable there. The manager seemed a little ticked that I was ruining their company bonding time but didn't offer to change the date or place....until today when some chump from head office said it was a crap place to eat, they changed it in under a minute!!!!

I'm looking for a new job.

What the hell? :hug: That's NO way a good work environment. Hope you can find a new job too, sounds like you need to get the hell out of there asap!
I don't mind it either but in reasonable amounts :wink:
Fortunately the lecturer told us in class the noun for a die-hard fan of Justin Bieber :yikes:Otherwise I'd have difficulty in this one...
:| The website of my university is down. Me and my friends have exams next week and NEED documents from the site. Just our luck.

mine are shite at the moment too...I'm just using speakers instead

I hate how sidetracked I can get from homework! (I was illustrating the point to my friend of how Bono and Gavin look weirdly similar)
Edit. I hate looking at my recent artwork and only thinking 'god that's shite, must fix/change/remove' :|
Edit. I hate looking at my recent artwork and only thinking 'god that's shite, must fix/change/remove' :|
Oh. my. god. THIS. Not particularly artwork (because I can draw nothing but stick figures, and even then it doesn't look right), but with my writings - I had to put together a portfolio for my final semester in college... boy, rereading some of that stuff made me think "My God! What the hell was I thinking writing this?!" Sometimes I feel like it's just impossible for me to ever be satisfied with my work :crack:
I hate that my grandpa is sick and has to be flown to another city to be taken care of because it is too serious to deal with here. I've already lost one grandparent this year, I don't know how I will deal with losing another one! :sigh:
:hug: Hey if they're moving her they must be confident enough that she's in good shape. And that she'll be cured there. Hope she'll be all right.
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