Things I hate part 360

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Hurricane season. Bracing for a tropical storm passing over the island tonight and tomorrow. Only good thing is no school tomorrow. :wink:

f*ck, f*ck, f*ckity, f*ck


if I had more energy, and wasn't feeling quite so self centred, I'd throw big :hug:'s and :kiss:'s and happy :zen: vibes to you cobl, gg, khan, romi, ryancoke and everyone else who needs em but I'm too busy feeling put upon . . .

Moving sucks, PR, even if it's just across town. When you get settled, it will be worth it! :hug:

I hate the AT&T commercial on TV in which a woman bitches out her husband for signing them up for some program and says she should have married someone else. What a hag! :angry:
Public toilets at venues not having all three of the following: paper towel, soap and a hand dryer. Most don't. How fucking hard is it?

Which is why I don't use many public toilets (especially here in the island). Lack of maintenance and just pure disgusting. Hell, even the bathrooms at fast food restaurants here are shit, most of the time. :censored:
Public toilets at venues not having all three of the following: paper towel, soap and a hand dryer. Most don't. How fucking hard is it?
omg i hate if i'm somewhere and can't wash my hands after using the bathroom. some people wouldn't be fazed by that (which is its own hate for me) but i don't know what i'd do if i couldn't wash my hands. it's bad enough that at school they have no paper towels, just these "eco-friendly" long cloth towels on a rolling thing. who knows when those were last cleaned.
I hate that packing takes up so much time...

I want to be doing art, visiting my friends, and generally wasting time instead :angry: damn you college.
the fact that it always goes one of two ways: i either get completely ignored or i get pestered to death in the never-ending quest to boost over-inflated egos. though i suppose out of the two i prefer the former.
Things I hate.....
Those ppl that stand at the instant teller machine and take so long you think they are applying for a mortgage!! OMG! I waited so long this am I needed to shave again.
Oh I completely avoid public toilets. I'm talking about the toilets at places like restaurants etc.

A restaurant loo not having toilet paper or a place to wash your hands? :yuck: Eww. That's not just gross but way unhygienic. What if the staff don't wash their hands either. They touch your food!
I thought he meant porta-potties as the "public" bit - I can't even imagine a restaurant (or other store or something) bathroom without having those things.
If I find a clean public toilet, I'm really more than willing to pay a few cents for it, but most of them are just :yuck: Unfortunately, I have to go to use public toilets a lot because of a kidney problem I have. Either I don't drink much water, then I'm at risk of collapsing, or I drink much water, then I have to find myself a toilet, wherever I am.
I am very sensitive when it comes to hygiene and I'm disgusted easily. Thank God I cannot take a look at most kitchens when I'm at a restaurant, otherwise I wouldn't be eating out much, because I'm sure many of them don't live up to high hygienic standards. :huh:
Taking little baggies full of toilet paper and antibacterial wipes to the Moncton show was the second best decision I made on that trip. (The first was stopping for the night in Fredericton on the way there.)

What do I hate?

Buying a new pair of shoes that feel really comfortable. You walk around the aisles at the store, they feel great. No rubbing. Comfy soles! Should be great for walking around Dublin! And they're cute!

Take them home, wear them again around your apartment. Still no rubbing, neither on that bit where your Achilles' tendon is, nor that pesky big toe joint that's kind of wonky. Awesome! Can't wait to wear them, they'll be cute with jeans or a skirt!

Walk outside, and two blocks later, they are rubbing the skin off the back of your Achilles' tendon. And now you've worn them outside, and they are not returnable.

nor that pesky big toe joint that's kind of wonky.

On that note. I hate having screwy feet when they're supposed to come with age instead of just...out of nowhere.

I had an ingrown toenail that was evil and infected for ~2 years as it was recovering, which is thankfully better now, but now I've got a bunion and it hurrrrts. I'm going to spend summer break recovering from foot surgery...grr.

Oh, and did I mention arches that collapse without shoe inserts? Yeah :sad:
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