The REAAAAAAL Sing With Me Game - Collaborate HERE!

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Let's all take a line of this:

I guess there were no backing tracks yet for the last 2 songs that were originally chosen. Miri1.wavUtoo
So we're waiting. Miri2.wav Queen Bee
If discotech doesn't have the time or doesn't feel like doing it. Miri3.wav ThoraSEB
Maybe some other musician could take over. Miri4.wav Got Philk?

I do know that ntalwar and UKtan have some backing traks we could sing to. Miri5.wav Lila64
Perhaps there are more people out there that do. Miri6.wav the rockin' edge

I personally think it would be a shame if we can't make it to 12 songs. Miri7.wav BrightestStar

One way to finish would be to just choose 2 other songs (than were originally planned). Miri8.wav ntalwar
Preferably songs were backing tracks are already available for. Miri9.wav discotech

I always had in the back of my mind that "the album" (with a accompanying artwork) could (easily) be finished by June 1st.
But that's not gonna happen.
Unless it becomes "a EP" with 10 songs on it (just like Zooropa).

I must say that timing isn't really on our side.
End of schoolyear.
Busy time for students.
Lots of people traveling (vacation) and spending time outdoors.
I expect things to quiet down even more.

Till summer is over.
And school starting back up again.
More people spending time indoors.
And hopefully an announcement of rescheduled dates.
I'm sure that there will be more activity on the boards then.

Maybe it would be good to have a summer break and depending on interest start working on "a new album" in the fall.

It has been said before, but it's kinda :sad: to see it end like this.

I'm not even sure if I'd like "an EP" released right now, 'cause I doubt that it'll get the attention/credit it deserves.
I mean everybody who is still interested and posting in this thread will look.
But will the rest of the forum take notice?

Uhm, I'm having trouble finding the right words.
But I think you understand what I'm trying to say.
Catch my drift?

I'm sure there's more of you out there that feel the same way or have been walking around with the same things as I just proposed/wrote.

I know I've been thinking about it ever since things slowed down.
I just didn't wanna post it.
And I feel bad that I am doing it right now.
But I feel like the time has come for it to be said out in the open.
This sure is one of me rattling long post again.
(Seriously doubt that anybody will read this all the way through the end)

Sorry y'all.
Can't help it.
:coocoo: :wink:


(I read all the way through, Miri! :hug: )

BTW - I think those backing tracks are cheesy karaoke ones - not as robust sounding as the ones we've had.


While we are waiting for a backing track, perhaps we can have some fun with coming up with a name for the album.

Unless, of course, there already is one.

Is there, Queen Bee?


I had the feeling there was a name already.
But it totally slipped my mind.

* leaves thread hanging head in shame *

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Another Monday came and went.


hope no ones notices I posted/bumped right after myself twice on this page alone

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And I so told myself I wasn't going to be the one to :bump: this thread this time around.
But I just couldn't let it slide any further.
I'm so weak!
It's pathetic really.
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