The Random Seinfeld Quotes Thread

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Blue Crack Supplier
May 7, 2006
This is the thread to post random Seinfeld quotes that pop into your head from time to time. I'm very Seinfeld-humor-ish. I wonder if that is a word. But I am. I feel it deserves a thread.

JERRY: "It's level-jumping on our friendship."

ELAINE: "It IS level-jumping on our friendship!"

ELAINE: "GET OUT!!!!!!!!"


(to George on urinating in the shower)

JERRY: "Do the medical books say anything about standing in a pool of someone else's urine?"
George: He will be everything I pretend to be, only for real. That is my dream, Jerry.
Jerry: I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating me!
He regifted and took an upstairs invite to mean a weekend sex romp at the Super Bowl.

Elaine: He took it out
Jerry: He took what out?
Elaine : He took IT out.

These pretzels are making me THIRSTY
From one of my favorite episodes:

George victoriously holding up mangos, "I'M BACK BABY! I'M BACK!!!!!!!!"

"It's not like after the risotto."

JERRY: "He's the Got-No-Green Lantern."


JERRY & GEORGE: "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
Sponge Worthy!

Seinfeld.....4! (Chinese Restaraunt)

And the Librarian episode..Let me tell you something joyboy!


and how could I forget No Soup For You!! :lol:
George: Have you ever seen Elaine dance?

Jerry: Elaine dance?!

George: It's like a full-body dry heave set to music.
KRAMER: "I'm out there Jerry!! And I'm loving every minute of it!!


Elaine "You want a Christmas card? You want a Christmas card? Here's your Christmas card!!!"
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Kramer: Newman and I are reversing our peep holes so we can look inside and avoid an ambush before we go in.
Jerry: Then couldn't anyone look in and see you?
Kramer: Our policy is that we're comfortable with our bodies. If someone wants a peek, well then, we say, "Enjoy the show!"
"And you want to be my latex salesman".

(BTW my family and friends have a Fesitvus party every year, complete with feats of strength, the Festivus pole and the Airing of Greivances)
Jerry: Hey Kramer, why don't we ever see any of these friends of yours?
Kramer: They say the same thing about you guys.
Yada yada yada :lol:

Elaine: Yeah. I met this lawyer, we went out to dinner, I had the
lobster bisk, we went back to my place, yada yada yada, I never heard from him again.

Jerry: But you yada yada'd over the best part.

Elaine: No, I mentioned the bisk.

George: I've never been the bad boy before.

Jerry: You've been the bad employee, the bad son, the bad friend... the bad fiance, the bad dinner guest, the bad credit risk... the bad sport, the bad date, the bad citizen... the bad tipper!
The Keith Hernandez episode:

Back and to the left ... back and to the left ...

The second spitter behind the bush near the gravely road.


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