The Now and Then thread.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Dalton Then:


Dalton Now:


Welcome to your dirty 30's, buddy.
Bono or Boner.... a cute baby but a damn good looking man now. :drool:

the first one of "now" Arnold is a fake right? looks like the top of the pic is photoshopped on :lol:
I ran into Adam from Beasty Boys at this health food store in Hollywood, I know I cant talk smack cause I know Im not the biggest guy around ( talking only weight lol) but he is the thinnest guy Ive ever seen. As for Carrot top, he frequents right by where Carlos used to work, he drinks like 9 cups of Java and chills, but homeboy is yolked out, I would never mess with Carrot top even though its easy to make fun of him but if you see him in real life, dont mess with him, his arms are HUGE.
Like... when we first joined the site vs. now :hmm:

Or even teenage pics vs. now...

but no baby pics since there's already a thread on it.
compared to some of the other folks then and now pics, u2 has aged pretty well.

Pretty much, but I am goig to be honest.
Bono looks like he's 53-55.
I know he is busy, etc... and he still is a good looking man, but he just looks beat and withered.
Adam seems to be the one getting better looking with age, he looks damn fine.
Larry could pass for 35-37, and Edge looks his age.

They are all still so beautiful to me though.
letting yourself go and ballooning up to an unhealthy weight makes you a "real woman"? check.

you want the ignoramus of the week award?

1. she's not an unhealthy weight
2. the original picture was more than likely airbrushed, stretched and cropped anyway
3. the original does not portray an automatic representation of healthy
4. she's not all that heavier now
5. she actually looks fine now, and subjectivity aside, anyone who thinks otherwise is an arse
6. women, with age, soften up and get fat deposits in places where they weren't before, especially if one is a celebrity type who starves herself and works out excessively to maintain the thinness which keeps her employed to appease the shallow who demand she be thin

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