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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
He sings that low baritone in every song but Vanderlyle. Yeah, he breaks out a higher pitch at the endings of a few songs, but other than that? Not really at all.

Dude, listen to Boxer and High Violet back to back. Terrible Love, Afraid of Everyone, Little Faith, Anyone's Ghost, half of Bloodbuzz, most of Lemonworld, half of Runaway, Conversation 16, most of England and Vanderlyle as you've mentioned are sung in a higher pitch than on previous albums. Berninger himself acknowledged that he tried to sing differently on this record. I appreciate the change, I just consider it a bit too much for my tastes, since I think his voice on previous albums seemed more natural and less strained, so to speak. Endings? "I'm afraid of everyone", "It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders" and so on and so on. Is that his baritone Fake Empire-ish voice? Nope. It works for me sometimes, but in the end it ends up being somewhat of an overkill. In my opinion.
I no longer like you, Ronnie. My jealousy knows no bounds.


Hehehehe, :D

Here is the set lists for those interested.........

1. Mistaken For Strangers
2. Anyone's Ghost
3. Bloodbuzz Ohio
4. Afraid Of Everyone
5. Brainy
6. Secret Meeting
7. Sorrow
8. Little Faith
9. Slow Show
10. Squalor Victoria
11. All The Wine
12. Conversation 16
13. Apartment Story
14. England
15. Abel
16. Fake Empire

17. Runaway
18. Lemonworld
19. Mr. November
20 Terrible Love

The second night was mostly the same, Lemonworld came earlier in the main set, Brainy was replaced by Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks, and About Today finished the show!

I guess been as the album is out now its okay to discuss it on here without spoilers, yeah?
I had to listen to Terrible Love 3 times in a row before starting on the rest of the album.
I asked the record shop guy about the limited edition and he sassed me about how I should follow them on twitter and I'd know all about it :ohmy: Sorry Chief.
He was nice enough to special order You and Me for me though
Not crazy about the video, but it's safe to say MB had been hitting the sauce pretty hard for the spotlight sequences.
FYI, iTunes has a bonus track called "Walk Off". You can buy the song individually, so you aren't nailed into buying the album to get it. Sounds like what you'd expect from a bonus track on the clip.
I find the video hilarious. :up:

"I'm on a blood... *goofy dance*" :D
High Violet special edition vinyl = procured. Held it toward the heavens as if it were immaculately conceived (it was purchased on the rough side of town, so I observed a few conceptions that balanced it out), discovered I had not received a violet ticket, then set it down a chair somewhere and have yet to play it. You guys know how vinyls are.
It's true. As soon as we got off the interstate and I saw an abandoned shopping cart in someone's front yard, I knew we were in for a fine time:


Travis is pleased with the purchase, guys.


(enjoy my pimp car)
looks like you've put on a lot of weight Trav!

$20 at my shop, and i didn't buy it today, as all i could see was a cardboard foldout, seemingly no room for a booklet. will research further.
Hmm, I thought Lucky's was closed down.

Either way, Good Records FTW.

It seemed nice, unfortunately it was a seriously in and out visit, because my dad was waiting for me back at my apartment in the Fort to finish moving out. I would've loved more time to look around, but my wallet would have been a little upset at the idea.
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