the little stranger -EPILOGUE

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War Child
Dec 2, 2003
well I thought I would just finish it coming full circle, he started of with being a dad so I ended it with him being a dad again only in happier circumstances


(seven months later)
Karen was busy in Katies bedroom trying to clean it up, toys and books and clothes were scattered everywhere like a tornado had hit it.. she was really going to have to start Katie to clear up after herself, at least now while she was taking a nap Karen could sort it out, she had to do something anyway

She was getting tired just sitting around, she felt huge and the baby would not stop kicking, it didnt feel so bad when she moved about a bit. Bono was in Germany attending a conference to do with world debt, he would be back again in two days time, for once she was glad to get him from under her feet he was driving her nuts fussing over her, she knew he meant well, but being heavily pregnant and her hormones going wacky she found herself getting tetchy and irritated easy and she just wanted to keep busy and active or felt she would go nuts.

She gathered some of Katie's fluffy stuffed toys lying on the floor to throw into the toy box

All morning she had been getting a tightening feeling in her back and tummy, she had tried to ignore it, she wasnt due for another two weeks or so.

But as she straightened up from the toybox she knew something was happening, as she felt a dampness. between her legs. "Oh no this can't be happening" she murmered in dismay....

Liv was about to leave her office to a meeting when her cell phone went of.. it was Karen

"Liv I think you had better come over, my waters have broke, I think I have started going into labour"

"What?!" Liv exclaimed "But you arent suppose to pop for another two weeks yet".

Karen giggled at Liv's usage of words "Well I have popped earlier than I thought.. please can you get in contact with Bono and let him know" she finished anxiously

"Sure thing" Liv replied "And don't panic I will be over straight away and get you to the hospital"

"Thanks" Karen replied, she hung up and clutched her stomach, shaking with nerves and excitment "Why couldnt you just hang on for another two days at least. she scolded in annoyance.

Bono was in the conference hall in Berlin, meeting delgates and politians shaking hands and exchanging conversation he was suppose to get up and give a speech soon, then his pager went of, he pulled it out of his pocket and seen the word baby on its way. he had to read it twice before it sunk in what it meant.

"Baby on the way!" he exclaimed out loud that everyone looked round at him, realising this he grinned sheepishly, excused himself and went hurriedly to find the chairman of the conference

"I am sorry you are going to have to make excuses for me I have to get out of here... my wife is having our baby right now" he informed him

The chairman smiled "I guess that is understandable. you have to get your priorities right.. I will inform the conference that you have become suddenly unavailable I am sure they will understand"

"Thanks" Bono shook hands with him "I really got to go.. so sorry again.. maybe the next time" he said as he walked away
"Of course.. oh and congratulations" The Chairman smiled

Bono's heart was leaping in his chest.. he had to get a plane to take him straight back to Dublin and then drive to the hospital. although the journey took three hours it felt forever to Bono, a car was waiting for him at the airport to take him to the hospital, he only half listened to the driver who decided to inform him about the arrival of his own two children into the world

Reaching the Hospital he hurried to the reception area, he was recognised immediatly by the smiling nurse "Ah Mr Hewson, you made it, your wife is in the small private Labour ward up on the next floor" she informed him.

Thanks" Bono replied.. he could be bothered waiting for the elevator and took the stairs two at a time

his anxiety and excitment increasing by the minute. he caught sight of Liv standing in the corridor and hurried up to her
"Where is Karen is she ok?" he asked anxiously

"she is doing great" Liv replied Edge is minding Katie for you, so don't be worrying about her either its all sorted, karen is in the next room, the doctor is with her now, but i think they will let you in" she then told him

"Thanks" Bono grinned and went into the room.. The female doctor had just finished examining Karen who was hooked up to a machine so that they could hear the babys heartbeat
Karen caught sight of Bono and beamed, he came over to her and grabbed her hand "Hows it going?"

"Everything is fine" she assured him squeezing his hand.. she knew how important it was for him to be here "You made it in plenty of time, it seems first time babies like to take their time coming into the world"

Bono leaned over and kissed her cheek "good, I am just glad I can be here with you, i was panickying it would be all over by the time I got here"

"You might wish you had been before its all over" Karen grinned and stiffened as a labour pain struck home. they were indeed getting stronger and coming quicker.. she was just so glad that Bono was here with her to make her feel better.

An hour or so later Karen was in the last stage and had started pushing, Bono still held onto her hand encouraging her, though he looked more anxious than she did he could see she was in pain and was giving it her best, effort it was scary and exciting at the same time.

The doctors and nurses assured her she was doing great, and told her the baby was almost on its way, that they could see the head.. she had to give one final push, karen was feeling tired and exhausted.. but just wanted the whole thing over, done her best to obey, and was rewarded for her effort when the baby actually slid out Bono let out an excited cheer, then the doctor announced it was a boy,

Bono and Karen exchanged looks laughing and crying at the same time, Bono kept kissing Karens face telling her he loved her and thanking her.

After they cut the umbilical cord and cleaned the baby up they wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Karen
"Oh he is lovely he looks just like you" she told Bono and lightly kissed the baby on the head

"you reckon?" Bono asked staring down at his son in wonderment.

Karen let him hold him "It seems Katie has a new brother" she laughed

Bono held the tiny child seeming suddenly in awe of it all tears welled up in his eyes again, the baby decided to let them all know he was around and let out a wail

"My he has a good pair of lungs on him" the nurse exchaned cheerfully "I think he will probably take after his father and take up singing"

"Yeah I think so too" Bono replied proudly and they all laughed.

the end
thanks, glad you enjoyed the story it was fun writing it:D
"Baby on the way!" he exclaimed out loud that everyone looked round at him, realising this he grinned sheepishly, excused himself and went hurriedly to find the chairman of the conference

awe... how cute! love your writing ;)
nO problem supernova.. if you like I can email you some of my other stories I have put up but there is no Bono in them :)

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