The Dusted Land

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 25, 2000
Smile, you're reading my post
Sombre scene along a valley revoked,

this heartland shakes and shatters

and calls to my lonesome heart.

Fickle apple blossoms

laugh and snicker upon my wait,

too cold to taste their buds so sweet

their iron fisted chill abondoning the streets.

What country hour beckons this dusted land?

A hark of sorrow falls underfoot,

as the rustling winds chase a tyranted path.

Call me from beneath those whistling howls,

stand over my silence upon the shimmering, sundripped morn.

This is my homeland,

so stripped and torn.

Whispering for its loving past,

to see the dusty hills roam wild

and scorn the feverish winds goodbye
a very beautiful day indeed, poems by each of my two favourite female poets

too many wonderful lines to select just one or two
"Fickle apple blossoms

laugh and snicker upon my wait,

too cold to taste their buds so sweet

their iron fisted chill abondoning the streets."

beautiful zoomanda...
the imagery is just're another one of my favourite poets

your poetry inspires me to, well, write poetry

I think Edge is the head of the band, I'm the heart, and Adam and Larry are the feet.
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