Textification of the classics

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Angela Harlem

Jesus Online
Dec 31, 1969
a glass castle
I confess my annoyance at this is not because it's being done, but because advocates and scholars think that the gist of a book can be summed up in a text message sized abbreviation.

So, interference, can it? Let's see. Post some text messages that summarise a classic work.

Did u hear? Fanny hooked up w/ her cuz -the ordained minister! wat will gd make of the kids?
-Mansfield Park

Rhett, house has been burgled. Can u bring some chicken home for lunch? thnx
-Gone With The Wind

Post more. Let's modernise these stuffy classics into what the attention deficit youth can understand.
Okay, I'll try to take a whack at this

"Jane, you'll never believe what I overheard Darcy say about me at the party. ttyl"

Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice
"Yo hermione, i'm tryin to holla at ya 4 reel. let me hit that shit one time."

- Ron Weasley bored in class at Hogwarts
"Black man cant hold a job or a woman w/out whitey bringin him down."
- Shakespeare's "Othello"

"stupid ghost. :( I dont no wat 2 do. fuck it. uncle is goin down 2nite."
- Shakespeare's "Hamlet"

"hubby is suff-o-cat-ing me. i think im gonna leave him w/da kids. mm macaroons"
- Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House"

"Fuck Britain."
- Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
"Ths guy says he's got sumthing that'll make us "float". Sounds sweeet"

- It
"on my way 2 mt. doom; hope ur not enslaved in the meantime."

-Lord of the Rings
"Still waiting. For realz. WTF?"

- Waiting for Godot
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