Teen PLEBAns Party: Look, we're not a packet of cornflakes

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah. Well, hit me in the face with his front paw. He was jumping at me and I told him to get down, but he jumped again anyway and socked me right in the nose.
Awww...geez, poor you! But excited doggies are so :cute: to me. Luckily my dog is tiny so he can't do any physical damage.
Lousy untrainable mutt.

Anyways, how's you guys doing this fine Friday?
:fist: Where's Edge's teleporation machine when you need it?
He should turn it into a phone app. :yes: Then all of us with smartphones can start teleporting.

Friends :fist:

I have to work tonight :grumpy: I'm gonn call them now and tell them I can't be there till six cuz I'm making up a test :wink:
One hour actually makes a big difference in the hideousness of the shift
Hey Kristen! :wave: :hug:

Singing in the car :drool:

Ok, this guy in this free single, is trying to hard to sound like Bono, I swear! :madwife: :lol:

Hi Liz :wave:

Uh no one can ever compare to Bono :D

:wave: Hi Kristen

Are you croaking? :lol:

Liz, what's the song?

Hey Val :wave:

Sorry my brain is being slow today, I don't really get what you just said :reject: :lol:
Letters From The Sky by Civil Twilight

Thing is....I love the song. :shifty: :lol:

I like the title :yes: Reason I asked was my friend said she saw a band (that actually opened for U2 in Dublin) and she said the singer was trying really hard to be Bono :lol:

Hey Val :wave:

Sorry my brain is being slow today, I don't really get what you just said :reject: :lol:

Haha, I was just asking if your voice was croaky, you said it was strained. I could only croak after the shows, but that's not the same. I'm sometimes incoherent/say useless things :lol:
Haha, I was just asking if your voice was croaky, you said it was strained. I could only croak after the shows, but that's not the same. I'm sometimes incoherent/say useless things :lol:

Hahahaha I thought you meant that croaking as in dying, when someone says a person croaked :lol: Of course my mind wanders into thinking you were asking if I was dying from watching those awesome videos you sent me last night :lol: :D....which i almost died watching them btw :drool:
^ Not makin' ya. :wink:
That band could have been The Script. I like them. :yes: :D

It was The Script. I haven't checked them out yet, but she didn't like them. She doesn't like ANYTHING...it was a struggle for me to get her to like U2 :lol:

Hahahaha I thought you meant that croaking as in dying, when someone says a person croaked :lol: Of course my mind wanders into thinking you were asking if I was dying from watching those awesome videos you sent me last night :lol: :D....which i almost died watching them btw :drool:


Yay, bleeding's stopped and it's not broken. It just hurts like hell.
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