Teen Pleban Party: Who is this Adam person and why is he so tan?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Hello ! So its the Mexicans and the Dutch only I see *giggle*

Happy saint patricks day :hug: not that we celebrate it
:giggle: I was surprised to see any form of life in here.
I think Mars has a more dense population than this thread.

How are you doing Fernando and Jorinde?
Had a shitty day... or week , hope its over soon.
Just some people out of my class , which I'm sure are suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect :mad::happy: and I have to work with them but you can't trust them.
I feel like a babysitter sometimes. Plus one of the animals is sick at school.
Poor thing got a pneumonia ....
And thanks Jorinde , I'm just crushing at Edge at the moment. :heart:
^I love your avi. So much. :love:

Edit: I see that mine is still Dave Grohl. :lol: :heart:

Its all because of Edge ! *burst out into a semi-out-of-tune version of ABOY*
:hug: Thanks! Dave Grohl can be kind of cute :cute:

I gotta change my avi...it's not funny anymore :lol:

Domo's is adowable :heart:

:hug: Thankyou, I love both of your avi's anyway.

Man , I was posting in the Chille setlist party thread. And It just suddenly died on page 4,
so I went to bed, and its in page 40 something!?
And then there was a dog in the crowd, and there was this singer who erh... how to say this nicely...7
flubbed up One Tree Hill... Thank god for Edge for ripping out that solo. on tour.
Oh the drama U2 is back.

And this... :love: Adorable
I played magnificent really loudly in my car with the windows down today......that and the sun made my bones feel good. :heart:

How/and or where is everyboday? :)
Hey Leesh! That sound like a cool way to spend your driving time.
I have to agree with you the sun is good to us :D

Not much happening here, the usual stuff, school, finals, etc...
I just got a mayor fail at economics... I hate taxing... So it was to be expected.
Hey what's going on!? Anyone here?

I'm really glad my earplugs arrived yesterday.:hyper: I've been wearing them and testing them out on loud sources such as my guitar amp, dad's loud drums, blasting music in the car, etc and they absolutely work wonders for protecting your hearing. Just got a pair of Etymotic ER-20 earplugs, around $12.00 for a pair. They'll come in handy when I see U2 this summer, as well as a couple other live events. And I don't know about anyone else but I want to preserve my hearing and these do the trick without making the music sound "dull". It's only as if someone turned down the volume on everything and didn't dull it out too, like foam earplugs. Just saying that I do recommend them.:D I really wish they'd hand these out at shows.


These feel strange at first and then you get to where you don't even notice them. They also make them in smaller sizes too for smaller ear canals.
I just gave in with ruining my ears with U2 :giggle:
stupid but yeah... Ohmygod they played EBTTRT :drool:

Aaaaaaahhh ,

And some other news : I'm going to try my luck and get Glasto tickets in the last resale.
I hope I'll get trough. :pray:
Fuck ! I forgot to spoiler that !! Fail!:reject: But I can't edit it anymore...
My apologies... but:

Haha Friends. I used to like a few episodes of that show. I seriously hope you can get tix for Glasto! I want to go but I don't think we could afford to travel all the way over. That and I just don't know of anyone who would want to go with me. I'll just stay here and watch it on TV. I was so pissed last year cause I had to play a gig when Edge showed up to play with Muse and so I missed it.:angry: Won't be missing it this year! And I think I'm gonna need my hearing. Those earplugs will be my ears best friend. If I had to lose my hearing I'd want to lose it listening to U2.
I recently bought earplugs as well (At Home Depot :lol:) , but I got the foam ones. I haven't tested them yet, though yours looks like they're better. I don't plan on using them at U2's shows, I won't bring them to the first show anyway. If I see that I could use them, then I guess I would use them for the last two shows.
Haha Friends. I used to like a few episodes of that show. I seriously hope you can get tix for Glasto! I want to go but I don't think we could afford to travel all the way over. That and I just don't know of anyone who would want to go with me. I'll just stay here and watch it on TV. I was so pissed last year cause I had to play a gig when Edge showed up to play with Muse and so I missed it.:angry: Won't be missing it this year! And I think I'm gonna need my hearing. Those earplugs will be my ears best friend. If I had to lose my hearing I'd want to lose it listening to U2.

I'm lucky because I have family and friends over there. And Holland is just a hop across the channel to the UK,
its 2 hours by boat, or 1 hour by plane, and not that expensive.I hope I get trough, and if not I'm just gonna enjoy it on TV.
My mum taped the Edge performance for me, so I was very lucky.

I recently bought earplugs as well (At Home Depot :lol:) , but I got the foam ones. I haven't tested them yet, though yours looks like they're better. I don't plan on using them at U2's shows, I won't bring them to the first show anyway. If I see that I could use them, then I guess I would use them for the last two shows.

I didn't use earplugs at any of the concerts I went to.
The music -for me- is not that loud, where in the end your ears hurt.
Its loud enough to party , and you kinda feel the bass line's in your whole chest.... Plus Larry's bass drum really makes the earth shake.
I taped UV in Brussels , and had my elbows on the barrier, and when I looked back you could totally see that every time Larry hits that bass drum,
my hands move :lmao:
:hyper: I just registered for Glasto! *will spend the next week praying for tickets*
I have been pretty lucky with these things, lets just hope that luck lasts a bit longer.
Got so exited because they played the new opener last night,
I hope they keep it until the end of the tour.
I love how loud the bass is at live shows!:love: I cannot afford to lose my hearing ao I'm gonna use them. At my first U2 show I didn't use any and my ears rang a lot after. I've decided to use earplugs at every live evnt for now on. It was worth not to use any at the show I saw in 09 but not anymore. I hate foam earplugs. While better than nothing they still block out a lot of the higher frequencies. I'll get to truly test out my earplugs tomorrow at band practice. I'll report on how they perform, especially against our loud drummer.
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