Teen Pleban Party: Who is this Adam person and why is he so tan?

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Well I definitely want to continue playing classical guitar, but perhaps my dad and I ar gonna buy a.. well.. cheap electric guitar, and maybe I'll take some lessons for that too..:hmm:

Oh and I also bought that book called "En zij noemden hem Bono" !
Well I definitely want to continue playing classical guitar, but perhaps my dad and I ar gonna buy a.. well.. cheap electric guitar, and maybe I'll take some lessons for that too..:hmm:

Oh and I also bought that book called "En zij noemden hem Bono" !

Edit into english :giggle: :

Oh god my mum showed me that book when they where advertising on it in a local bookstore.
Never read it , I hope its good.
Hahaha, exactly! Electric guitars are fun, because it's for pop music, but I want to be a great classical guitarplayer 8)

Thats cool :cute:
LEEEEEESH! watching your albarn video in 5...4...3...2...

Stylo <3
Lmao,how the hell do you end up giving someone a ride .... on your knee?
Helloooo!:D Snow is melting here. Part of me is :sad: and the other part of me is :hyper:.

I've already got ATYCLB but my second copy just arrived. First one is working absolutely fine, I just had to get the UK version cause 'The Ground Beneath Her Feet' is freaking awesome! On repeat.:drool:
Ooh , collector you! I need to get a new copy of NLOTH , I wrecked the jewelcase because I took it traveling with me.
I'm looking around for a box set. deluxe set or anything.
But they are hard to find these days. I have mercy from WAIE on repeat now.
God I love that vinyl :drool: I think its my most precious U2 record yet.

Our snow is nearly gone now. I get the feeling. Part :tsk: part :hyper:
Haha I love collecting. I've spent a ton of money on U2 stuff. I've bought all their albums digitally and then bought them physically. Maybe I'm :crazy: or maybe I'm :rockon: for it but I say it's worth it. I actually did see a box set for NLOTH on eBay a long time ago. I don't know if it's still up there or not. They really are hard to find. I actually saw the Remixes for Magnificent in the CD shop where I always get my cds and I was gonna buy it but I always buy U2 cds when I go in there. So I felt as if maybe some other time. It was really unexpected. I went in there one day and got R&H and King's Of Leon's 'Only By The Night'. Random combo.:lol: They never have Zooropa there.:angry: I've been trying to get Zooropa on CD in a shop but I may end up resorting to eBay.

And yeah I think our snow will be completely gone this weekend. It's supposed to be 66 ºF (degrees fahrenheight)! What a jump from 32 and below to 66!:ohmy:
Thanks Kristen,
some to everyone
Happy countdown to 2011 :kiss: best wishes for the new year.

Haha I love collecting. I've spent a ton of money on U2 stuff. I've bought all their albums digitally and then bought them physically. Maybe I'm :crazy: or maybe I'm :rockon: for it but I say it's worth it. I actually did see a box set for NLOTH on eBay a long time ago. I don't know if it's still up there or not. They really are hard to find. I actually saw the Remixes for Magnificent in the CD shop where I always get my cds and I was gonna buy it but I always buy U2 cds when I go in there. So I felt as if maybe some other time. It was really unexpected. I went in there one day and got R&H and King's Of Leon's 'Only By The Night'. Random combo.:lol: They never have Zooropa there.:angry: I've been trying to get Zooropa on CD in a shop but I may end up resorting to eBay.

And yeah I think our snow will be completely gone this weekend. It's supposed to be 66 ºF (degrees fahrenheight)! What a jump from 32 and below to 66!:ohmy:

Yeah I saw one recentlyin a book/music store. But didn't buy it becuase I didn't need it. But now its gone , and I'm so bummed about not buying it.
I have every CD except october and passengers.
They are the hardest to find here. Zooropa and pop are easy to find.
Also collected every DVD as well.
Including Vertigo Milan , U2 best of's and JT Paris.
The only thing I badly want is the double ZOOTV DVD.
Impossble to find as well. I need to go to a record-collectorsday.

anyway ,collecting is :yippie: I love unwrapping a new Cd, DVD , record or anything music related.
new years eve ftw!! time to get druuuuunk! :shifty::wink: Hope all you lovelies have a good one :)

Im legal in 9 days! :ohmy: where has 2010 gone? wow.

anyone doing anything speshal? :lol:
Happy newyearday! :heart:

Didn't do anything special. Just spend it with my parents.
We couldn't even see fireworks because there was this really thick fog.
All in all it was good. Just listened to some music until the countdown.
I fell asleep at 1 AM , boring I know ,
but I was tired of work.:reject:
Past two weeks I have been going to sleep around 3 AM and waking up at 2 PM. Today, I had to wake up at 7 AM. My body wants to kill me.

New Years... I went to bed at 7:30 AM :lol:

Haven't been in here in a little while, been busy. :sigh:

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