Survivor Tocantins: The Brazilian Highlands

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:drool: the only bright spot in the lowly embarrassing team we call the Cincinnati Bengals...and now he is gone
Oh god.. WHY!!! :scream: Tonight would have been perfect to blindside Coach.

It was a pretty emotional episode with all the families and what not. Taj was hilarious slappin Jeff around in her excitement. :lol: And love the jury making fun of Coach.. cant wait to see the next ponderosa.

I am lost though, or I cant count? Jeff said 'that's 3 votes, that's enough'. Doesnt she need 4, if there are 6 people left? What about if there was a tie, 3 on 3 ?? :confused:
Oh I see now....if it were like 3 Debbie, 2 Coach, then the next vote might matter if it were for Coach..
It was a good result tonight and I'm glad Debbie is gone. I'm guessing they will just drag Coach along a bit more but wouldn't it be nuts if he suddenly kept winning ICs? It's hard to tell with JT and Stephen who they want to bring to the final. So with Taj and the HII, does Stephen still have it or does she?

I tried watching Ponderosa. Damn won't work for non-US residents again. Bunch of rookies running that site. Brendan's first one doesn't work, but the rest of his, Tyson, and Sierra's do, but Debbie's doesn't work at all. I need a US proxy address:angry: or wait for YouTube.
I thought it was pretty funny when Coach told his friend, "You know what people call me here? The Dragon Slayer".
Brilliant move by Stephen and JT. They get rid of Debbie who is indeed a threat...I'd say there was roughly a 5% chance of Debbie forming an alliance with Errrrinnnn and Taj to flip the game on the guys. But there's a 0% chance of Coach doing that. Coach is nothing if not predictable. This way, they get rid of Debbie and can go back to Coach and tell him how Debbie wanted to flip on him (with her Coach vote as proof) and he will trust them even more.

At what point does Stephen realize that he can't beat JT and decide to bounce him, and go to the final with one of the girls instead? It's apparently a F2 this season. I think JT beats everybody in a jury vote, Stephen beats everybody but JT, then Taj, then probably Coach. Errrrinnnn is the ultimate in useless and I can't see where she'd get a vote from anyone.
I don't see Stephen and JT splitting; they seem to have a good friendship going and will just let the chips fall where they may with the jury.

However, I can definitely see them dumping Taj before the final three for fear that she'll win instead.

If they are smart, they will take Coach or Erinn with them, and most likely it will be Erinn because she is less annoying than Coach. If they were smart, they'd blindside Taj next time, but I'm not sure if they want to do it because they genuinely like her.

Or is it really a final two? I hadn't heard that; if it is, it will definitely just be JT and Stephen I think.

Let's not forget that the idol needs to be played soon, too.
Coach had his assistant coach as his loved one? that is sad...and what if Tyson had still been there...Coach would have had 2 assistant coaches:lol::lol:
Ya know, it's funny and scary that Coach is the best and worst thing on Survivor this season. We all know he's a dick and he's constantly doing and saying dumb shit that you can't even believe this guy's even an adult. Hell, even Jeff can't stand him. But, he does it so well that you can't help but be entertained. Plus, when he finally gets voted off, it will be extra sweet. But, right now keeping Coach around is a good idea. Debbie was starting to get really annoying, so I was glad to see her go. But, I will miss her tits. :wink:

I guess at this point, I'm rooting for JT or Taj. Taj, btw, is a fuckin machine for Christ's sake! She almost ripped off Jeff's arm when she found she'd get to see her husband back at camp. Stephen's immunity idol victory was impressive. Remembering all that stuff in one shot was no easy feat. I do think he's kind of a putz though.
Stephen did that exactly right (the challenge). The trick is/was to use some kind of nemonic, and I figured he'd do that and win. Of course when he couldn't dig a hole I figured he was screwed.

Coach is definitely "entertaining"...he's like this year's Randy, only funnier and less abrasive.
Coach is definitely "entertaining"...he's like this year's Randy, only funnier and less abrasive.

Anyone remember Shane from Exhile Island? Oh my god he was a nut job but so entertaining.
Or is it really a final two? I hadn't heard that; if it is, it will definitely just be JT and Stephen I think.

I'd guess by jury numbers it has to be a final 2. With a final 3 you'd have 6 jury members. Usually when they have a 3, they have like 9 jury members.
I'm guessing 7 jury members for a final 2.

Surprised nobody's mentioned yet...did anyone else notice Sierra and Brendan when Coach walked by after placing his vote?

Both slung their jackets over their shoulders as he walked by....f'in hilarious.
Surprised nobody's mentioned yet...did anyone else notice Sierra and Brendan when Coach walked by after placing his vote?

Both slung their jackets over their shoulders as he walked by....f'in hilarious.

:lol::applaud: that was hilarious
and if Stephen has physical custody of the immunity idol
they should vote him out now. (do only 3 people know he has it?)
I think only 2 people know he has it (well 3 if you count Stephen). I don't think Errrinnn knows, or Coach.

Stephen and JT have this Yul thing going where they have every base covered and will most likely cruise to the final together. I don't see any of the other 3 having the stones, skills, or motivation to move against them.

Do you guys really think Taj would beat Stephen or JT in a final 2? I don't see it. What jury votes do you think she'd get? Sierra, Brendan maybe, not sure how bitter Tyson, Debbie, Coach, and Errrinnn will be...I suppose if they're bitter and blame Stephen or JT and vote accordingly Taj could win, but you don't see that too often. If you did Parvati would have lost gloriously in the last All Stars.
As far as who needs the money, obviously JT the farm boy, so I hope he wins. Plus he's played an excellent game.

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