Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge Of The Septuagenarian

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I saw it last night. Thank you to Cinerama, for finding me a seat when I showed up on Tuesday with a ticket for Wednesday. Oops. (It was sold out, but there were actually quite a lot of empty seats.)

I laughed, I cried (twice), I cheered, I gasped, I even screamed once (you can guess where, and I suspected something really awful was coming). I fucking loved it.

That ending! I thought they weren't filming on Skellig Michael until the second movie, but that last scene is definitely the island. Hellloooo, Ireland! (Still on my list to visit that spot. I tried in 2013, but weather stopped the boats from going. So disappointed.)

Also, shallowly:

Oscar Isaac can get it.

Harrison Ford can still get it.

Adam Driver might be able to get it. I'm strangely attracted to him, although I'll never be able to not see him as creepy dude from Girls. I thought he was really good in this.
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Also saw it last night and was thoroughly entertained. Sure, there are some plot holes/inconsistencies (e.g.: yeah, I'm the badass female commander of the Stormtroopers, and sure, I'll totally deactivate the shields without a hint of struggle because a kid is pointing a gun at me) and yeah, it's a little derivative, but it was lovingly crafted, and it felt like a real, lived in universe and not some squeaky clean cgi creation a la the prequels. Also, it had a sense of fun that was sorely lacking in the last 3 efforts.

I'm pumped to see where the next installments take us.
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Admiral Ackbar can't still get it? He looked pretty good for 30 years older.

Too orange. If I wanted an orange dude, I'd date John Boehner. Or an Oompa Loompa. Probably the Oompa Loompa.

Also saw it last night and was thoroughly entertained. Sure, there are some plot holes/inconsistencies (e.g.: yeah, I'm the badass female commander of the Stormtroopers, and sure, I'll totally deactivate the shields without a hint of struggle because a kid is pointing a gun at me) and yeah, it's a little derivative, but it was lovingly crafted, and it felt like a real, lived in universe and not some squeaky clean cgi creation a la the prequels. Also, it had a sense of fun that was sorely lacking in the last 3 efforts.

I'm pumped to see where the next installments take us.

All of this.
I thought they weren't filming on Skellig Michael until the second movie, but that last scene is definitely the island. Hellloooo, Ireland! (Still on my list to visit that spot. I tried in 2013, but weather stopped the boats from going. So disappointed.)


That's the closest I got, posing with them in the distance. :( (Only behind a tag because it's kind of huge.)

I've seen it twice thus far, the 2nd in IMAX 3D :drool: at the Chinese Theater. I unequivocally love it.

It's just a thoroughly enjoyable sci-fi/action film, that also has enough secrets to keep me thinking about it for almost a week now. Yes, it's derivative, but it still manages to be fresh. I honestly didn't mind Death Star 3.0, but I do hope that's the last we see of it.

Han's death was necessary but still makes me very sad. He did however, have a fantastic last film. He was great throughout.

What I'm curious about is why Kylo Ren turned? With Anakin, you got it. He was seduced by the dark side out of trying to protect his loved ones. With Kylo, he honestly reminds me of whiny Luke.
If you'd told me he was Luke's kid, not Han and Leia's, I'd have believed it.

I really am looking forward to seeing where this story goes and I'm actually motivated to start reading some of the associated books.

My current rankings:

Big gulf

My theory: Rey is Obi Wans granddaughter. You hear Rwanda macgregor and briefly Guinness's voice in the flashback.

Plus the English accent

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
My thinking on this is
that R2 flipping on has to do with Rey's arrival at the base, the force in (presumably) Luke's daughter is enough to turn him on as Luke's presence would
and if that's the case I'm OK with it.

If she is Luke's daughter, why wouldn't he tell Han and/or Leia about it ? Also, the look he has at the end is "who the heck are you and what are you doing with my light sabre ?!?" not "oh hi daughter". Not to mention there is no indication Luke has any kids or that he hooked up with anyone post ROTJ. Would he not keep some sort of tabs on his own kid to know she's looking for him/found the map ?

On the other hand, it'd make sense to hide baby Rey if she's Ren's sister once he went dark (notice how he perks up any time she is mentioned?). She certainly seemed to gel with Han Solo (consider how quickly he gives her a job), plus it adds more weight to the death scene and ultimate bro/sis showdown coming our way. That Leia/Rey hug seemed to speak volumes...of course, there is the matter of Han and Leia not indicating her as a daughter. Maybe someone - Luke - erased their memory. Maybe they haven't seen her since she was left on that desert planet and don't know what she looks like now. But they do sense a connection...
Han clearly knew who she was. There's a scene where someone asks him and he goes to tell them, but they fade to the next scene.
Luke has obviously spent the last 30 plus years growing a beard, and thats all. No way he has had any children, or done anything other than climb around on an island and grow a beard, thats all.

As for Rey "turning" R2 on, well, he has good taste i suppose. I'm no droid but ill be a red-armed freak if she didn't turn me on.

JK...i have no idea what im talking about. :sexywink:
The most likely scenario is she's the child of Luke or Leia/Han. The accent could be a clue as in general in this universe only those born in the central core of the Empire/Republic have proper English accents. So this may point to her mother being from thereabouts.

The abandonment still gives me pause though. At least with Luke and Leia, they were put into adoptive families, not just left in the clutches random scavenger. It just seems so out of character for Luke, Han or Leia to just abandon a small child.
Well, you saw in the flashback scene that there was some kind of explosion going on, so it might not have been so much by choice.
I like the Rey/Obi-Wan theory. Don't know if it would actually make sense, but I like it.
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Luke has obviously spent the last 30 plus years growing a beard, and thats all. No way he has had any children, or done anything other than climb around on an island and grow a beard, thats all.

As for Rey "turning" R2 on, well, he has good taste i suppose. I'm no droid but ill be a red-armed freak if she didn't turn me on.

JK...i have no idea what im talking about. :sexywink:

I don't know about a red armed freak, but something has happened to your arm since you saw her on screen...


Production still from episode 8 has leaked showing the Sith Lord who trains Kylo Ren...


Im sure he often say "the end is the beginning is the end" or "today is the greatest day that I've ever known (for training you)" or something like that
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