SPIN magazine is LAME!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Oct 26, 2001
Chevy Chase, MD
Bought SPIN last week to check out the U2 article...then flipped through & saw the top albums & singles of the year. I'm just wondering how U2 can be their band of the year, but neither the album nor any songs made the top lists! Also, the albums/songs they did pick are nowhere near the best ones of the year. Any insight?!
Who cares if they didnt win anything this year, they are the greatest band and always will be, ppl are just fools if they didnt know that

And if you look, you look through me.

L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare
miss_smith@emailaccount.com e-mail me :)
The perpetually handsome Mullen appears to have stopped ageing around the time of The Joshua Tree.
"It doesn't matter what songs we sing.
I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me." -Larry
Larry likes to play drums." - Bono
"Larry's always been noticed cos he's the pretty one." - Adam
"Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, look behind the drumkit." - Boy George
A man so handsome, he will never be let sing in this group!"
-Bono, introducing Larry at Irving Plaza, NYC 2000
Perhaps I'm expecting it to be the album of the century?! ha ha! Even though it was out last year, I still say it should've made the list! Maybe I'm just too biased!
It would have been nice to see Walk On as one of the best singles of the year.....

Live As If You'll Die Tomorrow, Dream As If You'll Live Forever!
It annoyed me that they said the fight at the end of Until the End of the World was actually them recreating Bowie's fellation of a guitar. Talk about missing the big picture.
Originally posted by ocu2fan:
It annoyed me that they said the fight at the end of Until the End of the World was actually them recreating Bowie's fellation of a guitar. Talk about missing the big picture.

I just bought the mag today, and I was hoping that the article would make up for the not so good pic on the cover (why can't they look happy?) but if they don't 'get' UTEOTW sheez!
OK I got that SPIN

and I got the Details with Bono from awhile ago. QUESTION: WHAT kind of magazine IS Details exactly? These obnoxious Juniors were like 'we were looking at your magazine. I think it's for gay ppl' Bono's not safe anywhere.

....not that there's anything wrong with that....

~*Mona*~ 97% compatible with Bono
Love me, give me soul.

A little less circuitry,
a little more poetry.

"For the good of the nation, you must defile Bono!" ~Echo~

The Latin Americans have the sexy end[of Catholicism]~BonoBaby~

7:00pm Bono plays Tetris on Powerbook instead of writing lyrics.
Originally posted by WildHonee:
These obnoxious Juniors were like 'we were looking at your magazine. I think it's for gay ppl' Bono's not safe anywhere.


i saw an issue of spin at a bookstore the other day, but i had just bought a christmas present and was all out of money! i have to get it...

Happy Hannukah!

"Revolution starts at home, in your heart, in your refusal to compromise your beliefs and your values." - Bono

"And I wear gray underwear." -Bono


Visit my webpage for U2 wallpapers:

You hurt yourself, you hurt your lover, then you discover what you thought was freedom is just greed...
Originally posted by ocu2fan:
It annoyed me that they said the fight at the end of Until the End of the World was actually them recreating Bowie's fellation of a guitar. Talk about missing the big picture.

How is that? What is the 'fight' really about then? I don't have any idea, but it does look cool.

C ya!


People criticize me but I know it's not the end
I try to kick the truth, not just to make friends

Spearhead - People In Tha Middle
Originally posted by madonna's child:



~*Mona*~ 97% compatible with Bono
Love me, give me soul.

A little less circuitry,
a little more poetry.

"For the good of the nation, you must defile Bono!" ~Echo~

The Latin Americans have the sexy end[of Catholicism]~BonoBaby~

7:00pm Bono plays Tetris on Powerbook instead of writing lyrics.
Originally posted by Popmartijn:
How is that? What is the 'fight' really about then? I don't have any idea, but it does look cool.

C ya!


Well, traditionally its been called a "bullfight", but after seeing U2 three times on this last tour, twice from the tip of the heart, I think it stands for something much deeper than a simple bullfight. We all know the song is about the damnation/redepemtion of Judas Iscariot after he betrayed Jesus. I think the fight portrays a spiritual conflict between the devil (Bono), hence the reason he always makes the horns with his fingers, and the Edge, whose guitar represents the voice of God. The two have a spiritual battle at the tip of the heart with first one side advancing while the other falls back, and then the opposite happens. The whole time the two fight back and forth, Bono is slapping at and holding the microphone up against the guitar, trying to distort or defeat God. In the end, the outcome is always the same, the devil ends up on the ground, writhing in agony and still struggling, with the Edge railing on his guitar standing triumphantly over the top.

In the end, Bono lays completely still marking the victory by God over the devil.

If the song/fight symbolize something as spiritual and poignant as I believe, then saying Bono is attempting to fellate (is that a word?) the guitar is absurd and completely missing the point.
I thought the article on U2 was very nicely done.

Am I the only one?? Hardly anybody is saying anything good about it.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."

I thought the article was very good also.


Don't get sentimental
It always ends up drivel

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