Soo, if you took a dump on the moon

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Johnny Swallow

Bad Daddy Johnny
Aug 10, 2000
NW Arkansas
would it decompose? I mean since there is no air it can't really decay from what I understand...I wonder if one day I'll be walking on the moon and step in a pile of Neal Armstrong's poo...I bet it'll still be daisy fresh as the day he dropped it and probably have an American flag proudly marking his territory. Unless NASA has a 'pack-in/pack-out' policy...but I'd find that hard to believe.
ummmmmmm, riiiiiight!:eyebrow:

p.s. your avatar is a bit scary; i must say, it creeps me out:scream:
but, nonetheless, you are very 'interesting' /entertaining fellow Mr. Swallow:eeklaugh:
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Oh shit(e), I am out of toilet paper

If you took a dump on the moon, wouldn't that mean that you would have to moon the moon?

Also, what if the cow jumped over the moon while you were taking your dump?

I bet your turds would just float out into space and they would probably form together with other turds and spacejunk and pretty soon they would form a new planet. Or so the play-doh theory goes;)


nice signature z edge, its probably the best one ever.

unfortunately since ive been in the midst of my encore of returning to the angry smiley, i must say im losing interest in it.

i find it hard.

i will look back on the days when i posted it with glee.

nice thread, swallow.
Klodomir said:
I doubt that Mr. Armstrong pulled down his moonpants to lay a loaf, Johnny.

How do you know? I mean when I drive for 6 hours I get the urge to drop the kids off at the going to the moon must have given Neal a nasty case of the runs...that's what must have happened on Apollo 13...when they said 'Houston, we have a problem.' He just couldn't get couldn't get his space undies off in time for launch...heh heh. Astronauts don't seem so cool now do they!
Nah nah, you've got it all wrong, Johnny. They eat all that dried food, all they need is a feather duster!
Hey Johnny Swallow, why dont u go try it out for us?

See u in a few years or so

And make the lead singer of NSYNC his dream come true...........apparantly he wants to visit space too.

maybe u could poop on his face............
Johnny Swallow said:

that's what must have happened on Apollo 13...when they said 'Houston, we have a problem.' He just couldn't get couldn't get his space undies off in time for launch...heh heh. Astronauts don't seem so cool now do they!

LMFAO :lol:

Email Nasa and ask them about to answer your Q johnny

I must say...I'm not sure which smiley to use...

I wanna :rolleyes:...and I also feel...:huh:...but part of me wants to :lol:.

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