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War Child
Aug 17, 2001
Sometimes, I really feel like I must be from another planet. Not literally, of course, but I really don't seem to fit in with anyone.

I'm not that liberal when it comes down to it, but I'm not conservative by any stretch of the imagination...but I don't agree with the centrists either. Republicans, to me, seem to have it all wrong, while Democrats just seem to trying to emulate the Republicans in the quest for popularity. It reminds me of the geeks in high school (I was one of them, BTW) who try and emulate the jocks in the quest for popularity; when, in fact, the jocks should be trying to emulate the geeks. The world would have been a much more peaceful place.

I'm religious, but the other "religious" just infuriate me. I feel like I'm surrounded by a whole bunch of Pharisees who are just playing "dress-up" and aren't really into actually following actual Christian tenets. I clash with many liberal Christians too, because I'm just not liberal enough religiously. All I've ever advocated was a little "love one another," but that seems to be beyond too many people's imaginations.

I'm smart. Or, at least, I think I am (apologies to those who think this is arrogant). However, I'm not "smart" in the sense most people value. I lived on a floor of Honors students for two years, and, while they all created strong bonds together with their math and science genius, I was the odd duck out yet again. However, amongst the regular students, I was the aloof one. I could get my friends to watch "Coyote Ugly," but try and get them to watch something like "Am?lie" and they'd be bored out of their mind.

I have probably a million more examples, but I think you get my point. What do you do when, after all, you really are alone in this world? What I would do to finally feel like I actually connect with someone at some level...


"Then she was in the helicopter, and it was rising, and I had not gone with her, and I never saw her again, none of us did, and the last words she screamed down at me break my heart every time I think of them, and I think of them a few hundred times a day, every day, and then there are the endless, sleepless nights." - Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet
a lot of people don't associate themselves with absolutists. i wouldn't ever assign myself to anyone political belief. it simply to restricting for me.

We are all alone when it comes right down to it. It's not just you. I like to think we understand each other, melon. It's not much but it's something. You just have to keep putting yourself out there. It will happen.

We plants are happy plants.
Continuing on this vein, do you believe in empathy, the ability to feel what others are feeling? The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they would be feeling if you were in their situation? Seeing how life is lately, I'm wondering if that is a lost art.


"Then she was in the helicopter, and it was rising, and I had not gone with her, and I never saw her again, none of us did, and the last words she screamed down at me break my heart every time I think of them, and I think of them a few hundred times a day, every day, and then there are the endless, sleepless nights." - Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Originally posted by Ormus:
The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they would be feeling if you were in their situation? Seeing how life is lately, I'm wondering if that is a lost art.

I've wondered this for a LONG time.It really hurts when people in your life seem to be completely lacking in empathy.

Originally posted by Ormus:
Continuing on this vein, do you believe in empathy, the ability to feel what others are feeling? The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what they would be feeling if you were in their situation? Seeing how life is lately, I'm wondering if that is a lost art.


You're on to something here. When I was a young child, I naturally had this ability (as perhaps many children do), so that when everyone in first grade called Brenda Kinker "Brenda Stinker" because she smelt really bad (died shortly after that of some horrible disease, in fact), I felt pain.

As an adult I've become more jaded and cynical, sadly, and I wonder, too, have I lost that ability to empathize. It's more something that I make a conscious effort to do today rather than something that comes naturally to me like when I was a kid.

I can really relate to what you're saying--I've always been the odd duck myself. Like you, people often use the word "aloof" to describe me. It took me most of my adult life, but I finally feel comfortable with who I am. I really don't connect with very many people, but those with whom I do connect it is on a very deep level, one that is very satisfying.

But you're right--we are essentially alone in this world, which is why I feel our relationship with God, Spirit, our higher selves, whatever you want to call it, is the most important thing.
Originally posted by joyfulgirl:

I really don't connect with very many people, but those with whom I do connect it is on a very deep level, one that is very satisfying.

Me too, joyfulgirl.

In any case, melon, I just want you to know I'm here to talk to anytime ok?


You can tear it up
If you can tie me down

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