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The Fly
Nov 2, 2002
USA all the way
somebody PLEASE explain to me why/how dean is getting so much support! i understand he's an angry democrat, so am i, but i cannot abide the man! there's no way he can attract swing voters! every time he speaks off the cuff he has to explain himself or apologize for something stupid he said. he has admitted to a short temper. he has an ego the size of a solar system. what president does this sound like?!?!?!? somebody tell me why he has so much support.
Tonight, I was watching NBCNightlyNews which reported that Howard Dean has strong grassroots organization (perhaps the strongest in history), using the Internet for fundraising and immediate discussion and strategy, and having a street team (Americans Young Adults?, :scratch: if I heard correctly) to go door to door to sell his campaign in the area he's touring.

Personally, I rather see Gen. Clark win the Democratic Nomination.
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He's using mob mentality...... it's actually quite clever. great propaganda, great manipulation.... social experiement.... no comment on how good/bad he'd be if elected though.
he's probably rich to start off with and could afford to have more ads. plus the media thinks he's sexy or something, i don't know, i don't care. every U2 fan who believes in U2 superpowers knows that Bush is going to win, whether they want him to or not. i personally don't, but i've accepted the fact that he's going to.
my business partner was a kerry supporter but somehow got sucked into the dean movement...i feel betrayed. :madspit: i guess we'll have to see how iowa and new hampshire go...alot can happen between now and then.

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