Solidarity - praying and fasting for America

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 15, 2000
full of sound and fury
As a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer and fasting. The more people pray, the better, as there is strength in numbers. I'm not saying that God gives priority to large groups of people who pray, it's up to Him to decide to answer prayers, be it individual prayers or prayers said by many in one voice. However, I do think that He is laying His hand on every person in the city and loving them. I think that if we pray for healing and love in Jesus's name, our prayers will definitely be answered. I have fasted, too, before, as an expression of my earnestness to get my prayers answered, and it has worked.

Anyway, starting tomorrow, I'm going to fast for healing, comfort and strength in America. And perhaps if I can find enough humility and understanding in myself, to pray for the terrorists too (as well as rejoicing Palestinians).

I know it is not usual practice for one to openly proclaim that one is fasting (it's supposed to be hush-hush and quiet), but this is a call to people who are Christian, Catholic or people who just feel compelled to do something - trust me, this way, you are helping them. You may be too far away to donate blood, but by prayer, you can help 100 times more even when you're on the other side of the globe.

For people planning to fast, you may decide to do it in various ways: either skip one/two meals, or eat breakfast early, skip lunch and break your fast at around 8pm. It is advised that you continue consuming water throughout the day, though. Fasting is not just a matter of skipping meals, by the way. You are encouraged to spend the time instead in prayer or meditating on God's Word (Bible).


p/s: Yeah, most of us dislike America and its silly Hollywood movies, its disgusting McDonald's, its monopoly of the dollar. But what it all boils down to is the people! We still love the people. Times like these, everyone will forget how much they hate America or whoever; they will just want to help.
Yes fors, you can hate the ideals of a nation, hate corporate america, hate all those things you mentioned, but not the people. Just like you and me.

The whole world is thinking of all the Americans right now. I hope you all find some peace somewhere amongst this shock and hurt etc. I dont know what to say.
This keeps getting ignored. Can we have more positive posts up on the board? I think too many are upset by some posts here. It is just not the time yet.

I feel like prayer is the only thing I can do right now and the only way I can deal with such an immense trajedy.

Churches all over the Bay Area, and I suppose around the country are congregating for special prayer meetings. It is a way for people to share their faith that God will bring us through this, we need only turn to him.

Fasting is a great idea too! It helps bring you closer to God's will.

Psalm 27: "Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies." (vs.11)
I feel like prayer is the only thing I can do right now and the only way I can deal with such an immense trajedy.

Churches all over the Bay Area, and I suppose around the country are congregating for special prayer meetings. It is a way for people to share their faith that God will bring us through this, we need only turn to him.

Fasting is a great idea too! It helps bring you closer to God's will.

Psalm 27: "Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path because of my enemies." (vs.11)

I know that you think this thread is being ignored, but I find it very inspiring. As a Catholic, I understand the intentions behind fasting and how it can really help you focus your energies on what is really important. I think it is also meant to help us feel what many people feel every day---hunger, and maybe pain---so that we are better able to relate to those in need of what we are able to give.

Anyway, I appreciate your thread and your efforts to pray and fast, including praying for the terrorists and Palestinians. May we all be able to follow your example.

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