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ONE love, blood, life
Oct 2, 2000
Anyone remember this band, aside from me?


"Still, I never understood the elevation of greed as a political credo. Why would anyone want to base a political programme on bottomless dissatisfaction and the impossibility of happiness? Perhaps that was its appeal: the promise of luxury that in fact promoted endless work." - Hanif Kureishi, Intimacy
Yeah, Souvlaki is one of the great shoegazer albums.

[This message has been edited by mug222 (edited 05-04-2002).]
I have "Pygmalion" on MP3. I wish I had it on CD, but it has proven to be very difficult to find. I may end up special ordering it if I can.

What's funny is that this album, which literally destroyed the band, is probably my favorite. I really love "Blue Skied An' Clear."


"Still, I never understood the elevation of greed as a political credo. Why would anyone want to base a political programme on bottomless dissatisfaction and the impossibility of happiness? Perhaps that was its appeal: the promise of luxury that in fact promoted endless work." - Hanif Kureishi, Intimacy
I saw them with Ride as well. The Mar/Apr issue of Magnet has a cover story on The History of Shoegazing. Ride, My Bloody Valentine, Curve (one of my all-time favorites!), Chapterhouse, etc. Interesting read.
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