Shuttlecock XXII: Summer of Laz

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Dropping SATS for Summer of Love removes one of the only politically resonant moments of the show in favor of a fine but not great deep cut from SOE. Granted, that segment wouldn't have resonated in Europe, but Please with new footage would have been a big improvement. Throwing out Pop altogether is lame.

But hey, at least American Soul is where it belongs.
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Dropping American Soul for NYD improves the set immeasurably, but your point that Please could have replaced SATS has just made me angry at the band all over again for being so stupid.

This is the first time in my U2 fandom where I just really don't give a shit because of how uninspired the sets are and the fact that it's likely they'll never tour here again :( it's sad
Well, I'm in the minority in not hating American Soul, but even many of its detractors have commented that it really rocked live.

So I don't know how big the improvement is when you still have the godawful Get Out being played, or the anemic Best Thing instead of a great pop song like The Showman.
On the one hand, I feel tremendously and selfishly relieved. On the other...

I hope Bono's OK.

But seriously, it sucks for those who are there and especially for those who have travelled to see the show. Interestingly enough, something similar happened to Eddie Vedder's voice in London this year when Pearl Jam had two concerts there to play. 2nd show was also cancelled.

These guys are not getting younger.
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On the one hand, I feel tremendously and selfishly relieved. On the other...

I hope Bono's OK.

But seriously, it sucks for those who are there and especially for those who have travelled to see the show. Interestingly enough, something similar happened to Eddie Vedder's voice in London this year when Pearl Jam had two concerts there to play. 2nd show was also cancelled.

These guys are not getting younger.
They're not, but sudden bouts of laryngitis happen to 20 year olds, too.
Lights of Home seems highly demanding on Bono's voice. Hope he doesn't feel the pressure to keep performing as he is if he's not feeling comfortable.
They're not, but sudden bouts of laryngitis happen to 20 year olds, too.

Sure they do, but in this case, we're talking about two singers - both known smokers and drinkers (or ex-smokers, have no idea how Bono is doing here) who are not really famous for taking care of their voice - who have cancelled shows for the first time in their careers for losing it (both had voice issues in the past during shows, but managed to soldier on 'til the end). Age certainly comes into play.

On the other hand, the panic routine that goes into certain fans ("The setlist will be changed!", "They'll cancel the tour!", "It's over for Larry after this!") without any information to confirm these claims is always amusing. Vedder was up and running only three days after the cancelled show (saw the band in Padova and he sounded pretty good for 2018 standards). Let's hope the same happens in this case.
Wow, couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning and saw the show got canned partway through. Be interesting to see how quickly Bono recovers, and if it really was just excessive use of the smoke machine or something more serious.

Should've sent Edge out to sing a few songs. Would've been the best setlist of the tour.
Sure they do, but in this case, we're talking about two singers - both known smokers and drinkers (or ex-smokers, have no idea how Bono is doing here) who are not really famous for taking care of their voice - who have cancelled shows for the first time in their careers for losing it (both had voice issues in the past during shows, but managed to soldier on 'til the end). Age certainly comes into play.

On the other hand, the panic routine that goes into certain fans ("The setlist will be changed!", "They'll cancel the tour!", "It's over for Larry after this!") without any information to confirm these claims is always amusing. Vedder was up and running only three days after the cancelled show (saw the band in Padova and he sounded pretty good for 2018 standards). Let's hope the same happens in this case.
Yea... and in Vedder's case he simply got a bug and lost his voice. It wasn't age related at all.

As for Bono, who knows. But I don't get why everyone needs to automatically jump to conclusions that it's age, related to his health issues, or something more sinister.

Maybe dude just got a bug from hanging around too many unwashed GA line folks.
Seen a lot of comments like 'scary' which seems a massive overreaction. There's nothing remotely scary about it. It sucks, and it's sad, but it's hardly 'scary', like the bike incident or this bloody life-threatening thing they keep dancing around.

I think djerdap's point was more they aren't getting any younger so it would suck if you came all the way out for a show and they had to cancel... because they're getting on and there might not be many more shows.
I think djerdap's point was more they aren't getting any younger so it would suck if you came all the way out for a show and they had to cancel... because they're getting on and there might not be many more shows.

Yes, thank you. As bands get older, chances get fewer to see them and stuff like this may happen more often.
Should've sent Edge out to sing a few songs. Would've been the best setlist of the tour.

Corpse (These Chains Are Too Long) - snippets: "Chain of Fools" by Aretha Franklin, "Back on the Chain Gang" by The Pretenders, "Hey" by The Pixies
Van Diemen's Land
Sunday Bloody Sunday

Maybe dude just got a bug from hanging around too many unwashed GA line folks.

Or the glory holes at Berghain. Not everyone is like Lance's Mom and has all that pre-existing international bacteria in their mouth to fight off so many random intrusions.
Adele had to cancel a concert here in Phoenix because of her voice. I really think it can happen to anyone who sings.
Seen a lot of comments like 'scary' which seems a massive overreaction. There's nothing remotely scary about it. It sucks, and it's sad, but it's hardly 'scary', like the bike incident or this bloody life-threatening thing they keep dancing around.

For me, the scary part was not that he lost his voice, but the way it happened. That and Bono's terrified look as if he also didn't know what was happening, with the band being shocked too.
You can lose your voice due to laryngitis, a cold, an A/C unit that's set way too cold and you feel what's going on in your body. Your voice deteriorates and then is gone. Here, it went without apparent warning.

(It happens already in the first minute of the song)

Thankfully, it appears it that he will be able to sing again the day after tomorrow and that the tour can continue. The Berlin show is now rescheduled for November 13th, so right after the Dublin shows.
yeesh. far scarier things have happened to them during shows. he doesn't look "terrified" and neither does the band. they all know what's happening, it's not the first time he's lost his voice, he's a professional singer ffs. it happens. he's just pissed off that he can't sing the song properly.
Yeah, I think he just looks shattered, which is completely understandable. I am sure that performing Pride with your eyes closed because you're going to be shot in the head would be a little more terrifying.

Also, lmao at the thought of Bono going to Berghain.
setlist spoiler:

apparently they soundchecked the unforgettable fire today. that's pretty surprising.
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