Shocking Events That Let You Know Your Old.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Nov 10, 2000
You know you're getting up there if you remember when:

* Your computer's ready-mode was a black screen with a single curser.

* Apple was bigger than Windows.

* Or should I say PCs, since for a while, there was no such thing as Windows.

* There was just "DOS."

* And they were called microcomputers instead of PCs.

* Contrary to free-market theory, your phone choices and bills were much easier because AT&T was a good old-fashioned monopoly.

* There was this amazing new video game called "Pong."

* And you thought it had the most advanced graphics imaginable.

* AOL was just another start-up online service that could easily have lost out to rivals called Compuserve and Prodigy.

* A 20-something guy named Dell came up with the nutty idea of selling computers by mail.

* Jane Fonda went from sex symbol, to feminist activist, to dutiful wife of a powerful man, to obscurity.

* And that powerful man was known not as Ted Turner founder of CNN - but "Blackbeard Among the Bluebloods" for winning the America's Cup while scandalizing Newport society with raucus behavior.

* And there was no question U.S. sailors would of course win the Cup - forever.

* It was called VD instead of an STD.

* The first true laptop computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80.

* And if you were hip, you referred to it affectionately as a TRASH-80.

* Burning a CD was the act of a pyromaniac.

* Sean Connery was Pierce Brosnan.

* The new walkaround phone that gave you astonishing mobility was a cordless one you could take around the house.

* And it got better reception than the one you can now take all over the country.

* Only wives got alimony.

* Steve Jobs ran Apple. I mean, the first time.

* There was a guy on 60 Minutes named Mike Wallace who was so old you figured he'd retire at the latest by 1990.

* The Mideast was simpler because Iran was run by a dictator called The Shah, who wanted power rather than Jihad.

* Mail was something you wrote on a piece of paper and put into a stamped envelope.

* And you didn't get 110 unsolicited pieces of it every morning promising to enhance your anatomical assets.

* No normal person had speakers on their computer.

* The diners at the next restaurant table were smoking cigarettes and you barely noticed.

* The only thing you knew about Robin Williams was he played a weird alien named "Mork" on television.

* A 1-gig hard drive seemed as big as a warehouse. (Today, most are 40-times that.)

* An 8-track tape the size of a paperback book was an advanced concept in compact music recording.

* Everyone knew what an LP was.

And now the final test of whether you're getting up there:

* Even though there are plenty of LPs in antiques stores, you still have 400 in your attic, because deep down, you still think the format will come back.

Mark Patinkin can be reached at
icelle said:
* Your computer's ready-mode was a black screen with a single curser.

I was happy to move up to a computer with a screen. The first computer I worked on in high school was a line printer with a keyboard. We could dial the local university computer (using a rotary phone) and log in.

I learned how to program in BASIC on that machine.
hehe, the funny thing is is that i remember some of those first-hand and i'm not even that old. but, it's also because i've used computers forever. i guess i was lucky enough to always go to preschool and schools that knew how important computers were. i didn't use a computer with windows until 1993! before that, i used macs only, and dos.

ooh, you know what else is funny? my mom is so computer illiterate now, i mean a couple years ago i had to tell her how to print. (she said it was because she was unfamiliar with the computer, but come on! it's always been file --> print!) but in the 70s she had a job dealing with a computer. it was the fun older types with no monitors that had those lovely switches and punchcards.
MrBrau1 said:
Your hairline keeps moving back, back, wayback.

I want my hair back! It's going, going - but not gone (yet). Used to love dying it.:grumpy:

How about getting wound up because the title of this thread says "your" when it should be "you're"!!!!!?
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some guys have no shame in admitting shaving thier
There's nothing private about my ballhugger. It's free and open!

Oh, another sign you're getting old-you don't understand teenagers.

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