Saaaaaaaaaaadie said she couldn't work out....

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Feb 8, 2001
on a country road...
This had baffled me for quite awhile. I always KNEW that the lyric was that in "Surrender" but it did not sound like that's what Bono was saying. Know what I mean? It didn't sound like he was singing "Sadie"! But just today I finally figured out....he sings it like, "Saaaaadie said..." aha! An epiphany! But most of you are probably going, "Um...yeah!" oh, well....

"We're one, but we're not the same..."
Originally posted by wertsie:
But most of you are probably going, "Um...yeah!" oh, well....

You said it...not me!

That is one of my favorite U2 songs by the by.

"Why do you have to be such a smart ass?" -my mom
Well, you know, sometimes it sounds like he's saying, "Sophia" or something. I dunno. But I turned it up really loud and I could hear it, how it really is.

Yes, 'tis a GREAT song!

"We're one, but we're not the same..."
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