Ryan Adams - Easy Tiger, Cardinology, Etc.

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Great song. Love being a Ryan Adams fan. No shortage of material. Often dream U2 would do something crazy and release 3 albums in a year. Just get in the studio and don't worry so much about whittling down the 40 songs they start with. I think we would get some cool stuff.
He is a mess. As I said in the other thread, I saw when he had a public meltdown on IG and posted the shitty comment about his ex gf and thought it was weird and stupid at the time and of poor character. The guy needs help.
Good on these women for speaking out, and it sounds like he's a really gross dude. I've never listened to him so I'm not upset.

One thing I do hope however... is that these things can be learning moments for men and all humans. Aziz Ansari is about the only person I can think of who has been accused of something and handled it in an admirable way, based on reports of his latest gigs. That's how I've approached my previous shitty behaviour towards women. Reflect, learn and try to be a better person instead of getting so defensive.
I guess we’re never getting that album he was working on with Liz Phair; I didn’t really give a shit about his involvement but I just wanted her to have a big comeback.
I'm a big fan so I'm pretty disturbed by this. I'm not sure what else I can say really. I have always known that he was messed up so this doesn't surprise me when I stop and think about it. I am disappointed that this is more of a recent thing because it did seem like he was getting his life together.
One of my favorite artists. He's always been a mess for sure. Drug abuse and relationship problems. but doesn't effect the music for me. Lets be honest, torturous and tumultuous personal lives often birth great art.
Obviously this upsets me and he should face the consequences that come. Now, in a fair world, the rest of the artists, producers, execs, etc... should be outed because I would say that dangling opportunity to people for personal gain, or sexual returns in the music industry is as about as common as Trump lying.
Funny how Chris Brown still gets a complete pass as he beats and rapes his way around the world, and only now after 30 years and a documentary has R.Kelly finally gotten some small fraction of what he deserves.
They don't operate in the same worlds. Chris Brown gets a free pass because he's mega, mega popular, and the shit he's done doesn't reach a critical mass whereby it would actually ruin him, because he's so big, and his music is so general, that even if he was individually ruined, it would carry on being popular anyway.

Ryan Adams operates in a much smaller niche, so this will likely ruin him, and because he appears to be quite a cunt he's doing himself more damage.
"Indeed, his wondrous solo debut in 2000 was titled Heartbreaker. A report in the New York Times suggests that Adam’s own behaviour towards women has left a lot to be desired. Which rather makes one wonder if the reporters have actually been listening to his music?"

Are there lyrics in his songs about exposing himself to 15 year old girls on webcam too? He's got a lot of albums so I may have missed that one.
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the headline makes the article seem worse than it is.

this isn't the era to discuss or write about an issue such as the Adams case with nuance though. the internet mob reduces people who are perceived to have transgressed in any way to the worst version of the worst thing they've said or done.
Not that Adams hasn't behaved like a complete scumbag! Hopefully being outed will change his behaviour though.
the headline makes the article seem worse than it is.

this isn't the era to discuss or write about an issue such as the Adams case with nuance though. the internet mob reduces people who are perceived to have transgressed in any way to the worst version of the worst thing they've said or done.

This is the most important era to write about such issues with nuance, due to the obstacle you've just described.

Society has a responsibility to understand his transgressions as deeply as possible and avoid the outrage for outrage's sake.

I'd suggest your reaction to his dealings with a minor is more concerning than the broader condemnation of him, in my opinion. The headline seems equitable with the behaviour.
I'd suggest your reaction to his dealings with a minor is more concerning than the broader condemnation of him, in my opinion. The headline seems equitable with the behaviour.

Im curious about how you know what my reaction to his dealings with the minor are since i haven't said anything about it here. I'd suggest you disable the surveillance of my apartment.
If there was sarcasm, I certainly missed it.


lol at equating an opinion about an article with an opinion about Adams having video sex with a teenager. doesn't surprise me that you missed the sarcasm now, your reading abilities are...idiosyncratic.

I didn't say anything about Adams and the kid, I didn't say anything that could be construed as being about that or any of Adams' other actions aside from him being a scumbag. Go to hell for applying vile sentiments to me that not only do I not have but that I didn't even hint at. I was talking about a fucking article for God's sake, not Adam's apparent side career as an aspiring Humpbert Humbert.
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One of his friends, Todd Wisenbaker of La Sera (who tours as a backup guitarist with Adams) has finally spoken out:


I was wondering how long it would take for former bandmates to talk about his behaviour. Given how many people he fucked over there's probably no shortage or people looking to get revenge. I bet Adams' final defense will be "I treat everyone like shit, not just women!"
Scrumpy, it’s pretty gross (not to mention wildly unfair) to intimate that Hollow Island must be okay with Ryan Adams going after underage girls simply because he thinks a headline is misleading.
I think it is pretty clear some wires have been crossed here on both sides.

I thought Hollow Island was referring to the headline/article in the NYT alleging Adams' offences, hence my (fair, I believe) correlation that his views were minimising the allegations — defending Adams by saying he was being reduced to the worst thing he'd said or done, which in my reading was, inappropriate dealings with a minor.

Now I realise, based on reactions in this thread, Hollow Island was in fact referencing the Neil McCormack article, so I withdraw the criticism and apologise for the misunderstanding.

Perhaps the reaction of telling me to "go to hell" is confirmation of the need for nuanced dialogue instead of outrage.
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