Record Store Day 2015 - SOI Deluxe Editon

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
If anyone else happens across an extra copy, I'd be grateful if you could pick one up for me. I can PayPal you the money as well.
Guys I hate to be a downer, but there will be zero copies of this Saturday.
There will be lots of copies at 11:59 PM Friday.

And lots of copies on eBay 12:15 Saturday morning.
Well, I am counting on the fact that there's no new material on this to decrease demand. And none of the hipsters at the record shop I go to had any interest in the Ordinary Love single when it came out.

I don't even know whether the shop will actually get any copies of SOI, but I will be there bright and early because I know they have Citizen Dick and Father John Misty.
Unlike OL, this is an actual special edition album, though. I expect things to be as bad as WAIE, but if I'm wrong, so be it, good luck, and all that. But this thread turning into "Hey could you pick me up a copy?" is just going to lead to disappointment, IMO. Either way, I'm not going to mess with it, myself.
Yeah, what I should of done was posted in the AIWIU2 dept. instead of here. :reject: That makes more sense.
Having said this, I really have zero expectation in being able to obtain a copy. But you don't know, unless you ask. There are some great people around here.
It wasn't you, Roland, sorry, I wasn't trying to discourage you from asking. I just saw this thread turning into a bevy of requests and I thought it needed a touch of Debbie downer.
My offer is off the table, Roland. I forgot all about RSD and booked a whale watching tour instead. Whoops!

(Good thing I wasn't all that sold on standing in line for hours to try and buy one for myself.)

I love you, Bono, you look great. I don't think you're even a teensy bit fat, and so what if you were? Wheeeeeee, less than a month away!
No luck for me. There were 4 copies in different stores within a 20 mile radius. I qued up for an hour but it had already gone. Tried the other shops and they just laughed at me " saying theres only 500 in the uk"

I tried three different places in Connecticut (Before they even opened), and called others in Mass. No dice.
My store had one, in Tampa, FL, and it was gone as soon as they opened apparently.

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I got one!! I went to a record shop in long beach since they opened at 6am and isn't nearly as well known as Amoeba in Hollywood. We called yesterday and we were told that they carried 20 copies of SOI. My fella and I got in line at 4am and when we were about 65 people in. When walked in the store we literally got the last copies. They weren't in sequential order, mine was numbered in the 1200s and his in the 4000s. We also managed to get the RSD releases of Johnny Cash and the Foo fighters. We're so tired but so so so happy!!

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And now we're in a stupidly long line, but at least that means they have stuff? We'll see. This guy in line as apparently never been out before, he's asking the dumbest questions and sounds like he walked straight out of the van from Fast Times.

Edit: oops wrong thread!
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