Recommend An Album

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Pre-Off the Wall as well? Probably. Most Jacko fans would find something likable in most everything from then on though.
I'm in!

And if anyone needs a recommendation, I'll say Separation Sunday- The Hold Steady
Well, how about this: Argus by Wishbone Ash. I just heard that one for the first time the other day. It delves into prog, but it's truly a record for lovers of the electric guitar. I was stunned by how unpretentious and high quality the arrangements and lyricism were, while still showing off their musicianship. Very strong record, and surprisingly catchy.

I'd recommend you something now, but I've given out two already.

I haven't forgotten, LeMel, but I've been really busy with work lately. I did get one listen of it, but it was in the background while I was writing a motion. I want to give it a proper listen before I make a few comments.

Thanks for the recommendation.
No problem. Background listens aren't much use to anyone.

IYup: school has started up, so I'm in a jazz place again. Get Up With It will be heard over the weekend.
Get Up With It was decidedly not heard over that weekend in August, but I heard it on Sunday. Hot, HOT album. I enjoy On The Corner and everything, but it feels fairly simplistic compared to the more fully-formed tunes here. Miles gave himself a massive canvas to work with, and he fills it with a vivid array of sounds that besides funk includes ambient, krautrock and hazy psychedelia that is right up my alley at the moment. Sure, this is a damn long record, but I was engaged for the full two hour duration.

I suppose this thread can continue now.
...I was hoping this would never get bumped so I could stop feeling guilty.
Get Up With It was decidedly not heard over that weekend in August, but I heard it on Sunday. Hot, HOT album. I enjoy On The Corner and everything, but it feels fairly simplistic compared to the more fully-formed tunes here. Miles gave himself a massive canvas to work with, and he fills it with a vivid array of sounds that besides funk includes ambient, krautrock and hazy psychedelia that is right up my alley at the moment. Sure, this is a damn long record, but I was engaged for the full two hour duration.

:love: Glad you liked it. I think that it demonstrates Miles's incredible versatility better than any of his other albums. I also think that it was probably one of the few things that I could have recommended to you that you would not already have heard.

Also, I think that you can find ambient being born in "He Loved Him Madly."
I would argue that it was born a few years earlier on In A Silent Way, but I do find it interesting that Miles was such a purveyor of ambient before Eno made Discreet Music.
Fair point about In a Silent Way. Eno has said that "He Loved Him Madly" was a major inspiration for his ambient work, but I guess that the song really is more of a drone/vamp than an Eno-esque ambient piece. I could not imagine an album like Ravedeath, one of my favorites from this year, without Loved Him Madly, though.
There's a lot of wonderful early ambient out there that predates Eno's work. I would recommend In den Garten Pharaos by Popol Vuh; it's from 1971 and is an excellent early example of drone and krautrock. It's a huge wash of sound that reminds me of what Hecker's doing today, only 40 years beforehand. It's the sonic equivalent of a huge thunderstorm.
If I might make a recommendation to bono_212 to keep things rolling?

Fall Back Open - Now It's Overhead, if you don't already know it.

This was awesome. Good call, totally straight up the middle of my alley. Didn't hurt that the lead singer had some Brandon Flowers in his voice.
Ok, so I've been thinking and I think that I really over-thought this thread the first time around (lots of thinking going on here). So, here's what I'd like to see happen, so this doesn't fade off into procrastination-induced obscurity again. From now on, we'll throw out the list. If you're feeling frisky and you want to listen to music, but can't think of what, come in here and drop a line. Hopefully people will be around with recommendations aplenty. You obviously don't HAVE to listen to what people suggest, but it will go a long way to helping you possibly discover some new music.

So with that in mind, let's try and start things over again and some point. I'll gladly take recommendations any time, myself.
Doubt you'll be able to finish it, but you're welcome to try. That album was made for you.

(Moon Safari is boring, sorry Elfa)
I'm starting it now, but no it doesn't look like I'll have enough time to finish it.

I really like Moon Safari a lot. Though I'm not sure I like it enough to listen to more by Air...we'll see. But I need to go post about this in the Air thread.
An album that I often recommend to people is Now and Again (1989) by The Grapes of Wrath.

"The Grapes" were a Canadian band of folk-rockers. They started as school friends in small city BC, and later made it to Vancouver and had a few albums. Now and Again is certainly the best of them. It was recorded in Woodstock, NY, and produced a few radio hits in Canada, most famously "All The Things I Wasn't".

The sound of this album is somewhat in the vein of The Byrds or Beatles circa 1965-66. It has a very innocent, youthful sound, but with quite serious songs. It's basically a "break-up album" lyrically. What's most impressive is the quality of the songwriting.

"All The Things I Wasn't":
"What was Going Through My Head":
"Do You Want to Tell Me":

(Warning: 80s' hair is visible in some clips.)
It's a great album and obviously had a massive amount of influence on the genre (and if you don't realize that, you're young), but I doubt there are many Air fans out there who'd consider it their best album at this point. Electronica notoriously doesn't age well. :shrug:
It's the most blatant case of false advertising since my suit against the Neverending Story.
Panther, unfortuately I was checking Spotify and that particular album isn't available on there. Do you have another recommendation for me? Or another Grapes of Wrath album?
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