Random Music Talk XCVII: Now With Hot Man Pics!

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Thanks, now I'm having a bit of a Shelton musicathon... Which won't take long, since I only know four of his songs.
I finally heard that trash cover of Gigantic. They turned it into one of those songs dudes run in the rain to at the end of romantic comedies.
Are we continuing the hot pics? Here's Jay-Z driving the point home...

I should probably keep this in the Video Game thread, but I'm pretty f'ing pumped to get an XBOX One tonight.
PS4 with a gaming PC to snatch the Microsoft exclusives is the way to go, but I do wish I had both next gen systems right now.
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I'm more of an entertainment/gaming person, so this is all I need. Plus I refuse to pay for cable and I have a buddy who gives me his cable login, so the ESPN and NFL apps are key for me.
Take notes: When "An Ocean in Between the Waves" is freaking blasting, keep an eye on the speedo, because that SOB in the Porsche really will pull a bonehead maneuver that'll make you miss the early exit you wanted to avoid the road construction.

It's kind of worth it to have it that loud, though. Just don't tell the audiologist I have to see in a few weeks.
I'm more of an entertainment/gaming person, so this is all I need. Plus I refuse to pay for cable and I have a buddy who gives me his cable login, so the ESPN and NFL apps are key for me.

It's a great system with a lot of great games, probably a far better choice of exclusives still compared to what PS4 has to offer. I responded with some recommendations of my favorites in the video game thread.

I love that song, martha. You have no idea how addicted to that album I am at the moment. I honestly haven't been this addicted to a "new group" (new to me, at least) in I don't know how long.

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