Random Music Talk CXXIX: Gump attends a concert

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Baker Boy's debut is here and I highly recommend anyone who reads this post to listen to it. Australia's Indigenous music scene is riding high right now.

Thanks for sharing that, Cobbz - catchy stuff. He's got dance moves too!
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I really shouldn't waste any time writing about a list like that, but here we go.

I mean, I actually counted, and something like 49 out of 200 are women(I'm including the Beach House records there). In a perfect world, you'd like a 50/50 split, but 25% isn't terrible. And then 7 of the top 20 are black artists.

IMO there are bigger things to criticize about the list. I understand that readers voted on this, so this isn't the Pitchfork staff's opinion, it's just a popular vote in the end, and all lists like this are totally subjective, but just some thoughts...

First off, there seems to some recency bias. But that's just a gut response, I could be wrong.

I continue to simply not get the adulation for Kanye West, and that he has seven albums on here mystifies me. That's all I'll say about that.

I have no problem with Radiohead getting six, on the other hand.

I love In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, so I'm happy to see it there, but it is perhaps a bit too high.

Of the three Outkast records there, Spearboxx/Love Below is ranked lowest, which surprises me. I'm not too familiar with their work outside SBLB, but it was the "biggest" of their albums.

Some noticeable omissions:

I know it's the cool thing to not like Coldplay and they haven't been great in a long time, but A Rush Of Blood To The Head was one of the biggest albums of the 00s and it certainly belongs on a list like this. Maybe Parachutes and VLV too, but even if those don't make it Rush should.

I realize that most of Tupac's work was before 1996, but All Eyez On Me came out in 1996. One of the biggest albums of perhaps the most legendary MC ever doesn't make the cut.

Hot Fuss is another of the biggest records of the 00s that didn't make it.

Surprised there's no Lykke Li here, as she used to be a Pitchfork darling.

There are two back albums here, but Midnite Vultures and Morning Phase don't make the cut.

Sigur Ros's "Agaetis Byrjun" is there, but not "()".

Muse's Absolution has an argument.

Would've though Franz Ferdinand's debut would've snuck in.

Timberlake's 20/20 Experience Part 1 was a massively successful pop record just eight years ago, with a huge single to boot. Maybe readers don't wanna vote for him because the Britney stuff?

And here are some that I had little to no expectation of being on a P4K list - so I'm not at all surprised - but that I think should've been.

No RHCP. Obviously they were never, ever a Pitchfork kind of band, but Californication was an enormous album, Stadium Arcadium won grammy awards, etc.

Green Day's "American Idiot" was huge.

Audioslave's debut was one of the best rock records of the 00s imo.

Some 96-99 records that I feel have an argument -

REM's "New Adventures"
Tori Amos's "From The Choirgirl Hotel"
Beastie Boys' "Hello Nasty"
Smashing Pumpkins' "Adore"
DMB's "Crash" or "Before These Crowded Streets"
and although I'm not really familiar without it outside "Bittersweet Symphony", I know The Verve's "Urban Hymns" has a lot of fans here.

And finally, not to be that guy, and obviously I never ever expected them to make a P4K list in 2021, but no Shuttlecock. Just from their 21st century work, ATYCLB was huge album. But even if you don't want to do that, "Pop" falls in the time frame, having come out in 1997.

But whatever, it's just another list. In the end, the biggest conclusion I draw is that I simply don't have much in common with a large bulk of P4K readers in terms of listening habits outside of a mutual love of Radiohead.
The list actually surprised me that it didn’t have more of a recency bias, but I do feel that it was a lacking a little from the first five years of the period. Urban Hymns does seem like an unfortunate exclusion - the album was mammoth (perhaps less so in North American markets?) but is it a case that it, and maybe Hot Fuss, hasn’t aged well in the view of the pitchfork audience? It didn’t even rate well on release from memory.

Delighted to see The National, Tame Impala and War on Drugs feature prolifically. Would have loved to see Grimes’ Art Angels album higher. Listened to it again a few weeks ago and damn it hits sweet spots throughout.
I think the value of a list like this (for me) is that it reminds me to go back and listen to some of these classics again. I've been revisiting 2004 a lot already, but there's a lot of wonderful music on the list that I haven't heard in a long time.
Black Country, New Road just released a new song. Their most recent album finally clicked with me last week - Sunglasses and Opus are super thrilling, Science Fair is messed up in the best way possible. Hope this crew make it to Oz as soon as it’s possible - would be immense live.
Lmfao, The Weather Station is touring with Cassandra Jenkins? Did I dream this?
I really shouldn't waste any time writing about a list like that, but here we go.


First off, there seems to some recency bias. But that's just a gut response, I could be wrong.

Where I noticed this was for Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Two more recent albums made the list (Push The Sky Away and Skeleton Key) but classics like The Boatman's Call and Abattoir Blues/The Lyre Of Orpheus are nowhere to be found.
Lmfao, The Weather Station is touring with Cassandra Jenkins? Did I dream this?

That’s hilarious and perfect. I had no idea. Looks like Cassandra is joining The Weather Station only in the latter part of the tour sadly, so she won’t be opening here in NYC in January. Glad I get to see her solo this week. I have no idea what she plays beyond An Overview on Phenomenal Nature. I have been listening to Play Till You Win this week, but some of these songs definitely do not fit together (some do, and there’s a lot of good stuff - Candy Crane is really pretty). I’ll probably disintegrate when she plays New Bikini, Michelangelo or Hard Drive anyway.
The Weather Station/Cassandra Jenkins is the most February 2021 billing imaginable.

Yes, of course I'm going.
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That’s hilarious and perfect. I had no idea. Looks like Cassandra is joining The Weather Station only in the latter part of the tour sadly, so she won’t be opening here in NYC in January. Glad I get to see her solo this week. I have no idea what she plays beyond An Overview on Phenomenal Nature. I have been listening to Play Till You Win this week, but some of these songs definitely do not fit together (some do, and there’s a lot of good stuff - Candy Crane is really pretty). I’ll probably disintegrate when she plays New Bikini, Michelangelo or Hard Drive anyway.

On top of it, the show is on Travis and I's anniversary. I laughed out loud and then bought tickets. I am so excited to melt into a puddle of tears and sadness when she plays Hard Drive.
I spent the week going through Stereolab’s discography, and here’s the thing: that band fucking rules.

I’m having a very hard time thinking of an act from the last 30 years with a more consistent body of work.
I spent the week going through Stereolab’s discography, and here’s the thing: that band fucking rules.

I’m having a very hard time thinking of an act from the last 30 years with a more consistent body of work.

Saw them a year and a half ago, insanely good live too.
Have we talked about how unbelievably good Little Simz’s Sometimes I Might Be Introvert is? I heard it for the first time yesterday and it blew my mind. Introvert, Woman, I Love You, I Hate You are incredible. This should easily make my end of year list.
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It's SO good. But for some reason YTM won't STOP playing it whenever I turn on basically any radio station. I'm getting so tired of some of the songs now and that really sucks.
Have we talked about how unbelievably good Little Simz’s Sometimes I Might Be Introvert is? I heard it for the first time yesterday and it blew my mind. Introvert, Woman, I Love You, I Hate You are incredible. This should easily make my end of year list.
Go back and listen to Grey Area. In my opinion, it's just as good. She's a treasure.

Ashley and I have tickets for her show in May.
It's SO good. But for some reason YTM won't STOP playing it whenever I turn on basically any radio station. I'm getting so tired of some of the songs now and that really sucks.

Go back and listen to Grey Area. In my opinion, it's just as good. She's a treasure.

Ashley and I have tickets for her show in May.

I enjoyed Grey Area too, really interesting sound throughout, and its brevity was appreciated (the only criticism I might have of Sometimes I Might Be Introvert is its length). I didn't pay too much attention to the lyrics, but clearly some overlapping themes between the two albums. She's great, looking forward to listening to her more.

Also, thanks to cobbler for reminding me that the new Helado Negro is out. Another moody album from him, I like it, but need to listen to it a few more times.

Caetano Veloso is also releasing his new album today. Like most of his recent work it's somewhat of a mixed bag - some really great songs, other failed experiments in my view. Like a lot of Brazilian music today, it kind of lacked a cohesive direction and tried to blend genres in a way that is not that successful to these ears. But getting any new music from a 79-year old icon, and some adventurous music at that, makes me happy. Hopefully he will tour North America soon - he had a solo tour of Europe recently and has been playing in Brazil, so it's a possibility.
Looking forward to your Japanese Breakfast review. You'll have a blast. She's been covering Dolly Parton as well lol

I forgot to respond to this. She was damn good, I'm really happy I went. The opening sequence of Paprika - Be Sweet - In Heaven - The Woman that Loves You was excellent, but somehow the encore was even better: Posing for Cars is a great encore opener with the buildup, and her guitar work is great (I think the only song in which she played lead guitar?). Diving Woman is just an awesome closer, possibly her best song too. It's awesome live.
Guys! Cassandra Jenkins and her band were so awesome live. Apparently it was her first “big” show, so her family and friends were there. Darryl, the driving instructor mentioned in Hard Drive, was there! She told us stories about how she tried to get into the Bowery Ballroom, her favorite music venue, as a teenager, and her fake IDs were not good enough to give her access. She was visibly emotional and shy at times. Her voice was perfect though. At one point she has three people playing sax in different parts of the venue. New Bikini and Hard Drive were really emotional, and it was beautiful to see the crowd reaction to the latter. Unfortunately it was a short set, about an hour. But every minute was worth it.

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By the way, were either of iron yuppie or GAF at Pitchfork? I'm curious about how The Weather Station and Fiery Furnaces sounded. The clips I've seen were so promising.

I mean, this is just gorgeous stuff:

I was there all day Friday, it was a blast. Saw probably ten bands and Phoebe was the highlight...I posted some thoughts about her set earlier in this thread. She's the best. But Fiery Furnaces were a lot of fun. They opened with "Single Again" which is my favorite song of theirs.

I was also able to just walk right up and get a great elevated spot like 10 or 15 yards from the Fiery Furnaces stage. That's one of the things I really love about music festivals. A lot of times it's not that difficult to get a good spot at a fest if you just kinda work your way toward the front.
Guys! Cassandra Jenkins and her band were so awesome live. Apparently it was her first “big” show, so her family and friends were there. Darryl, the driving instructor mentioned in Hard Drive, was there! She told us stories about how she tried to get into the Bowery Ballroom, her favorite music venue, as a teenager, and her fake IDs were not good enough to give her access. She was visibly emotional and shy at times. Her voice was perfect though. At one point she has three people playing sax in different parts of the venue. New Bikini and Hard Drive were really emotional, and it was beautiful to see the crowd reaction to the latter. Unfortunately it was a short set, about an hour. But every minute was worth it.

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Ah shit, I hope she does that with the saxophones at a show where she's the opening act.
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