Random Music Talk CXXIV: Axver's All Out of Ideas

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Unless it’s something none of us could have dreamed of, some reveal that he’s not an idiot but really is a genius, I’m off him forever. Fucking arsehole.
I’m telling you. Dude’s gonna kiss Trump ass and kiss Trump supporter ass and inflate Trump ego and maybe get Trump to do something meaningful politically, and then he’ll run for fucking president over it.
I enjoyed the new Kurt Vile album, but it had one small problem for me that I have often with artists where I *really* like one of their songs: I just spend most of the album wanting to listen to "Pretty Pimpin'". But that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy my listen, I really did, it's good stuff.

Loading Zones, Yeah Bones, One Trick Ponies and Mutinies were the standouts for me.
I was quite bored with blieve I’m goin down sadly. But even if I don’t dig this one too much I’ll always have Wakin on a Pretty Daze, which is a masterpiece and one of those evergreen records.
I've reached the point where I value finding a quiet, fresh-aired place outside between sets more than staying inside to maintain a good spot.

Fuckers never came to Australia. My ultimate gig regret is not flying to their 2011 final tour in the UK because my girlfriend at the time persuaded me we didn't have the money (possibly sound advice at the time but in hindsight the cash was there).

Fuckers never came to Australia. My ultimate gig regret is not flying to their 2011 final tour in the UK because my girlfriend at the time persuaded me we didn't have the money (possibly sound advice at the time but in hindsight the cash was there).

:ohmy:! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Several songs could have been trimmed down or outright removed from the Kurt Vile album, but it still has some great tracks too.

I'm really happy with the new VNV Nation album though. :up:
It’s weird that you’ve never heard it before but at the same time can we pls stop talking about Rock Lobster... that’s the third interference call out in like a week and the last thing I want is that god awful song in my head.
How has anyone not heard of the song Rock Lobster before today....what a blissful life you must lead without that fucking thing in your head nearly every other day for the entirety of your life.

This reminds me of a conversation I was reading on a post in Reddit Politics about a headline calling Arnold Schwarzenegger's latest campaign ad about gerrymandering "wonky". Conversation goes something like this:

1st person explains what Wonky means in a political context.

2nd person throws it out there the headline is probably a poor choice of words since most people would interpret it to mean something messed up or odd rather than the political definition.

3rd person starts in about how it's a very commonly used political term and it was correct in this context.

2nd comes back and says, "Common or not it’s dumb to use this word when the vast majority of people will think it means something poor. I’m tired of journalists and others trying to impress their fellow wonks instead of speaking as clearly as possible."

and then instead of just accepting that, 3rd person doubles down:
"I think you're overthinking this. The word is almost never used as anything other than an adjective for technical. You're the first person I've ever seen think of it like this."

And then that's followed by a bunch of people all saying some version of, how is this the first time you've heard that definition of the word?

It's weird how different our life experiences can be. Travis was just telling me yesterday about a song he'd never heard before and I immediately started singing it and asked, "that one?" and he said yeah. To me it was a very popular song, but he'd gone nearly 28 years without having ever heard it.
I think you're overthinking this. The word is almost never used as anything other than an adjective for technical. You're the first person I've ever seen think of it like this.
i've heard of the song, but i'm 32 years old and don't think i've ever actually listened to the song itself once. i've heard love shack a billion times but i honestly can't recall ever hearing a single other b-52s song.
I would venture to say you ought to have heard it in the sense that it’s a parody of a song in some sense. Like, you’re likely to have heard it being played on some soundtrack as an attempt to be 80s. It’s so annoying.
Private Idaho
Summer of Love
Song for a Future Generation
Love Shack
52 Girls

I would be astonished if some or most of you haven't heard some of those songs at some point. Sheesh, Rock Lobster?
Very interesting other songs you went with there and didn't include Deadbeat Club.
I don't doubt I've heard Rock Lobster at some point but the only B-52s song I can recall off the top of my head is Love Shack and it doesn't make me want to recall anything else they've done. I still find it hard to believe they're not a shitty gimmick band, an Eiffel 65.
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