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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
from the New York Post

October 9, 2003 -- EVERYONE loves the British "art-rock" band Radiohead. Except maybe your co-worker. The person sitting next to you on the subway. Your best friend. And 23-year-old Olenka Denysenko of Manhattan - who definitely won't be catching the band tonight and tomorrow at Madison Square Garden.

"I borrowed one of their albums from a friend when I was on a long bus trip," she recalls. "It was sleepy, mellow and a downer - I was about to slit my wrists."

Denysenko is among the growing number of music buffs who commit the alt-rock equivalent of sacrilege: admitting they don't like Radiohead.

The Internet is ablaze with people like her.

Check Google and you'll find nearly a thousand hits for phrases like "I hate Radiohead," "Radiohead sucks" and "Radiohead is overrated."

"Their music just scares me," says a blogger named Tiffany. "There's nothing so great about this band to me. Hell, to me, they're probably the worst band ever."

"I think they're boring," offers Erin Franzman, 27, an AOL city entertainment guide editor.

"To me, their last good song was 'Creep' because that was the last song that had a hook and was short. I don't like whiny, self-indulgent musicians, which is what I think they are."

The Oxford, England quintet first hooked up in 1987, but didn't put out their first album until 1993's "Pablo Honey," with the single "Creep" receiving considerable radioplay. They have since put out five more albums, each to rave reviews and commercial success.

Other "pop-aware" bands that follow in Radiohead's tradition include Coldplay and the (now defunct) Verve.

Spin Magazine writer Chuck Klosterman is a fan - but admits the band is divisive.

"In New York, everybody that likes music has an opinion about Radiohead," says Klosterman, author of "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto."

"You have to have a very concrete opinion about why you like or dislike Radiohead, and maybe a lot of people are afraid to say they dislike them because they're afraid that their only answer is going to be 'it seems too smart for me.' "

Or maybe too grim. A group of fifth-graders recently exposed to Radiohead in an experiment in San Lleandro, Calif., were asked to draw their reactions to the music. One drew a graveyard scene with tombstones, a man who hanged himself and a booth offering "Free Suicides." Another drew a picture of a child standing on the mountain saying, "I hate my life."

Freelance Web producer Laura Young, 22, has a friend who threw up from excitement after meeting lead singer Thom Yorke. But she says, "I hate the fanaticism of it, it's a little bit too extreme.

"You can feel very intimidated if you're around a bunch of Radiohead fans, it's like they're speaking a different language."

But the tides, they are turning.

"Hating Radiohead is the hipster's dirty little secret," says Franzman, the entertainment guide editor.

"I work with two people who are going to the show, but were just saying that now Radiohead has reached such critcial mass and critical adulation that there's a backlash, so now it might be cool to hate Radiohead."

Spin's Klosterman agrees: "There's definitely now a symbolic value to saying you hate Radiohead - even Kid Rock makes a big deal about hating Radiohead. He even has a video where he's literally using toilet paper with the word 'Radiohead' embossed on it."
Hmm...who do I like better? Kid Rock or Radiohead? Shit, that's a hard one.

Great article! It makes me like Radiohead even more. People just have a hard time listening to music that dosent sound like something they have heard before, again and again.
I really had a good laugh reading this, especially the person saying how Creep was thier last good song. I hope lots of folks hate Radiohead, then there is more for the rest of us to go around.......
Elvis Presley said:
People just have a hard time listening to music that dosent sound like something they have heard before, again and again.
Frank Zappa?
Some people like some bands, some people dont. I just dont get people who go out of their way to make sure others know they hate a certain band. Who cares.

I'm with EP on this one. If others hate Radiohead, so be it. More for me.

"You have to have a very concrete opinion about why you like or dislike Radiohead, and maybe a lot of people are afraid to say they dislike them because they're afraid that their only answer is going to be 'it seems too smart for me.' "
Headache in a Suitcase said:

"I think they're boring," offers Erin Franzman, 27, an AOL city entertainment guide editor.

yep thats exactly it. this person is an editor of entertainment content for the company I work for. outstanding!

to each his/her own, but what a terrible reason for disliking radiohead.
:lol: at Salome and Elvis

Well, everything isn't for everyone. One person traveling wants to slit her wrists listening to Radiohead while another (moi, for example) is soothed for hours while stuck on the runway at DFW airport. I don't get why people find their music depressing--just because it's not shiny happy music doesn't mean it's therefore depressing, but music affects people differently.

"Hating Radiohead is the hipster's dirty little secret," says Franzman, the entertainment guide editor

hating everything that's popular is the way of the so-called hipster
all I know is I love their music, and I'm not trendy or bandwagon-jumping.

they may not be even worth all the hype....but really I don't see any hype by me...just some crap on the internet like "radiohead fan jumps off bridge after catching thom yorke's flying snot".

talk about hype: whatdaya call justin/britney/avril....whatever.
I like the part about Radiohead fans speaking their own language. It feels that way in BandC sometimes, and I love it.

I've never been one to love or hate an artist because they're cool or not cool. It's all about the music. If you all could see my CD collection, you'd love some and hate some. But I love most of it, and that's what matters.
Bunbury said:
Radiohead are ok, their stuff has never blown my mind away.
I don't get the big deal over them.

same here, i was watching their gig on direct tv free view, and did not get in to it(if ya know what i mean).they are good at what they do. and a nice band.
when i watch gnr or u2's rattle and hum its like bullets flying at you.
Has the New York post run out of news stories or something?
I can't see Radiohead or their fans caring too much about an article and some Blogger's quote. I don't like them, but I'm not so lame I would bother writing an article on it.
JOFO said:
all I know is I love their music, and I'm not trendy or bandwagon-jumping.

they may not be even worth all the hype....but really I don't see any hype by me...just some crap on the internet like "radiohead fan jumps off bridge after catching thom yorke's flying snot".

talk about hype: whatdaya call justin/britney/avril....whatever.

Did you go last night or are you going tonight?

I am here in Maywood...went to the show last night!
zoney! said:

Did you go last night or are you going tonight?

I am here in Maywood...went to the show last night!

I couldn't go to either show because of work.:censored:

I already heard all about it and I know it was great.

Glad you went:wave:

BTW, traffic sucks around here these days, no?
I've had a hard time jumping on the bandwagon 'cause the rabid Radiohead fans scare me :( Such as my brother who turns his nose up at great bands like U2 and REM. However I keep meaning to buy a Radiohead album and see what all the hoopla is about :wink:
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