PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii ????

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Zelda, Okami, Marvel Alliance, Guitar Hero......I guess that's it. Oh - Zak and Wiki. I didn't really like that one though.

Despite your indifference to past Mario games, I have to say this one is completely different than anything they've ever done. I still think it's far and away the best thing on the system at this point, and one of the most unique spins I've seen in any game on any system for a while. It's the one thing I think really did a good job "validating" the Wii's old school hardware choice of substituting graphics for gameplay.

Other than that, Smash Bro's, and the two Resident Evils (the port of 4 and the Umbrella Chronicles), I haven't had a great deal of fun with the system either. I guess I should finish Zelda sometime, but I can't even remember what was happening at this point.

There isn't a dang thing coming out for Wii that looks remotely interesting at this point to me either, unfortunately. 3rd party games haven't sold at all, so no one wants to develop for it other than Nintendo, and they're still pulling the BS excuse that "they can't produce anything fast enough to keep up with demand". Good hell, Ninendo. I've yet to see Mario Kart in a store, and it's been out for months. It's not even selling well relatively to actual big sellers either (games which have NEVER had supply issues and have sold millions of more copies than Mario Kart), Nintendo have NO excuse. At this point I'm beginning to think the whole system really was just a "we got lucky and suckered people into thinking this was a hot item and turned it into a phenomenon" type event. The hardware's essentially last gen, the vast majority of the games are absolutely terrible - exclusives or multiplatform, and they're still acting like they can't keep up with demand. After this year's E3, I think they've pretty much crapped on maintaining their own hype. Sure, people who don't know any better will still buy it, but for how long?

I'll add you once I get moved into my new place this weekend. Mine is Mark Cuban.

NSW and LeMac, do you dudes have Xbox Live? If so, add me. My gamertag is U2. (let me know if you add me so I don't reject the friend request, I get a kajillion because people somehow think I actually am U2 because of the "game with fame" things some bands do on Xbox Live)

I do not have it at the moment, but will again soon. My tag is "The Moon Is Up".

I'll add you as soon as I go live again.
Apparently you can actually chainsaw people from the crotch up in Gears of War 2.....

....can't wait.
And I heard you can lick (among other things) people from the crotch up in the new genre-buster Lance's Mom 360.
NSW and LeMac, do you dudes have Xbox Live? If so, add me. My gamertag is U2. (let me know if you add me so I don't reject the friend request, I get a kajillion because people somehow think I actually am U2 because of the "game with fame" things some bands do on Xbox Live)

I wish I had Live. When I get a wireless router, that'll be the first thing I'll try and get going.

Oh, snap, I'll add you, too, once I'm up and running.

Man, I hope to get to kill you fuckers in Gears of War or something.

Your skills are weak, old man.

I'm going to chainsaw you in the crotch.


Apparently you can actually chainsaw people from the crotch up in Gears of War 2.....

....can't wait.

Double yes.
Who will be the first to be tea-bagged and who will be the first to do the tea-bagging?

Only time will tell.
3rd party games haven't sold at all, so no one wants to develop for it other than Nintendo.

No. :doh: Please don't believe whatever ignorant person told you this. It hasn't been true since the Wii became the most desired console on the market. This past month the only 3rd party multiplatform game in the top 10 was Lego Indiana Jones and it sold the most on Wii, over DS and PS2, the "next-gen" console versions didn't even make the top 20. Also regarding Mario Kart, it's sales are much stronger than the previous two iterations for the GameCube and DS in the same time period (already half of Double Dash's LTD total). It's the 4th highest selling game this year as of June, last I checked, directly behind Guitar Hero III which, shock, has sold the most on Wii than all other platforms, sidenote: as did the Aerosmith version.

3rd party games ARE selling, but people have to understand that the ratio of GOOOOOD 3rd party games on Wii in comparison to the other 2 is so out of whack that it's obvious why there is a discrepancy in sales. 360/PS3 get real sequels to series like Soul Calibur IV that was just released, while Wii get's Soul Calibur: Legends, which sucks. These lazy developers only care about money, so they make crappy stuff that will sell enough for them to turn a profit, and they don't have to put any effort into it, thus they have more time to polish the actual worthwhile stuff for everyone else that I'd bet my life would sell most on Wii with it's 10million+ sales lead if given the chance.

If the disgruntled developers actually put effort into a big name franchise and release it for Wii, it will sell. Instead, they would rather make a quick buck with crappy mini game collections and 2nd rate remakes of older games instead of rewarding good sales with high profile titles the 360/PS3 end up getting. (Capcom, I'm looking at you :|) Nintendo just needs to stick it out with their usual great 1st party stuff, until the rest of the industry stops believing games won't sell on their system.

Just to add, don't use Nintendo's E3 as any indication what direction they are going in 2009. They have already showed 1)they don't use E3 any longer as a big deal since it's downsizing to a simple "media briefing" & 2)they don't show games that aren't already far along in development and worthy of being seen which means that new Zelda/Mario/Metroid/Smash Bros/etc aren't complete enough to give a taste to gamers, which shouldnt be surprising at all considering all four franchises have released new installments within the 1st year and 3/4 of Wii's life. It's not like Madden.
The Wii's still not at all enjoyable for me, despite all of that. :shrug:

Maybe if I reach the point in my life where I've stopped playing sports or doing other things outside, I'll turn to the Wii to pretend I'm playing sports outside, but I'm not there yet, thank G-d.
K, I'm gonna try SM Galaxy. If nothing amazing comes out by the time I finish that (IF I finish that) I'm going to be selling the Wii to some lucky ebayer.

ETA - And I dig that chicks ass. Thanks Utoo.
I'll add you once I get moved into my new place this weekend. Mine is Mark Cuban.

Accepted the friend request. Sorry I was so slow, I keep getting a ton of requests lately because people think I'm somehow associated with the freaking band.
I have a Wii back on TO. I haven't had time to really miss it, but I am looking forward to being reunited with it. I will devote my entire last year of law school to passing SM Galaxy and Mario Kart.

Actually, I can't sit still for more than maybe an hour playing that thing, but since I barely watch any TV shows, it fills the gap.
I'm going to come in here once a week to trash the Wii.

Fuck, when I get back to Chicago, I need to wireless my xbox 360 up. Two people in here need to pay. And the cost? Prohibitive.
I've been playing Unreal Tournament III the last few weeks, quite enjoyable. If you were a fan of the original Unreal Tournament game, this one feels the most like it than any of the other sequels have (even though it's still quiet different and has lots of new features/functions, it just feels like how an Unreal game should be).

I find I do best at the game when I imagine everyone I'm shooting is actually one of you pieces of shite. Flack Cannon at point blank range, so nice.
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