prayers needed

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
one of my uncles {john} lost his first wife about 5 yrs ago from a cancer that wasn't detected till it was harder to treat. she died about 3 months alter....if that. :(

he met an old friend {maybe girlfreind} about 3 yrs ago. they reccently got married.

NOOW SHE has Pancreatic cancer.{.one of the worse ones}

she went under surgery today.

her name is MAry please send prayers/goodnthots/vibes their way.

:hug:s in advance
Very sorry to hear this. My Aunt passedaway from the same kind of cancer, so I know what you & your family are going through. You & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers. :hug:
thanks to all :yes:

have GOOD NEWSto report so far

she camerough the surgery fine!:happy:
they got everything they had seen

still need to get the results back from the lymphs nodes.....but they think they caught it early ENOUGH!


i'm sorry, tiny dancer :hug: for your loss.

thanks again........
when i get more news i'll let you know.
dazzled, I know how sometimes internet post can appear really cheesy, but I just hope and prey that Mary's results come back to show that they have caught it. I know that this type of cancer is very difficult to treat if it's not caught early enough.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss Tiny dancer

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