Prayers/good thots needed4Dazz's mom & a pal

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
eeeeeehhhhhhhh :(

A newer friend..she's got Lupus - which she says hasn't been bad..........

BUT now she's got a Thyroid problem....they DON'T know yet Whether it's <sp> Hashimodo's disease- a sneaky to dectect by the usual thyroid tests, maybe something else, or thyroid cancer.

They've taken the fluid from the gland for testing ...2 weeks or less results.

As for my Mom- 1) a puzzling problem of a few months, 2) ADD on a very upsetting change that was going to hapen at some point hapened late last week, PLUS #2 is exasperating a third long-time problem- is going on.

1) She had a "freak" occurance 27 yrs ago, an infection in her breast bone. Part had to be removed.

Now, in that same area it's been oozing, and nothing has stopped it so far. They're going to get her a bone-scan & density test.

For those who don't know/remember she has a untreatable [rotor-cuff muscles atrophied], dislocated shoulder [July].

She was to be transferred to a MORE medicalized floor in the Nursing Home complex of buildings.

She actually enjoyed a whole half-yr more where she was - although at times the attendednts had to help her alot more than they would usually have to continously in that pavillion. That was sometimes not a pleseant experience depanding on the aide.

SO she was finally moved late last week. But 3 weeks earlier her motorized chair was hauled away for repair. So she was prety striped of her abilty to go to most of her usual out-of- the-local TV area activiies and places.

My sis & I -- we don't know what she was expecting but it's hitting her hard. SHhe's now in the pavillion our dad was first in when he arrived [6 mons before her in April 2000].

He's gotten worse [a stroke- with severe short-term memory loss], and was moved to an even further medicalized pavillion.

She has to wait about a week more :madwife: for her to get the motor-chair back. Meanwhile she's "stuck" on a floor with people who are many worse off than she.
She already was [asked to be] moved to a room that at least currently doesn't have a roomate in it. SHe was getting upset with her new roomate who had a speech-slur that was too hard for her to understand.

The eating place looks [my sis's descprition, i haven't madfe it up there yet] more cafetria/instiutional. SIs hasn't described/maybe not seen yet the rest odf the floor yet.

Right now she's absolutely miserable.
ANd THAT has lead to a further increase in her on & off for years psoriasis - that practically has her in tears.

That might not seem SO bad, but for one thing-- HER mom went to the hospital decades ago for an internal itch that they couldn't seem to stop. and she died. The docotrs said......she shouldn't have died. SHe couldn't take it any more.

My mom still has for the most part a bright & interested in lots of stuff mind. Loves fun, beauty [nature/artistic and crafts] & scrabble. It's just that she can dress etc herself any more and her legs have become too weak for her to stand or walk more than a [very] few steps at this point.

We don't want her to "give up". We think she will be better once she gets her motor chair back and gets out of her pavillion for a good amount of time.
But on the otherhand she's NOW really scared to have surgery-- IF she should need it on her breastbone.

:crazy: I'm NOT quite freaking out......but it's still only been 20 hours since I found out about all these NEW details.

SO prayers & good wishes/thoughts are needed.

:hug: :hug:
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Dazz :hug: You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep after the staff to get what your mother needs. That's what my stepmother did when my father was in a nursing home (with varying degrees of success).
prayers and hugs coming your way :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: S

*~*thank you*~* all.....:heart:

I spoke to her last night.
She is/was going for her bone scan today.

:huh: I have NO Idea whether that's an immediate results test, or a wait x days/week or 2 test.

thanks again!
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I saw her today, and she says she's beginning to feel better. Besides the moving to a whole different area..... the 2 hrs for the whole scan really made her sick
She said she had only eaten breafast since thurs.

But today she also ate half her lunch, and a little of dinner.

I had been running around to get up there, so all i had time for at home was 1 cold sparerib, and from the {say it drea!} yes- the PIZZA Store :eek: :wink:
It wasn't a slice- it was a 'pinwheel' dough, cheese, chopped broccoli, spinach & garlic rolled up in a spiral :D
And THAT was at the time diner was rolled in- 6:15P I was hungry!

I gladly ate almost everything she didn't want, AFTER i tried to get her to eat it. :lmao:

SO we got rid of [will give to others] the kind of clothes she can't wear anymore- tees, and dresses that don't have either long button/snaps halfway down, or totally down [too hard to get her arm in sleeve. She still has a bunch ofnice stuff to wear. I helped move around most all her pretty crafts she's made or others have given her as gifts.

I showed her some of my latest art, jewelry ideas, and photos on my digital camera screen. Ahe ejoyed all that very much.

SO we had some laughs and a nice time. So that made me feel better.

and just hope the tests show easliy corrected condition.

:heart: thanks for all your prayers & good thots! :hug:S
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updates & 2 new prayer- sorry :reject:- 2 new diferent requests

well my mom is still feeling on the miserable side............we think it's just everything happeneing so close together.

We stillhave not gotten the bone-scan results in yet.

this is where FIRST NEW prayer request comes in............

for those who don't know my situation.... i have to fight off some " you are being selfish" beratement in my head.

My mom has had illnesses sinse i was 5 1/2 yrs [mostly severe asthma for 20 yrs till new meds really helped], and also varaious "regular" and emergeny surgeries for other dangerous problems she's had sinse i was around 10.

My dad started getting get major depressions [couldn't work] 3 x times sinse i was 16. ANd added physical emrgencies as well.
I've been through ALOT of sh*t with all this....for ages!! [45 yrs]

I am being given the gift of going on a vac for my 50thy b-d [3 yrs back] b/c my sis found out i was finally able to even consider going back on a plane for the first time in 20 yrs so she was finally able to offer it to me!

I've not had the kind of money to go anywhere far in 10 yrs or so, UNLESS maybe i'd saved up and did almost nothing no extra-special art supplies, modest dinners with sis & friends, the U2/Springsteen/patti SMith concerts { which then :bow: sis & friends pay for, and then i pay them back over a long time], and other modest fun "luxuries".

Tho my art is something i hope to make money with again- so it's a pleassure/serious fun and sometimes serious serious.
I DO believe having fun is a psychological NECESSITY for most, if not all people.


This will be the first time i'll get to see the AMAZING light blue/turquoise/teal :drool: waters in ANYWHERE -- I picked Puerto Rico!
I have wanted to be near-by and IN these kind of waters for ? 30 + yrs! :drool:

I went across 1x time and the next summer 2/3rds across and north to so dakota 2nd time in the USA in my late 20's-- when I HAD money like that! NAd could still do alot of the other stuff I mentioned before.I went to the Rockies and OH the south western high desert! Visited SF/LA/Alberquerque/ Colorado Springs too

But i'm kind of afraid the scan diagnosis will come back, and it unfortunately does have a chance at not being an easy cure thing.

MY sis once went away on her first European vac 22 yrs ago...when our mom had one of a freakish deadly thing happen,
They [our folks]sent her off without telling her how sick she was, and that she could have died bofore my sis came back home.

OF course, FIRSTLY.....
I just want for the best - an easy problem to take care of...
OR IF it'd not so good..... to not know TILL AFTER my vac.
Is that TOO much to ask The Powers for??
I don't think so! :sigh:


NOW for some BETTER news :happy:

My friend & her son GOT an apt! just have to cut the check and it's hers !

SO thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BIG {{{HUGS}}} everyone!

Her tests came back --- one came back positive, one the doc decded he didn't want to do another test. They'll just take the lump out and biopsy it there & then.
THis won't be till MArch, so she has a place to go to and start settling into now!

Meanwhile a newer acquaitance of mine, who's closer to a less- new pretty good freind of mine, her building had a pretty big didn't burn out her place- a little water damage, but she now has no place to live, until they check and see what the /if structural damage might be.

SHe kind of wandered away that night [4 days ago] < there areare some other complications>, so didn't get the help she needed then. She snuck back into the roped-off building to sleep.
My friend helped her earlier in the evening to get a 3 night hotel stay thru the RC.
SO i just hope the Red Cross can then settle her into something more permanent for however long.

so any good thots/prayer for these new situations are requested....

thanks :hug:S
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dazzledbylight said:

I am being given the gift of going on a vac for my 50thy b-d [3 yrs back] b/c my sis found out i was finally able to even consider going back on a plane for the first time in 20 yrs so she was finally able to offer it to me!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I just had to add this......
it was U2 that helped me consider going on a plane again!

NOT b/c I could afford it..........

....but a new u2 acquaintence that i met here [ LATE-night net cafe] the night of the 2nd Argentina concert [the last before the break] -- i helped her get on to thew straaming conv\cert site. she just hapened to be sitting next to me when the guy in charge cmae over to help me get into the stream.... sahe made a suggestion i think w/o knowing what i was streaming.

then i happened to glance over and see that she was on U2 com and I showed her her what I had on!

she actaullly paid for half of my net time so Ic ould stay and see the whole thing.

anyway she had hawaii tix.
I ran into ther again during the break....she had gotten her money back for the trippart and was waiting.... she was a bit drunk and said oh come with us [she and her son]-- I'll pay!. I said to her thank you for the generous ofer, but even tho you are inmedia I don't think you mighthave enough money to pay for all that.
But IF i thot she might have I would have seriouslty considered it.

It was because It was a COMBINATION of HAWAII [ those ble/turquoise waters :wink: ] AND U2!!!
honesty if it had been u2 and LA and seriously possible-- i don't think i would have done it. But this combination!

I happen to tell my sis in ealry oct because it was a funnt story...and that's when she said......wellllll..considering that you werte actaully thinking it IF it had been a real OPORTUNITY..... I've been wanting to send you on vacation for a ong time........

WOW! U2 is SO good for SO many things!!!

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