Post here and I will give an archnemesis.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mr Brau
Indeed this thread needs to be in the forefront of our collective conscience.

I think Beav needs to recharge his batteries so to speak. But I can promise, he'll deliver !


So Iwasbored was sitting in front of me and then he took my pencil cause he said he forgot to bring a pencil and I was like "Give me back my pencil - GIVE ME BACK MY PENCIL" but he wouldn't give me back my pencil so I took his paper and then I ripped it up and then he said, "Don't do that" and I said "YOU TOOK MY PENCIL" and then Mrs. Hooper came in and she yelled at me and I sad, "HE TOOK MY PENCIL" and then he said it was his pencil and Mrs. Hooper got all mad at me and told to stop yelling but I wasn't yelling so I got all mad and then I knocked her coffee onto her shirt but I didn't mean it and my mom said I shouldn't feel bad if I did something bad but it was an accident but I should apologize anyway so I did and then she yelled at me so I yelled back and then IWasBored laughed at me so I started to cry but not really cry just a little bit and then Mrs. Hooper told me to go in the hall so I went in the hall and I remembered that I had a Kit Kat in my pocket and i looooooooooooooooooove kit kat bars so I ate it and she got mad again cause it wasn't lunch so she said I shouldn't eat it and she said too that the sugar is no good for me and that it makes me hyper but I don't know what that means so then she,she said that if I wasn't good for the rest of the day then I couldn't play gym tomorrow and we're playing kickball and I really like kickball so I said that I'd, um, I'd be good and then she said that was good and I went back to my seat and IWasBored still wouldnt give my me pencil so I raised my hand but Mrs. Hooper wouldn't call on me so I said, "MRS HOOPER" and then she did call on me and I said, um, I said that IWasBored still wouldn't hand me my pencil and I asked him nice and then she said, she said that I should stop and then she gave me a pencil but it wasn't yellow, it was black, and I wanted my yellow pencil instead, but she didn't have a yellow pencil, just a black one, so I asked IWasBored to trade but at first, he um, didn't and then he did, but then the yellow pencil wasn't sharp anymore so I asked Mrs. Hooper if I could sharpen it, and she said no, and then she said yes, so I went to sharpen it, and then after I was sharpening it for like 3 seconds she told me to stop, but I said it's not sharp enough, and she said it was, and then Jenny Campbell said she was going to give me a sharpener and then Mrs. Hooper said no, and then IWasBored said he'd give me the back pencil back, but I didn't want it, and then Mrs. Hooper....she um....she said to stop and just sit down so I did. And that's why I hate IWasBored.
For Uberbeav (I hope I get this right)

TripThruUreWires (female)
Namkur (male)
BonoChick (female)
ThoraSeb (female)
Mr Brau (male)
BluRmChk (female)
MacHat (female)
IwasBored (female)
LemonMacPhisto (male)
LJT (male)
RedRocksU2 (male)
KatieBu21 (female)
Zootelesque (male)
Lemonchick (female)
00Kevin (male)

the rest of you - I can't remember :shifty:
Lila64 said:
For Uberbeav (I hope I get this right)

TripThruUreWires (female)
Namkur (male)
BonoChick (female)
ThoraSeb (female)
Mr Brau (male)
BluRmChk (female)
MacHat (female)
IwasBored (female)
LemonMacPhisto (male)
LJT (male)
RedRocksU2 (male)
KatieBu21 (female)
Zootelesque (male)
Lemonchick (female)
00Kevin (male)

the rest of you - I can't remember :shifty:

Thanks Lila.

Sorry IWasBored.
:reject: Ahem...excuse me...sorry - it's actually "BluRmGrl", not 'BluRmChk'. :reject:

I'd hate to have the wrong archnemesis assigned to me on a clerical error. :lol:


She will never get an archnemesis. Not on my watch she won't. She tried to kill me. She said I wasn't real. Well, HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW! For over a week I've shut you down. I've kept you from having an archnemesis. You like that? Impressive, right? I owned you, Girl. I made you my bitch. If I'm not getting an arch nemesis, ain't no one gettin' one, especially you. And yet now you come out and call me a clerical error? Oh your soul will burn, and I'll light a cigar off the flame. Then I'll blowthe smoke at your burning soul, and you'll cough, and I'll laugh. HAHAHA. Just like that. HAHAHA. "Clerical error", STFU. And yet, I can't help feeling that this whole twisted turn of events is like some kind of self fulfiling prophecy. Oh, the irony. Bitter, sweet, and so cold. So, so cold.
Lila64 said:
For Uberbeav (I hope I get this right)

TripThruUreWires (female)
Namkur (male)
BonoChick (female)
ThoraSeb (female)
Mr Brau (male)
BluRmChk (female)
MacHat (female)
IwasBored (female)
LemonMacPhisto (male)
LJT (male)
RedRocksU2 (male)
KatieBu21 (female)
Zootelesque (male)
Lemonchick (female)
00Kevin (male)

the rest of you - I can't remember :shifty:

Onebloodonelife (female)
U2VertigoFly (male)
UberBeaver said:


She will never get an archnemesis. Not on my watch she won't. She tried to kill me. She said I wasn't real. Well, HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW! For over a week I've shut you down. I've kept you from having an archnemesis. You like that? Impressive, right? I owned you, Girl. I made you my bitch. If I'm not getting an arch nemesis, ain't no one gettin' one, especially you. And yet now you come out and call me a clerical error? Oh your soul will burn, and I'll light a cigar off the flame. Then I'll blowthe smoke at your burning soul, and you'll cough, and I'll laugh. HAHAHA. Just like that. HAHAHA. "Clerical error", STFU. And yet, I can't help feeling that this whole twisted turn of events is like some kind of self fulfiling prophecy. Oh, the irony. Bitter, sweet, and so cold. So, so cold.
:wink: :up:
Uber you are excellent at these....ever considered your own show...i could hook you up with the right people...

oh, do you need a manager?:wink:
LJT said:
Uber you are excellent at these....ever considered your own show...i could hook you up with the right people...

oh, do you need a manager?:wink:

Never considered it, no. But I'll take one provided:

I can work from home.
I can work at my pace.
Mickey Rourke is in it.
Alicia Witt, Keira Knightly, Sienna Miller are in it.
You can be y manager, sure. I'll give you 10%.
Do you think there's a big cdemand for ArchNemesis shows? Maybe a different arch nemesis every week? I like it. We can call it Arch Nemesisesisi.
Exactly..each week would profile a new arch-nemesis we basically get in the person who the arch-nemesis was created for and set them various challenges, to settle their scores once and for all....

By the way I want at least 25%:mad:
UberBeaver said:

US Strategic Air Command

The Alien Armies have invaded. Launched from Xeckton 7.9 three months ago, they traveled via a wormhole and arrived on the far side of the sun 2 months ago. From there they planned their invasion and chose the time to attack. The US Strategic Air Command was waiting for them. Thanks to satellite imagery, the large alien force was picked up as they left exited the wormhole.

President Bush, excited ever so much by aliens, got right to work. Karl Rove spun the story to make is seem that the issue was illegal aliens, and the southern states mobilized. In Texas, for example, a civilian border patrol watched the Texas/Mexico border.

When the aliens made their move, the US Strategic Air Command launched a sortie of nukes. Several of the alien spacecrafts never made it past Venus thanks to this preemptive strike. But most did.

The aliens blew the Bronx away, said that Queens could stay, and sank Manhattan out to see. President Bush said that was collateral damage, and no big deal, really. He was so happy to finally be meeting the Aliens. He stood on the White House lawn with a little sign that said, "WE WELCOME YOU ALIENS!" Rove and Cheney had the strategic air command, dubbed the "Strategery Air Command" by President Bush, to launch all air units to repel the foreign invasion.

One alien ship, shot down by an F-16 Eagle over Cranston,W Va, was spotted by Euclid P. Brothers, local resident and shop owner in Cranston. "I went to see the wreckage, and some little green alien came runnin over to. She had Green Eyes. I swear, I seen em. Green Eyes. I never knew Mexican's were green, but whatever. I couldn't understand what she was sayin, I ain't never learned Spanish. So I brought her to the sherrif."

Sheriff James McDunough: "Well, Euclid done bring me the little green alien. She says, 'Take me to your leader.' Now, if you know who our leader is, standing out there on a the White House lawn with a little 'Welcome Aliens' sign, you'd have had the same reaction as me, which was, naturally, to laugh and say, 'Don't know that any good will come of that.' And then she pulled out a ray gun and vaporized me left leg. Then she ran off. I'll be honest, I never had a problem with the Mexican's until one of vaporized my leg for making a little joke."

The little alien made her way to Washington DC, asking questions and vaporizing as she went. In the three days it took her to walk from W Va to DC, Dick Cheney authorized an attack on Iran and Syria because they were harboring aliens, and even if they weren't, they would probably do so in the future.

Upon arriving in DC, she met with President Bush who hugged her and asked her if she liked cookies and milk. They were then seen playing hide and go seek in the Capitol building. When the "Strategery Air Command" learned that an alien pilot was seen in the Capitol, they immediately sent agents to capture her so that they could learn more of their enemies in an effort to finally win the war. President Bush said he didn't know were she was, but he had a feeling she was hiding behind a curtain in the oval office. He invited the agents to come take a look.

"Ohhhh GreenEyedGirl, I'm gonna find you." He pushed aside the curtain and lo and behold, there she was. She giggled and Pres Bush said, "Can't beat me at hide and go seek. No siree. Fool me one...uh, won't get fooled again." The agents then rushed GreenEyedGirl and brought her down. She is now in a box in Roswell New Mexico. President Bush was last seen running through the White House with his new "ray gun" pointing is things and saying, "ZAP ZAP - I vaporize, this thing really works. YAY!"

So funny :lol:
Thanks, Uber :hug:
I'm sure Beav is hard at work cooking up another batch of Archnemisis'....Geniuses work on their own clock....

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